Garcia-Garcia P, Lopez-Munoz F, Callejo J, et al. "Evolution of Spanish scientific production in international obstetrics and gynecology journals during the period 1986-2002 " Europ J. Obstet Gynecol & Reprod Biol. 123 (2): 150-156 Dec 1 2005
Eugene Garfield
Wed Jun 28 13:05:53 EDT 2006
E-Mail : pigarcia at
AUTHOR : Garcia-Garcia P, Lopez-Munoz F, Callejo J, et al.
TITLE : Evolution of Spanish scientific production in international
obstetrics and gynecology journals during the period 1986-2002
BIOLOGY 123 (2): 150-156 DEC 1 2005
Times Cited: 0
OBJECTIVE: The present bibliometric study analyzes Spanish scientific work
published in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in the most important
journals during the period 1986-2002.
STUDY DESIGN: The material studied (779 original documents) was selected
in accordance with the science citation index (SCI) of 2001, obstetrics
and gynecology section, using the EMBASE: Obstetrics and Gynecology
database. We applied the customary rules of bibliometrics: Price's Law of
increase in scientific literature, Bradford's Law of scattering of
scientific literature and Lotka's Law of author productivity. Furthermore,
we analyzed participation index (PaI), the collaboration index and the
superior (%SUP).
RESULTS: The material studied is closer to an exponential adjustment (r =
0.958) than to a linear adjustment (r = 0.856). The journal with the
largest number of originals is Human Reproduction (Bradford's first area),
with 217 articles and that with the highest PaI is Menopause (4.07). The
total number of authors is 1829, who are responsible for 3938 authorships
(2.79% of the authors have a productivity index (PI) > or = 1 and 70.09%
have a PI = 0). The majority of the studies were carried out in hospitals
(47.62%) and universities (23.36%).
CONCLUSION: Spanish productivity in the field of obstetrics and gynecology
increased considerably in the period 1986-2002.
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