[Sigia-l] Best Practices in Web-based Configurator Design

Jodi Bollaert jodi at bluesunworks.com
Wed Feb 4 18:27:54 EST 2004

Greetings SIGIA...

My assignment:  To improve the usability of a
web-based "vehicle configurator" for a major
automotive company.

I'm studying lots of configurators (both auto and
non-auto) and wondered if anyone in SIGIA might have
some experience with this.  I'm also looking for any
research that may be available.

In case anyone is interested, J.D. Power did a big
survey of automotive manufacturer web sites and part
of their analysis included vehicle configurators.  The
report is called the "2003 Manufacturer Web Site
Evaluation Study, Wave 2".  

In addition, Forrester just came out with a 12-page
white paper called "Online Configurators Need an

Thanks for any help with this.  I'll be glad to post a
summary to the list.


Jodi Bollaert, Principal 
Blue Sun Works 
jodi at bluesunworks.com

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