June 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jun 1 04:00:18 EDT 2006
Ending: Fri Jun 30 16:38:39 EDT 2006
Messages: 104
- Perceptions of abstracts
James Hartley
- WSJ Article on the Impact Factor
Stephen J Bensman
- WSJ Impact Factor Article 2
Stephen J Bensman
- FW: [CHMINF-L] professional associations and impact factors
Eugene Garfield
- " Research with purpose" by colin Steele in Australian Higher Education
Eugene Garfield
- FW: [CHMINF-L] Journal impact factors free public access site
Eugene Garfield
- : Call for Papers: International Conference on WIS & 8th COLLNET Meeting, March 2007
kretschmer.h at t-online.de
- Centrality Measures for Journals included in the JCR
Loet Leydesdorff
- Fw: Sexy
- CFP: SPIE - Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2007)
Katy Borner
- Future UK RAEs to be Metrics-Based
Stevan Harnad
- Jones TH, Hanney S. and Buxton MJ "The journals of importance to UK clinicians: a questionnaire survey of surgeons" BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2006, 6:24 June 8, 2006 - doi:10.1186/1472-6947-6-24
Eugene Garfield
- Nerur S, Sikora R, Mangalaraj G, Balijepally V "Assessing the relative influence of journals in a citation network " COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 48 (11): 71-74 NOV 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Littner Y, Mimouni FB, Dollberg S, Mandel D "Negative results and impact factor - A lesson from neonatology " ARCHIVES OF PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE 159 (11): 1036-1037 NOV 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Barnett R. "A horse named 'Twilight Sleep': the language of obstetric anaesthesia in 20th century Britain " International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 14(4):310-315, October 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Chang TK, Tai ZX "Mass communication research and the invisible college revisited: The changing landscape and emerging fronts in journalism-related studies " JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY 82 (3): 672-694 FAL 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Rajendram R, Lewison G, Preedy VR "Worldwide alcohol-related research and the disease burden " ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM 41 (1): 99-106 JAN-FEB 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Biehl M, Kim H, Wade M "Relationships among the academic business disciplines: a multi-method citation analysis " OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 34 (4): 359-371 AUG 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Kostoff RN, del Rio JA, Cortes HD, Smith C, Smith A, Wagner C, Leydesdorff L, Karypis G, Malpohl G, Tshiteya R "The structure and infrastructure of Mexico's science and technology " Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72 (7): 798-814 SEP 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Jacso P 'Options for presenting search results - Part 2: options for citation searching" Online Information Review 29(4):412-418, 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Tbahriti I, Chichester C, Lisacek F, Ruch P "Using argumentation to retrieve articles with similar citations: An inquiry into improving related articles search in the MEDLINE digital library " Intnl. J. Med Informatics 75 (6): 488-495 Jun 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Wohlin C. "An analysis of the most cited articles in software engineering journals - 1999 " Information & Software Technology 47(15): 957-964, Dec 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Coats AJS "Top of the charts: Download versus citations in the International Journal of Cardiology " International J. of Cardiology 105(2):123-125, Nov 2, 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Wang ZQ, Wang YC, Gao K "A mathematic model for automatic summarization " Fuzzy Systems And Knowledge Discovery , PT 1, Proceedings Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence 3613: 199-202 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Hakansson A "The Impact Factor- a dubious measure of scientific quality" Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 23(4): 193-194, December 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Carretero-Dios H, Santos-Roig MDL, Buela-Casal G " Scientific quality of journals of psychology published in Spain" PSICOTHEMA 17 (4): 669-675 NOV 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Book-impact index: Self-archiving books' cited-reference bibliographies
Stevan Harnad
- Australia stirs on metrics (fwd)
Stevan Harnad
- Musi-Lechuga B, Olivas-Avila JA, Portillo-Reyes V, Villalobos-Galvis F "Scientific production of professors of Psychology at Spanish Universities in journals included in Web of Sciences database " PSICOTHEMA 17 (4): 539-548 NOV 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Fenton JE, O'Connor A, Ullah I, Ahmed I, Shaikh M "Do citation classics in rhinology reflect utility rather than quality? " RHINOLOGY 43 (3): 221-224 SEP 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Adusumilli PS, Chan MK, Ben-Porat L, Mullerad M, Stiles BM, Tuorto S, Fong Y "Citation characteristics of basic science research publications in general surgical journals " Journal of Surgical Research 128 (2): 168-173 Sp. Iss. SI, OCT 2005
Eugene Garfield
- "Free radical biology & medicine the last 20 years: The most highly cited papers " Free Radical Biology and Medicine 39 (10): 1265-1290 NOV 15 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Wertheimer AB. "Quantifying the "goodness" of library history research: A bibliometric study of the 'Journal of Library History/Libraries & Culture' " Libraries & Culture 40(3): 267-284 Summer 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Welsh TS "The Literature of Telemedicine: A Bibliometric Study" Science & Technology Libraries 25(3): 21-34, 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Let 1000 RAE Metric Flowers Bloom: Avoid Matthew Effect as Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Stevan Harnad
- Early citation advantage?
Ian Rowlands
- OA advantage = EA + (AA) + (QB) + QA + (CA) + UA
Stevan Harnad
- Godoy LA "Differences between experts and novices in the review of engineering journal papers " J. of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 132(1): 24-28 Jan. 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Nicholas D, Rowlands I, Huntington P, Russell B. "Opening up the digital box: What deep log analysis can tell us about our digital journal users " Charleston Conference Proceedings 2003: 118-138, 2004. Editor Bazirjian R, Speck V.
Eugene Garfield
- Bakkalbasi N, Goodman D. "Do science researchers use books?" Charleston Conference Proceedings 2004: 55-62, 2006.
