[Sigia-l] [Siglia-l] SMS and phone number labeling

Chris Heathcote c at deaddodo.com
Thu Feb 27 11:38:01 EST 2003

(I'm sorry, didn't see the original post)

>> So the question is: Since SMS messages can only be sent to Mobile
>> phones (at this point), is Leo only presented with Mobile classified
>> phone numbers to choose from, or all phone numbers in his address book?

You have to let them choose any number they have. Any second-guessing
of which are mobile numbers, and which aren't, will be impossible,
especially with international numbers, and products such as this:
(fixed line phone with SMS capability)

>> Do you label
>> your numbers correctly in your phone or PDA? Are the numbers for people
>> you contact on a regular basis labeled correctly?

For some people, yes. Others have been imported from legacy handsets,
so I have, say, 3 entries for one person (each with 1 phone number).
Assume nothing.

Also, make the lookup work the same way as the phone book (typically
person first, contact details second). People don't remember people's
numbers these days, just the handle/nick/name in their phone address
book. The phone address book is the one piece of mobile functionality
that most people use (and learn to use) - don't create a different way
of doing things just for your app.

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