February 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Feb 1 09:24:28 EST 2008
Ending: Fri Feb 29 14:13:59 EST 2008
Messages: 146
- **Correction - Jacso, P (Jacso, Peter) The dimensions of cited reference enhanced database subsets ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 31 (5): 694-705 2007
Eugene Garfield
- 11th ISSI Conference
Stephen J Bensman
- [Fwd: Welcome to the 8th Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information - CRICS8]
M.J. Menou
- Accomazzi, A; Eichhorn, G; Kurtz, MJ; Grant, CS; Henneken, E; Demleitner, M; Thompson, D; Bohlen, E; Murray, SS Creation and use of citations in the ADS LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES IN ASTRONOMY V: COMMON CHALLENGES, UNCOMMON SOLUTIONS 69-78, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- A friendly reminder: Invitation to Fourth Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication NCSC 2008
Håkan Carlsson
- Author(s): Schroeder, R (Schroeder, Robert) Pointing users toward citation searching: Using Google scholar and Web of Science PORTAL-LIBRARIES AND THE ACADEMY, 7 (2): 243-248 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Author(s): Uzun, A (Uzun, Ali) Recent trends in renewable energy research: A bibliometric perspective
Eugene Garfield
- Bollen, J; van de Sompel, H Usage Impact Factor: The effects of sample characteristics on usage-based impact metrics JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 59 (1): 136-149 JAN 1 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Castillo, C (Castillo, Carlos); Donato, D (Donato, Debora); Gionis, A (Gionis, Aristides) Estimating number of citations using author reputation STRING PROCESSING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, PROCEEDINGS 107-117, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Changing US Output -- NSF
Loet Leydesdorff
- Cullen, D (Cullen, David) Back to the future: Eugenics - A bibliographic essay PUBLIC HISTORIAN, 29 (3): 163-175 SUM 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Davies, JB; Kocher, MG; Sutter, M Economics research in Canada: a long-run assessment of journal publications CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS-REVUE CANADIENNE D ECONOMIQUE, 41 (1): 22-45 FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Diaz-Puente, JM; Cazorla, A; Dorrego, A Crossing national, continental, and Linguistic boundaries - Toward a worldwide evaluation research community in journals of evaluation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EVALUATION, 28 (4): 399-415 DEC 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Dimitrova, DV (Dimitrova, Daniela V.); Bugeja, M (Bugeja, Michael) The half-life of internet references cited in communication journals NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 9 (5): 811-826 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Donovan, C (Donovan, Claire) The hidden perils of citation counting for Australasian political science AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 42 (4): 665-678 DEC 2007 - and reply by Goldfinch, S
Eugene Garfield
- dynamic animations of journal maps; preprint version
Loet Leydesdorff
- Egghe, L (Egghe, L.) Item-time-dependent Lotkaian informetrics and applications to the calculation of the time-dependent h-index and g-index MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 45 (7-8): 864-872 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- extended CfP: 'Information and Evaluation', Naples September 1-5, 2008
Ohly, H. Peter
- Falagas, ME (Falagas, Matthew E.); Zouglakis, GM (Zouglakis, George M.) Trends in the impact factor of scientific journals MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS, 81 (10): 1401-1402 OCT 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Freshwater, D (Freshwater, D.) Impact factors and relevance of research outputs: one step forward, two back? JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC AND MENTAL HEALTH NURSING, 13 (5): 473-474 OCT 2006
Eugene Garfield
- FW: [CHMINF-L] book on information and publishing
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Libraries, repositories and metric research evaluation (pre-print, free download) (fwd)
Eugene Garfield
- Garcia-Carpintero, E; et al The Spanish presence in editorial boards of international scientific journals: A tool for the promotion of Spanish science
Eugene Garfield
- Gauffriau, M et al, 40 years discussion on the counting of publications
Eugene Garfield
- Giles, MW (Giles, Micheal W.); Garand, JC (Garand, James C.) Ranking political science journals: Reputational and citational approaches PS-POLITICAL SCIENCE & POLITICS, 40 (4): 741-751 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Greenwood, DC (Greenwood, Darren C.) Reliability of journal impact factor rankings BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 7: Art. No. 48 NOV 15 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Gupta, BM (Gupta, B. M.); Dhawan, SM (Dhawan, S. M.); Gupta, RP (Gupta, R. P.) S&T research in India: An overview of its research output and quality
Eugene Garfield
- Havemann, F et al, Measuring diversity of research in bibliographic-coupling networks
Eugene Garfield
- Horta, H (Horta, Hugo); Veloso, FM (Veloso, Francisco M.) Opening the box: Comparing EU and US scientific output by scientific field TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 74 (8): 1334-1356 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
Stevan Harnad
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
Stevan Harnad
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
dwojick at hughes.net
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
Stevan Harnad
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
David E. Wojick
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
Stevan Harnad
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
dwojick at hughes.net
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
Stevan Harnad
- How to Compare IRs and CRs
David E. Wojick
- How to Compare IRs and CRs - or maybe how not to?
