[Sigia-l] UX Management Consulting

Challis Hodge challis at challishodge.com
Mon Feb 24 20:56:04 EST 2003


Are any folks in the customer or user experience space doing strategic or
management consulting? If so, I'm wondering if you've had any experience
with a fixed cost up front vs. percentage of top/bottom line savings fee
structures? How's it working? How's it being received?

I'm happy to summarize and post to the list or discuss on list.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Challis Hodge

challis at challishodge.com

847-830-8638   fax: 253-295-4700
AIM, Y! & MSN: cha11is

UXblog: www.challishodge.com

Customer Experience Strategist
strategy, research, design & usability

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