February 2003 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Feb 1 07:53:18 EST 2003
Ending: Fri Feb 28 22:25:51 EST 2003
Messages: 477
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Gerry McGovern
- SV: [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Gunnar Langemark
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Jonathan Broad
- [Sigia-l] Is Google Threatening? (was Google vs. Knowledge Management)
Bill Johnstone
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Philip Hall
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Jonathan Broad
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Jonathan Broad
- [Sigia-l] questionaire on mobility of reseachers
ppich at vsnl.net
- [Sigia-l] Ontologies vs. DM-Even Longer-Sorry!
Nuno Lopes
- [Sigia-l] Trust and Design
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Trust and Design
Jonathan Broad
- [Sigia-l] Trust and Design
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Trust and Design
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Ontologies vs. DM-Even Longer-Sorry!
Nuno Lopes
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;000901c2caf0$d86a4480$50aa5bd1 at satellite>
Adam Greenfield
- [Sigia-l] electronic libraries
Louise Ferguson
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Jonathan Broad
- [Sigia-l] accessibility for intranets
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] IA/UX in the Adult Industry?
Beau Lebens
- [Sigia-l] hotel & flight rates Portland IA conference
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] hotel & flight rates Portland IA conference
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] hotel share
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Core set of classification terms
Gerry McGovern
- [Sigia-l] Core set of classification terms
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
Leo Frishberg
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Opportunity in NJ
Handler, Glenn
- [Sigia-l] Core set of classification terms
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] RE: multi-faceted & topic map
Doug Howell (IT)
- [Sigia-l] Some basic question!
Nuno Lopes
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Christopher Gomez
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Christopher Gomez
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Christopher Gomez
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
Cindy Hoffa
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
Peter Boersma
- [Sigia-l] RE: Core set of classification terms
Christopher G. Fox
- [Sigia-l] Washington, DC: IA Reading Group TONIGHT
Dan Brown
- [Sigia-l] Enterprise taxonomy software
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Re: Core set of classification terms
mahons1 at eircom.net
- [Sigia-l] Consultant Richmond Virginia
MBaldridge at infocurrent.com
- [Sigia-l] Some basic question!
Lorelei Brown
- [Sigia-l] How to make Dreamweaver more Visio like?
- [Sigia-l] Re: Core set of classification terms
Laura Norvig
- [Sigia-l] How to make Dreamweaver more Visio like?
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] How to make Dreamweaver more Visio like?
Leona Carpenter
- [Sigia-l] How to make Dreamweaver more Visio like?
Regan Buker
- [Sigia-l] How to make Dreamweaver more Visio like?
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] Survey Results: Future of IA Part II
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Classification is an essential skill
Jonathan Broad
- [Sigia-l] web applications - to integrate or not?
kate.needham at agric.nsw.gov.au
- [Sigia-l] Still Defining the Damn Thing
Travis Wilson
- [Sigia-l] Pre-searched topics VS pre-selected search criteria
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] web applications - to integrate or not?
- [Sigia-l] NYC UPA meeting 2/11
Ilise Benun, (201) 653-0783
- [Sigia-l] New Knowledge Management/Content Management Company
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] Dynamic Content for the Visually Impaired
djhuston at 21stcentury.net
- [Sigia-l] Dynamic Content for the Visually Impaired
- [Sigia-l] this list: subscribing and unsubsciring
Scott Berkun
- [Sigia-l] this list: subscribing and unsubsciring
- [Sigia-l] this list: subscribing and unsubsciring
Scott Berkun
- [Sigia-l] this list: subscribing and unsubsciring
- [Sigia-l] How to make Dreamweaver more Visio like?
Henrik Olsen
- [Sigia-l] Faceted Classification Representations/Deliverables
Luca Rosati
- [Sigia-l] Faceted Classification Representations/Deliverables
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
javier velasco
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Seeking NYC-based Freelance Information Architect
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Simon Wistow
- [Sigia-l] web applications - to integrate or not?
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Ken Bryson
- [Sigia-l] web applications - to integrate or not?
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Information Architecture Summit: 3/21-23; Portland, Oregon, USA
Louis Rosenfeld
- R: [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Luca Rosati
- [Sigia-l] web applications - to integrate or not?