Armbruster, Chris
- How to Compare IRs and CRs - or maybe how not to?
Stevan Harnad
- Iglesias, JE; Pecharroman, C Comparing h-indices for scientists in different ISI fields
Eugene Garfield
- Ingwersen, P et al, A national research profile-based immediacy index and citation ratio indicator for research evaluation
Eugene Garfield
- Isaksson, E (Isaksson, Eva) Bibliometric evaluation of Finnish astronomy LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES IN ASTRONOMY V: COMMON CHALLENGES, UNCOMMON SOLUTIONS 111-114, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- ISI Parser Source Files
Loet Leydesdorff
- ISI Parser Source Files
Mogotsi I C Mr, Acc & Fin
- ISI Parser Source Files
Loet Leydesdorff
- ISI Parser Source Files
Mogotsi I C Mr, Acc & Fin
- Jamal, T (Jamal, Tazim); Smith, B (Smith, Brian); Watson, E (Watson, Elizabeth) Ranking, rating and scoring of tourism journals: Interdisciplinary challenges and innovations TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 29 (1): 66-78 FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Stephen J Bensman
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Loet Leydesdorff
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Stephen J Bensman
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Loet Leydesdorff
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Stephen J Bensman
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Loet Leydesdorff
- JCR Total Cites Flaw Example
Stephen J Bensman
- Johnstone, MJ (Johnstone, M. -J.) Journal impact factors: implications for the nursing profession INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW, 54 (1): 35-40 MAR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Kostoff, RN; et al Assessment of science and technology literature of China and India as reflected in the SCI/SSCI CURRENT SCIENCE, 93 (8): 1088-1092 OCT 25 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Kotar, M (Kotar, Mojca) Author cocitation analysis of polyamides specialty 1974-1999 and the modification of multivariate statistics
Eugene Garfield
- Kousha, K (Kousha, Kayvan); Thelwall, M (Thelwall, Mike) The Web impact of open access social science research LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH, 29 (4): 495-507 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Kretschmer, H; Kretschmer, T Distribution of co-author pairs frequencies of the Journal of Biological chemistry explained as social gestalt
Eugene Garfield
- Labanaris, AP; Vassiliadi, AP; Polykandriotis, E; Tjiawi, J; Arkudas, A; Horch, RE Impact factors and publication times for plastic surgery journals PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, 120 (7): 2076-2081 DEC 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Lee, D (Lee, Donywon); Kang, J (Kang, Jaewoo); Mitra, P (Mitra, Prasenjit); Giles, CL (Giles, C. Lee); On, BW (On, Byung-Won) Are your citations clean? COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, 50 (12): 33-38 DEC 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Leite, P (Leite, Paula); Leta, J (Leta, Jacqueline) Productivity and prestige among Brazilian scientists
Eugene Garfield
- Leon, R (Leon, Rebecca); Bayat, A (Bayat, Ardeshir) Part 3: medical literature and impact factors BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE, 68 (2): M24-M25 FEB 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Levitt, JM (Levitt, Jonathan M.); Thelwall, M (Thelwall, Michael) Two new indicators derived from the h-index for comparing citation impact: Hirsch frequencies and the normalised Hirsch index
Eugene Garfield
- Lewison, G (Lewison, Grant) Counting citations: Fractionation of addresses and "World-Scale", a new scalar
Eugene Garfield
- Leydesdorff, L (Leydesdorff, Loet) Caveats for the use of citation indicators in research and journal evaluations JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 59 (2): 278-287 JAN 15 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Leydesdorff, L (Leydesdorff, Loet) On the normalization and visualization of author co-citation data: Salton's cosine versus the Jaccard index JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 59 (1): 77-85 JAN 1 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Libraries, repositories and metric research evaluation (pre-print , free download)
Armbruster, Chris
- Lin, X (Lin, Xia) New visual interfaces for author co-citation mapping
Eugene Garfield