Eugene Garfield
- Jogaratnam G, Chon K, McCleary K, Mena M, Yoo J "An analysis of institutional contributors to three major academic tourism journals: 1992-2001 " Tourism Management 26 (5): 641-648 OCT 2005
Eugene Garfield
- FW: [Asis-l] Prof. Vladimir Slamecka passed away
Eugene Garfield
- Triple Helix indicators of knowledge-based innovation systems
Loet Leydesdorff
- Michalopoulos A, Falagas ME "A bibliometric analysis of global research production in respiratory medicine " CHEST 128 (6): 3993-3998 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Jette AM "How do you measure a journal's worth?" Physical Therapy 85(12): 1275-1276 December 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Bergh DD, Perry J, Hanke R " Some predictors of SMJ article impact " STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 27 (1): 81-100 JAN 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Leiding R. "Using citation checking of undergraduate honors thesis bibliographies to evaluate library collections " College & Research Libraries 66(5): 417-429, 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Djulbegovic B, Soares HP, Kumar A "Citation impact of breakthrough interventions for malignant blood disorders. " BLOOD 106 (11): 871A-871A 3115 Part 1, NOV 16 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Soteriades ES, Rosmarakis ES, Paraschakis K, Falagas ME "Research contribution of different world regions in the top 50 biomedical journals (1995-2002)" FASEB JOURNAL 20 (1): 29-34 JAN 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Katerattanakul P, Han B, Hong SG "Objective quality ranking of computing journals " Communications of the ACM 46(10): 111-114 October 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Souza MFSE, Foresti MCPP, Vidotti SABG "Criteria for analysis of the structure of electronic scientific journals" FROM INFORMATION TO KNOWLEDGE : 180-188, 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Forthcoming OA Developments in France
Stevan Harnad
- El-Munshid HA "The theory and uses of citation indexing " Saudi Medical Journal 26(10): 1643-1645, October 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Garcia-Garcia P, Lopez-Munoz F, Callejo J, et al. "Evolution of Spanish scientific production in international obstetrics and gynecology journals during the period 1986-2002 " Europ J. Obstet Gynecol & Reprod Biol. 123 (2): 150-156 Dec 1 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Gupta HM, Campanha JR, Pesce RAG "Power-law distributions for the citation index of scientific publications and scientists " Brazilian J. of Physics 35 (4A): 981-986 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Doyle MW, Julian JP "The most-cited works in Geomorphology " GEOMORPHOLOGY 72 (1-4): 238-249 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Rahm E, Thor A "Citation analysis of database publications " SIGMOD RECORD 34 (4): 48-53 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Bunz U. "Publish or perish: A limited author analysis of ICA and NCA journals" Journal of Communication 55(4): 703-720, Dec. 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Bornmann L, Daniel HD "Criteria used by a peer review committee for selection of research fellows - A boolean probit analysis " International Journal of Selection and Assessment 13(4): 296-303, December 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Matson JL, Malone CJ, Gonzalez ML, McClure DR, Laud RB, Minshawi NF "Clinical psychology Ph.D. program rankings: evaluating eminence on faculty publications and citations " Research in Developmental Disabilities 26 (6): 503-513 Nov- Dec. 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Cartwright VA, McGhee CNJ "Ophthalmology and vision science research - Part 1: Understanding and using journal impact factors and citation indices " Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 31 (10): 1999-2007 OCT 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Lau GT, Law KH, Widerhold G. "Analyzing government regulations using structural and domain information" Computer 38(12): 70- + December 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Sidiropoulos A, Manolopoulos Y. "A citation-based system to assist prize awarding" Sigmod Record 34(4): 54-60 Dec 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Obremskey WT, Pappas N, Attallah-Wasif E, Tornetta P, Bhandari M "Level of evidence in orthopaedic journals" Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American Volume 87A (12): 2632-2638 Dec. 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Shanker AK, Shanker C. "Impact factor: Is it dragging science off course? " Current Science 89(11): 1782-1783 Dec. 10 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Lundberg J, Fransson A, Brommels M, Skar J, Lundkvist I "Is it better or just the same? Article identification strategies impact bibliometric assessments " Scientometrics 66 (1): 183-197 Dec 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Wooding S, Wilcox-Jay K, Lewison G, Grant J "Co-author inclusion: A novel recursive algorithmic method for dealing with homonyms in bibliometric analysis " Scientometrics 66(1): 11-21 December 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Butler L, Visser MS "Extending citation analysis to non-source items " Scientometrics 66(2): 327-343, January 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Evangelou E, Trikalinos TA, Ioannidis JPA "Unavailability of online supplementary scientific information from articles published in major journals " FASEB JOURNAL 19 (14): 1943-1944 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- McGhee CNJ, Cartwright VA "Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology: reflecting on journal evolution " Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 33 (6): 559-561 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Kurmis AP, Kurmis TP "Exploring the relationship between impact factor and manuscript rejection rates in radiologic journals " Academic Radiology 13 (1): 77-83 JAN 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Kroger M "Publication specific impact of articles published by rheological journals " Applied Rheology 15(6): 406-409 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Moed HF. "Citation Analysis of scientific journals and journal impact measures" Current Science 89(12): 1990-1996 December 25 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Lariviere V, Archambault E, Gingras Y, Vignola-Gagne E "The place of serials in referencing practices: Comparing natural sciences and engineering with social sciences and humanities " JASIST 57 (8): 997-1004 JUN 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Al U, Sahiner M, Tonta Y "Arts and humanities literature: Bibliometric characteristics of contributions by Turkish authors" JASIST 57(8):1011-1022, June 2006.
Eugene Garfield
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Fri Jun 30 16:38:39 EDT 2006
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