February 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Feb 1 03:43:50 EST 2004
Ending: Sat Feb 28 00:26:36 EST 2004
Messages: 374
- [Sigia-l] Stanford-Google project
- [Sigia-l] Stanford-Google project
Steven L. MacCall, Ph.D.
- [Sigia-l] Stanford-Google project
rich at richardwiggins.com
- [Sigia-l] The Uncanny Valley
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] thesauri for industry classifications?
Eric Scheid
- Re. [Sigia-l] Information Architect Job Openings with LDS Church
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] thesauri for industry classifications?
theba.islam at lexisnexis.com
- [Sigia-l] Program Reminder: Washington DC, February 10th
Nichole McNeely
- [Sigia-l] Stanford-Google project
Leslie Johnston
- [Sigia-l] Information Architect Job Openings with LDS Church
Pradyot Rai
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Jake Cressman
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Pradyot Rai
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Michael Kay
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Timothy Karsjens
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Johnson, Bryce
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
- [Sigia-l] Your tax dollars at work
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Jeff Lash
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Rick Bond
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
David Wertheimer
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Jesse James Garrett
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Margaret Hanley
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Your tax dollars at work
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Ashk, Adamya
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] CFP: CITSA 2004 Workshop on Virtual Databases
ppich at vsnl.net
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] Re: Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Laura Carlson
- [Sigia-l] Seeking forms examples
Kathy LeMunyon
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Steve Mulder
- [Sigia-l] More About UI job requirements
Jake Cressman
- [Sigia-l] More About UI job requirements
Lord, Ralph
- [Sigia-l] More About UI job requirements
Peter Boersma
- [Sigia-l] IA Slam in Austin
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] IA Position in Los Angeles Area
James Herrera
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
- [Sigia-l] UI job requirements
Brett Ingram
- [Sigia-l] Looking for a CSS editor
Arturo Shaw
- [Sigia-l] Looking for a CSS editor
David Ballantine
- [Sigia-l] Looking for a CSS editor
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Looking for a CSS editor
alfred at thunderstick.com
- [Sigia-l] Stanford-Google project
Jennifer Ward
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Donna Maurer
- Fw: Re: [Sigia-l] Avoiding alienating existing users upon redesign
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Dynamap
- [Sigia-l] in need of quotes
Chang Su
- [Sigia-l] in need of quotes
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Off Topic
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] in need of quotes
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Looking for a CSS editor
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] Looking for a CSS editor
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] queries per term
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Dynamap
Ed Housman
- [Sigia-l] Re: [Sigia-l][OT] Looking for a CSS editor
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] queries per term
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Re: Looking for a CSS editor
Laura Carlson
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
webproject at timeinc.com
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
Laura S. Quinn
- [Sigia-l] Interesting Experiment
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
Michael Fry
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
Michael Fry
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] [OT] Tagging things that are off topic
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Best Practices in Web-based Configurator Design
Jodi Bollaert
- [Sigia-l] Best design practices for indicating access level on web sites
KAMHOLZ,DAVE (HP-FtCollins,ex1)
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
Cindy Alvarez
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
- [Sigia-l] in need of quotes
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Best design practices for indicating access level on web sites
- [Sigia-l] MS Indexing Service 3.0
Emma Dawson
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Hongming Leonard Liaw
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Christopher.Hadden at perficient.com
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #822 - 17 msgs
Jake Cressman
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] [OT] UCD Training / Seminar Events
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] IA Position - Southlake, Texas
Polansky, Adam
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Hongming Leonard Liaw
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Kevin Cheng
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
ashk at ashk.org
- [Sigia-l] secret question & answer
ashk at ashk.org
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Sr. ID for Launch
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Abbe Don
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Kevin Cheng
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Mentors
Daniel R Drop
- [Sigia-l] Re: Mentors
Rachel Powers
- [Sigia-l] Lack of Opportunities for IA
- [Sigia-l] Mentors
- [Sigia-l] Another perspective on IA
- [Sigia-l] Sydney IA Hour - Thursday February 19th
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Fwd: DC2004 CALL FOR PAPERS
Sarah A. Rice
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
George Schneiderman
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Anne Miller
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] Nielly vs. LL Spool J
Mike Brown
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Vic Case
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Christina Wodtke
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] Nielly vs. LL Spool J
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Conal Tuohy
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Hongming Leonard Liaw
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Abbe Don
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Alexandre Castro e Silva - Usability
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Alexandre Castro e Silva - Usability
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] Brazilian Usability and IA (was Ethnographic research?)