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left na v bar in local navigation
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- R: [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Luca Rosati
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left na v bar in local navigation
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
agency recommendations
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
Leo Frishberg
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
Robert Brown
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Thomas Vander Wal
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Cynthia Ramlo
- [Sigia-l] top user experience design agencies and gurus
Beth Mazur
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
James Kalbach
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Christopher Gomez
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Mary Wisnewski
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left na v bar in local navigation
Mary Wisnewski
- [Sigia-l] [Announcement] New e-mail list announcement
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Christopher Gomez
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Looking for IA Research sources
Jay Kumar
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
George Olsen
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Luca Rosati
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
James Kalbach
- [Sigia-l] proffing user's location
javier velasco
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] AOL 3 month contract position for UI Designer in Dulles, VA
ABratu at QuadraMed.com
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left na v bar in local navigation
Welie, Martijn van
- [Sigia-l] Re: Moving nav bar
- [Sigia-l] Looking for IA Research sources
Jay Kumar
- [Sigia-l] Looking for IA Research sources
Jay Kumar
- [Sigia-l] Composing FAQs- guidelines? resources?
m o r r y
- [Sigia-l] article on Amazon's collaborative filtering algorithm
Victor Lombardi
- [Sigia-l] IA needed -- 2 month e-commerce redesign project
Chung, Hedahne
- [Sigia-l] article on Amazon's collaborative filtering algorithm
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Re: Moving nav bar
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Benjamin Speaks
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Jacky Kwok
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] potential challenge to the dominance of the left nav bar in local navigation
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] JOB : Seattle : User Experience Analyst
Camozzi-Ekberg, Trish
- [Sigia-l] JOB : Seattle : Information Architecht / Interactive Designer
Camozzi-Ekberg, Trish
- [Sigia-l] President's Choice?
Dave Robertson
- [Sigia-l] President's Choice?
Betsy Vera
- [Sigia-l] President's Choice?
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] Re: Composing FAQs- guidelines? resources?
kvoros at si.umich.edu
- [Sigia-l] Examples of sites with allow users to rate / rank items
Lamantia, Joseph C.
- [Sigia-l] Survey Advice
Kristina M. Voros Connell
- [Sigia-l] Survey Advice
Louise Ferguson
- [Sigia-l] Survey Advice
Cinnamon Melchor
- [Sigia-l] Survey Advice
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Survey Advice
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Discovering IA
Heather R Brouillette
- [Sigia-l] Re: Composing FAQs- guidelines? resources?
John Fullerton
- [Sigia-l] moderation (of various sorts)
Steven Champeon
- [Sigia-l] Re: President's Choice?
Lucilla Madamba
- [Sigia-l] Re: President's Choice?
Steven Champeon
- [Sigia-l] Re: President's Choice?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Discovering IA
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Re: President's Choice?
djhuston at 21stcentury.net
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Well, now we know....
mahons1 at eircom.net
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
lisa colvin
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Discovering IA
John Fullerton
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
John Fullerton
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] IA Job: NYC
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources? +CRM ?
lisa colvin
- [Sigia-l] Discovering IA
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
christina wodtke
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Jay Linden
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
lisa colvin
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Sarah A. Rice
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (amazon)
lisa colvin
- [Sigia-l] User Experience in Brisbane - CHI-SIG Brisbane chapter launch
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources? +CRM ?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Jacky Kwok
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Resume review
Daniel R Drop
- [Sigia-l] Fwd: Contract Information Architects wanted in London
Margaret Hanley
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Where does Content Management belong?
J Al Anderson
- [Sigia-l] Where does Content Management belong?
Hilary Marsh
- [Sigia-l] Where does Content Management belong?
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Craig Duncan is out of the office.
Craig Duncan
- [Sigia-l] Where does Content Management belong?
Ann Rockley
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] St. Louis (Missouri, USA) IA Group -- Feb 26
Jeff Lash
- [Sigia-l] Where does Content Management belong?
Beth Mazur
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - Monolingual Thesauri (Survey)
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] TONIGHT: Feb. Seattle Reading Gp: Google!
Melissa Riesland
- [Sigia-l] Personal Information Retrieval?
John McEvoy
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Reading Group: Google followup
Melissa Riesland
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Joe 10
- [Sigia-l] Research and Search Results
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Laura Norvig
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Temporary Contract IA in McLean, VA
- [Sigia-l] Becoming an IA or UXA
Andrea Tanzi
- [Sigia-l] Content Updating Frequency
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] People thinking like computers (was ROI/Value of Search Engine...)
