CFP: SPIE - Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2007)
Katy Borner
Thu Jun 8 23:56:57 EDT 2006
Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2007)
San Jose Marriott and San Jose Convention Center
Santa Jose, CA
January 28 - February 1, 2007
Call for Papers (Due Date: July 17, 2006)
Robert F. Erbacher, Utah State University
Katy Borner, Indiana University
Matti Grohn, CSC - Scientific Computing Ltd
Jonathan C. Roberts, University of Kent at Canterbury
Ming C. Hao, Hewlett-Packard Labs
Pak C. Wong, Pacific Northwest National Labs
Program Committee:
Uwe Brinkschulte, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany); L. E. Greenwade, Idaho
National Engineering and Environmental Lab.; Hans-Georg Pagendarm,
German Aerospace Research Establishment DLR (Germany); Alex Pang,
Univ. of California/Santa Cruz; Aaron Q?uigley, Univ. of Sydney;
Christopher D. Shaw, Georgia Institute of Technology; Deborah
Silver, Rutgers Univ.; Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Univ. of North
Carolina/Charlotte; Yinlong Sun, Purdue Univ.; J. E. Swan II,
Mississippi State Univ.; Craig M. Wittenbrink, NVIDIA; Yingcai
Xiao, Univ. of Akron; William J. Yurcik, Univ. of Illiunois at
This conference covers all aspects of data analysis and visualization
as well as issues affecting successful visualizations. The conference
has grown rapidly over the years and has attracted participants from
throughout the world. We invite you to contribute quality papers
covering research results as well as commericial applications and
The papers from this conference will be published in a bound
proceedings available from SPIE. Authors of the best papers in the
conference will have the option of having extended versions of their
papers reviewed for publication in the Journal of Electronic Imaging
or a future special issue of the Journal of Electronic Imaging
focusing on visualization. Additional information and submission
information can be found at:
# Full papers (8-12 pages) are due from authors by July 17, 2006.
# Short papers and abstracts will be considered for poster presentation only.
# As with last years conference we expect to provide onsite proceedings.
Example topics include, but are not limited to:
* Analysis Techniques and Data Mining
* Visual Analytics
* Biomedical Visualization and Applications
* Data Exploration Using Classical and Novel approaches
* Databases and Visualization
* High Performance Computing and Parallel Rendering
* Information and Scientific Visualization
* Interaction Paradigms and Human Factors
* Internet Imaging, Medical Imaging, Image Processing
* Internet, Web, and Security Visualizations
* Perceptual Issues covering Visual and Auditorial Representations of Data
* Tools and Applications (including case studies)
* Virtual Environments and Data Visualization
* Visual Data Mining
* Volume and Flow Visualization
* Generic Visualization Frameworks and Infrastructures
* Knowledge Domain Visualizations
The conference organizers will also accept poster only presentations,
suggestions on panel topics, and suggestions for invited speakers.
Submission Information
If you would like to submit a paper for publication in the SPIE & IS&T
Conference Proceedings on the subject of visualization and data
analysis please submit your paper online at:
Follow the link under Imaging, Visualization, and Perception:
EI108 Visualization and Data Analysis 2007
Please ignore the fact that the submisison website discusses
submitting an abstract and upload your full paper as an
attachment. This will be steps 5-6 in the process. Please upload you
file as a .pdf (preferred) or Microsoft Word .doc file.
Please contact IS&T/SPIE (ei at or Robert Erbacher
(Robert (dot) Erbacher (at) usu (dot) edu) if you have any questions or
require further information.
Katy Borner, Associate Professor
Information Science & Cognitive Science
Indiana University, SLIS
10th Street & Jordan Avenue Phone: (812) 855-3256 Fax: -6166
Main Library 019 E-mail: katy at
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA WWW:
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