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CM
Hilary Marsh
- [Sigia-l] HCI hiphop
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CMS
nb11991 at novabase.pt
- [Sigia-l] Brazilian Usability and IA (was Ethnographic resear ch?)
Mauro Pinheiro
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CM
Scott Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Handling broken links?: RE: Converting static...to CMS
Nicole Colovos
- [Sigia-l] Handling broken links?: RE: Converting static...to CMS
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CM
- [Sigia-l] Handling broken links?: RE: Converting static...to CMS
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
- [Sigia-l] IA Summit roommate required!
Rachel M. Murray
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CM
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] Ethnographic research?
Anne Miller
- [Sigia-l] Handling broken links?: RE: Converting static...to CMS
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Large sites with good level 3+ nav
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Converting static pages in a large intranet site to CM
Mark Burgess
- [Sigia-l] Handling broken links?: RE: Converting static...to CMS
Andrew McNaughton
- [Sigia-l] Handling broken links?: RE: Converting static...to CMS
Scott Nelson
- [Sigia-l] MLB throws a curveball to big Web players
H. Jay Melnick
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #829 - 20 msgs
Hal Gill
- [Sigia-l] THANK YOU! RE: Handling broken links?
Nicole Colovos
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Laurie Gray
- [Sigia-l] NYC UPA meeting this Wed. 2/18: Rapid Development and...
Ilise Benun (201) 653-0783
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] Job Posting: contract and permanent IA roles in London, UK
Andrea Gallagher
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Laurie Gray
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Austin Govella
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Brenda Janish
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what they do
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Emma Dawson
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #831 - 19 msgs
Hal Gill
- [Sigia-l] Interaction Design Institute Ivrea ?
Jake Cressman
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Pradyot Rai
- [Sigia-l] Job: Position: Information Architect/Interaction Designer (2-4 yrs) Chicago, IL USA
Challis Hodge
- [Sigia-l] Re: What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Polansky, Adam
- [Sigia-l] Invitation for 8 March Taxonomies for NASA and Homeland Security
Nancy G. Faget
- [Sigia-l] References for search quotes
Avi Rappoport
- [Sigia-l] Re: What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] MS Indexing Service 3.0
Avi Rappoport
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] verity K2 and taxonomy mangement
Tanya Rabourn
- [Sigia-l] Remote testing
Sulleiro, Andres
- [Sigia-l] Invitation for 8 March Taxonomies for NASA and Homeland Security
- [Sigia-l] Invitation for 8 March Taxonomies for NASA and Homeland Security
Christopher.Hadden at perficient.com
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
Arthur Fink
- [Sigia-l] IA=webmaster?
Ì·éÅ TAN Rong
- [Sigia-l] IA=webmaster?
cwodtke at eleganthack.com
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Joy Schwarz
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Bird of a Feathers (BoFs) at the IA Summit
Margaret Hanley
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Thomas Vander Wal
- [Sigia-l] DIA Beacon -- Hanne Darboven
Jake Cressman
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
javier velasco
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
Tanya Rabourn
- [Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?
- [Sigia-l] Wifi in IA summit?
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Wifi in IA summit?
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] IA=webmaster?
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] Time archives digitized
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
Gent, Andrew
- [Sigia-l] Knowledge or information organization
Marcin Roszkowski
- [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Katherine Lumb
- [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Laurie Gray
- [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] linked search field labels
Tanya Rabourn
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: ASIS&T PNC Annual Meeting
Melissa Riesland
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
- [Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Reminder: Sydney IA Hour - Thursday February 19th
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] kill pop-ups & sell pop-up killers
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Curio
- [Sigia-l] Curio
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Curio
- [Sigia-l] Curio
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Curio
David Hoffer
- [Sigia-l] kill pop-ups & sell pop-up killers
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] kill pop-ups & sell pop-up killers
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Brian Ghidinelli
- [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
David Hoffer
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
Ramón Ortiz
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
- [Sigia-l] kill pop-ups & sell pop-up killers
- [compute] RE: [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Tom Trottier
- [compute] RE: [Sigia-l] how user-initiated pop-ups affect the user experience
Tom Trottier
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Ayyám-i-Há
david_fiorito at vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI)
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Tanya Rabourn
- [Sigia-l] microcontent - a definition?