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Becoming an IA or UXA
Peter Boersma
- [Sigia-l] Recruiters specializing in IA
Daniel R Drop
- [Sigia-l] Thick Vs Thin Client
- [Sigia-l] Recruiters specializing in IA
Challis Hodge
- [Sigia-l] The Support Economy (Book Review)
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Andrew H Otwell
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] Research and Search Results
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] Becoming an IA or UXA
Chris Chandler
- SV: [Sigia-l] Becoming an IA or UXA
Gunnar Langemark
- [Sigia-l] Research and Search Results
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Research and Search Results
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Research and Search Results
Derek R
- SV: [Sigia-l] Becoming an IA or UXA
George Olsen
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Mark Reuten
- [Sigia-l] Becoming an IA or UXA
Peter Boersma
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Finnish / Swedish speaking Content Specialist
Anders Renman
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] The Support Economy (Book Review)
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Avi Rappoport
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
George Olsen
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Smith, Denise (Hewitt)
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Make HOTEL reservations
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
George Olsen
- [Sigia-l] Good Experience Live (GEL) | New York | May 2003
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Edward Tufte
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Richard Wiggins
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Richard Wiggins
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Research and Search Results
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] RE: multi-faceted & topic map
Lars Marius Garshol
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
rich at richardwiggins.com
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Beth Mazur
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Good Experience Live (GEL) | New York | May 2003
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
rich at richardwiggins.com
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Examples Sought
- [Sigia-l] A Simplified Model for Facet Analysis
Victor Lombardi
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
scottmcd at cognetics.com
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Flash and User Experience
Andrea Tanzi
- [Sigia-l] Joseph Sokohl/RICH/FRS is out of the office.
Joseph.Sokohl at frit.frb.org
- [Sigia-l] Flash and User Experience
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Info Request: Anyone familiar with Compuware?
Andrew H Otwell
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Ken Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Flash and User Experience
Ken Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Charlotte IA/UX cocktail hour *THURSDAY* night at SouthEnd Brewery
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Richard Wiggins
- [Sigia-l] Make HOTEL reservations
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] IA - Posting
Clifton Evans
- [Sigia-l] Caveat Emptor
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
rich at richardwiggins.com
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Scott McDaniel
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Alex Bainbridge
- [Sigia-l] Latin American IAs x CLIHC 2003
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Caveat Emptor
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
rich at richardwiggins.com
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] good ia book store in los angeles?
Jens Jonason
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Alex Bainbridge
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Info Request: Unstructured Data Management report
Chris Fox
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Ken Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Latin American IAs x CLIHC 2003
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Examples of sites with allow users to rate / rank items - *collected responses*
Lamantia, Joseph C.
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Laura Norvig
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Mike.Steckel at SEMATECH.Org
- McDaniel RE: [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - Monolingual Thesauri (Survey Results)
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Info Request: Unstructured Data Management report
Avi Rappoport
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Richard Wiggins
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] email management (not completely on topic)
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design
Jim Kauffman
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Search and classification
Gerry McGovern
- [Sigia-l] Search and classification
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Screen and Audio Recording for Usability Testing
Lee Shaw
- [Sigia-l] Screen and Audio Recording for Usability Testing
Angela Colter
- [Sigia-l] RE: email management
Ilise Benun, (201) 653-0783
- [Sigia-l] email management (not completely on topic)
Cinnamon Melchor
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design
Susan.E.Hensley at WellsFargo.COM
- [Sigia-l] email management (not completely on topic)
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] IA and other jobs, Towson, MD
Surla, Stacy
- [Sigia-l] Screen and Audio Recording for Usability Testing
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] email management (not completely on topic)
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] email management (not completely on topic)
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Search and classification
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] [Plug] UX Workshops - SiliValley, SF, DC, Milan!
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Search and classification
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Search and classification
Christina Wodtke
- Fw: [Sigia-l] email management (not completely on topic)
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Screen and Audio Recording for Usability Testing
Lamantia, Joseph C.
- [Sigia-l] ROI/Value of Search Engine Design - Resources?
Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] pre and post CMS
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] Product Indexes - Good Examples?
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Product Indexes - Good Examples?
Liz Danzico
- [Sigia-l] Product Indexes - Good Examples?
Dorelle Rabinowitz
- [Sigia-l] AIfIA Leadership Seminar - early registration deadline is tomorrow
Gene Smith
- [Sigia-l] Seeking Advice on When to Use Pop-Ups on an Intranet
Bollaert, Jodi
- [Sigia-l] E-Commerce Search Report
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] E-Commerce Search Report
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Reminder: St. Louis IA meeting this Wednesday Feb 26
Jeff Lash
- [Sigia-l] Christina Zeller is out of the office until March 17th. Contact Tracey Carmichael for immediate assistance.
