[Sigia-l] "Study: Content Management Tools Fail"

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Feb 27 19:36:19 EST 2003

"Patrick Neeman" wrote:

> If I'm an IT director, and someone from a content management vendor walks in
> the door... it's the sales person's fault.

There's enough blame to go around here: a person who'd pay a cool million to
buy that contraption should not be an IT director. Neither should the
shareholders look kindly on a CFO, CIO or a CEO who hired the IT director
and/or signed off on the package. But that's just business, they'll most
likely get promotions and bonuses. :-)

Doctors get slapped with malpractice suits, politicians lose elections, ad
agencies lose accounts, sports coaches lose their jobs, etc. IT directors
whose projects are botched seldom get demoted or fired. In that environment,
it's easy for vendors to sell unto "hapless" clients and IT directors who
buy what others do (with safety in numbers) are given a pass. So the miasma

Nullius in Verba 

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