Avi Rappoport
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture: guidant.com
Melissa Bradley
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
Christina Wodtke
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
Donna Maurer
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
- [Sigia-l] kill pop-ups & sell pop-up killers
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Alfonso Corretti
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Alfonso Corretti
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Alfonso Corretti
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Alfonso Corretti
- [Sigia-l] Administering Search
O'Neill, Todd
- [Sigia-l] MS, Scripting and Standards Compliance (and Food)
H Taylor
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] effective food tasting
CD Evans
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
david_fiorito at vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] effective information architecture sites
Victor Lombardi
- [Sigia-l] Online Card Sort
MJJAIXEN at up.com
- [Sigia-l] Information Architects positions - contract & perm London
Amy Irish
- [Sigia-l] RE: [Sigia-l][OT] effective information architecture sites
Lord, Ralph
- [Sigia-l] RE: [Sigia-l][OT] effective information architecture sites
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] Administering Search
Mike.Steckel at sematech.org
- [Sigia-l] March 2 is deadline for Poster Proposals
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] MS, Scripting and Standards Compliance (and Food)
Alfonso Corretti
- [Sigia-l] Collaboration Software?
Cary Evans
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
- [Sigia-l] Link to Search Field Labels
Alfonso Corretti
- [Sigia-l] OT Interesting perspective
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Locatelli at aol.com
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Ken Bryson
- [Sigia-l] [JOB] Financial systems website consolidation effort at Stanford
Brad Lauster
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
david_fiorito at vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Ken Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Gary Carlson
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Tanya Rabourn
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Gary Carlson
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomies and Classification / Classification Schemes
- [Sigia-l] Difference between Taxonomies and Classification / Classification Schemes
Melvin Jay Kumar
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomiesand Classification / Classification Schemes
- [Sigia-l] Difference between Taxonomies and Classification / Classification Schemes
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomies and Classification / Classification Schemes
Andrew McNaughton
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomiesand Classification / Classification Schemes
- [Sigia-l] [JOB] Financial systems website consolidation effort at Stanford
Brad Lauster
- [Sigia-l] Difference between Taxonomies and Classification / Classification Schemes
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomiesand Classification / Classification Schemes
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomiesand Classification / Classification Schemes
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Visio 2003 > PDF using transparency
Brett Lider
- [Sigia-l] Become an Information Architect
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomies and Clas
Noreen Whysel
- [Sigia-l] Natural Language Searching vs Keyword Searching
Holly Hanna
- [Sigia-l] IA Work in Vancouver
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] IA work in Vancouver, BC - Canada
Bakker, William TBC:EX
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomiesand Classification / Classification Schemes
Tom Trottier
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy open to all - was: Difference between Taxonomies and Clas
- [Sigia-l] Become an Information Architect
- [Sigia-l] Do you want a sitemap with your foam?
- [Sigia-l] Become an Information Architect
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Become an Information Architect
Marcia Morante
- [Sigia-l] Do you want a sitemap with your foam?
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Testing a Search installation or implementation
O'Neill, Todd
- [Sigia-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: Sixth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI'04)
Sanshzar Kettebekov
- [Sigia-l] Workshop: Measuring Web Search Effectiveness: The User Perspective
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] IA (or UX) practicioners in southern Ohio?
Nick Kizirnis
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Testing a Search installation or implementation
Avi Rappoport
- [Sigia-l] IA Slam Update
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] Southern California IAs
Chris Chandler
- [Sigia-l] Testing a Search installation or implementation
Andrew McNaughton
- [Sigia-l] Usability Testing ROI
Jennifer.Gillespie at fitchratings.com
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Design Research
Ralph J. Cressman
- [Sigia-l] Usability Testing ROI
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] Re: Usability Testing ROI
Laura Carlson
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
MJJAIXEN at up.com
- [Sigia-l] Usability Testing ROI
Ben Menoza
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
joel boonstra
- [Sigia-l] Testing a Search installation or implementation
Avi Rappoport
- FW: [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
Karl Groves
- [Sigia-l] OT: ID of emails
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Testing a Search installation or implementation
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
Alexandre Castro e Silva - Usability
- [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
- [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
Dave Collins
- [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
Christina Wodtke
- [Sigia-l] Usability Testing ROI
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] FW: WORKSHOP: Information Modeling and Structured Writing (Toronto)
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] IA Slam Update
Todd R.Warfel
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
Todd R.Warfel
- [OT] Re: [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
- [Sigia-l] UIs from Hell
- [Sigia-l] IA Slam Update
- [Sigia-l] Testing a Search installation or implementation
John Malhinha
- [Sigia-l] coat hangers, umbrellas, and standards
Ed Housman
- [Sigia-l] IA Slam Update
Chris Chandler
- Fw: [Sigia-l] Coat Hanger Usability
Yogesh Tadwalkar
- [Sigia-l] Simmons College (Boston) ASIST Career panel in April
Beatrice Pulliam
Last message date:
Sat Feb 28 00:26:36 EST 2004
Archived on: Tue Dec 6 21:15:47 EST 2011
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