CZeller at bcsc.bc.ca
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
m o r r y
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
Jesse James Garrett
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Christina Zeller is out of the office until March 17th. Contact Tracey Carmichael for immediate assistance.
CZeller at bcsc.bc.ca
- [Sigia-l] functional / technical requirements checklists
Jamie Long
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Seeking Advice on When to Use Pop-Ups on an Intranet
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Dynamic Site Maps?
Bollaert, Jodi
- [Sigia-l] Dynamic Site Maps?
Chris Croome
- [Sigia-l] Dynamic Site Maps?
- [Sigia-l] Needs Analysis
Ed Housman
- [Sigia-l] functional / technical requirements checklists
John R. Howe
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
Mike Sullivan
- [Sigia-l] What do you call Mr Miss Ms
- [Sigia-l] functional / technical requirements checklists
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] functional / technical requirements checklists
George Olsen
- [Sigia-l] UX Management Consulting
Challis Hodge
- [Sigia-l] Dynamic Sitemaps
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Bollaert, Jodi
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
Simon Wistow
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Martin Langhoff
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] Brief Article of Interest
Tim Salam
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
James Robertson
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Brief Article of Interest
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Pittas Marios
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Beau Lebens
- [Sigia-l] Brief Article of Interest
Andrew McNaughton
- [Sigia-l] Brief Article of Interest
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
- [Sigia-l] Brief Article of Interest
- [Sigia-l] emtree's facets
- [Sigia-l] ERPANET Workshop Bern: Programme Released
Monica Greenan
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Frank Siraguso
- [Sigia-l] UI Design Question - Client Versus Server Side Validation
MJJAIXEN at up.com
- [Sigia-l] Product Indexes - Good Examples?
Kim Ladin
- [Sigia-l] Web-based manuals
Arjun Sabharwal
- [Sigia-l] link guidelines???
Bill Bulman
- [Sigia-l] Decision Trees, Personalization and how to show it all
Thomas.Donehower at nethodcircle.com
- [Sigia-l] Decision Trees, Personalization and how to show it all
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Nancy Zacks
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
- [Sigia-l] [Siglia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] Decision Trees, Personalization and how to show it all
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
anu gupta
- [Sigia-l] [Siglia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
claire at usefulinc.com
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Simon Wistow
- [Sigia-l] [Siglia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Frank Siraguso
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] [Siglia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
Chris Heathcote
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Information Architect needed for perm post in Memphis, Tennessee
Rosa Moran
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
Chad Jennings
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] When Should a Manual be Web-based?
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Mark Burgess
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
John O'Donovan
- [Sigia-l] SMS and phone number labeling
John O'Donovan-INTERNET
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Victor Lombardi
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
George Olsen
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] Word HTML (was: When Should a Manual be Web-based?)
Peter Cook
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] Word HTML - money were my mouth is (was When Should a Manual be Web-based?)
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Ann Rockley
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Andrew H Otwell
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #432 - 22 msgs
Andrew H Otwell
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] "vignette story (was Study: Content Management Tools Fail)"
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] "vignette story (was Study: Content Management Tools Fail)"
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Hilary Marsh
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #432 - 22 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Gill, Harold B. CONT (NALC SSG)
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
John O'Donovan
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
John O'Donovan-INTERNET
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Ann Rockley
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Lisa Caras
- [Sigia-l] Word HTML - money were my mouth is (was When Should a Manual be Web-based?)
Martin, Chris C.
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
John O'Donovan-INTERNET
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] Word HTML - money were my mouth is (was When Should a Manual be Web-based?)
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] the environment of CMS
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] the environment of CMS
Hilary Marsh
- [Sigia-l] More on CMS hilarity
Andrew H Otwell
- [Sigia-l] the environment of CMS
- [Sigia-l] the environment of CMS
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] the environment of CMS
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
- [Sigia-l] Word HTML - money were my mouth is (was When Should a Manual be Web-based?)
- [Sigia-l] Word HTML - money were my mouth is (was When Should a Manual be Web-based?)
Boniface Lau
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
Beth Mazur
- [Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"
christina wodtke
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 22:25:51 EST 2003
Archived on: Tue Dec 6 21:15:27 EST 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).