- Loui, RP (Loui, Ronald P.) A citation-based reflection on Toulmin and argument Hitchcock, D; Verheij, B ARGUING ON THE TOULMIN MODEL - NEW ESSAYS IN ARGUMENT ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION 31-38, 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Lucio-Arias, D (Lucio-Arias, Diana) A validation study of HistCite (TM): Using the discoveries of fullerenes and nanotubes
Eugene Garfield
- Lund, D (Lund, Daryl) Is the impact factor important? COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY, 5 (4): 187-187 OCT 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Macias-Chapula, CA et al, Institutional health research collaboration in Mexico. A Bibliometric study
Eugene Garfield
- Martin, BR (Martin, Ben R.) Keeping plagiarism at bay - A salutary tale RESEARCH POLICY, 36 (7): 905-911 SEP 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Matheus, RF (Fabiano Matheus, Renato) Information science network - ISN: Social network analysis of scientific production of LIS field in Brazil
Eugene Garfield
- McCain, KW (McCain, Katherine W.) The relationship between influence and image: Two views of the Oeuvre of Conrad Hal Waddington using historiographic mapping and author Tri-Citation image analysis
Eugene Garfield
- McCain, KW; Silverstein, S Using historiographic mapping to trace persistent highly visible research themes in medical informatics
Eugene Garfield
- McKercher, B (McKercher, Bob); Law, R (Law, Rob); Lam, T (Lam, Terry) Rating tourism and hospitality journals TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 27 (6): 1235-1252 DEC 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Mendez-Vasquez, RI et al Characterization of research groups in the cardio-cerebrovascular field. Spain 1996-2004
Eugene Garfield
- Miguel-Dasit, et al Analysis of the interdisciplinar collaboration in Spanish scientific production on radiology and diagnostic imaging
Eugene Garfield
- Mohammad, AE (Mohammad, Ali E.); Laskin, DM (Laskin, Daniel M.) Citation accuracy in the oral and maxillofacial surgery literature JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 66 (1): 3-6 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Morillo, F (Morillo, Fernanda); de Filippo, D (de Filippo, Daniela) The role of Madrid in the Spanish regional collaboration
Eugene Garfield
- Mugnaini, R (Mugnaini, Rogerio); Meneghini, R (Meneghini, Rogerio); Packer, A (Packer, Abel) Citation profiles in Brazilian journals of the SciELO database in different scientific areas
Eugene Garfield
- Mugnaini, R (Mugnaini, Rogerio); Meneghini, R (Meneghini, Rogerio); Packer, A (Packer, Abel) Citation profiles in Brazilian journals of the SciELO database in different scientific areas
Leticia Strehl
- Mugnaini, R et al, Ways of adequacy for evaluation of Brazilian scientific production: National impact versus international impact
Eugene Garfield
- Must, U (Must, Ulle) History research in a globalized world: a Bibliometric approach
Eugene Garfield
- New paper concerning the h index
Bornmann Lutz
- New paper concerning the h index
Thomas Krichel
- New Ranking of Central and Institutional Repositories
Stevan Harnad
- New Ranking of Central and Institutional Repositories
Thomas Krichel
- New Ranking of Central and Institutional Repositories
Stevan Harnad
- New Ranking of Central and Institutional Repositories (fwd)
Stevan Harnad
- New Ranking of Central and Institutional Repositories (fwd)
Stevan Harnad
- New Ranking of Repositories
Isidro F. Aguillo
- No search/findability problem for OA IRs
Stevan Harnad
- Oelrich, B (Oelrich, Beibei); Peters, R (Peters, Robert); Jung, K (Jung, Klaus) A Bibliometric evaluation of publications in Urological journals among European Union countries between 2000-2005 EUROPEAN UROLOGY, 52 (4): 1238-1248 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Ohniwa, RL (Ohniwa, Ryosuke L.); Hibino, A (Hibino, Aiko); Takeyasu, K (Takeyasu, Kunio) Perspective factor: Past, present and future of life sciences
Eugene Garfield
- Oppenheim, Using the h-index to rank influential British researchers in information science and librarianship JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 58 (2): 297-301 JAN 15 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Ortega, JL (Luis Ortega, Jose); Aguillo, I (Aguillo, Isidro); Cothey, V (Cothey, Viv); Scharnhorst, A (Scharnhorst, Andrea) Exploring visually the European academic web space
Eugene Garfield
- Ortiz, AP (Patricia Ortiz, Ana); et al Basic characteristics of cancer-related research in Puerto Rico: An approach to local and international journals
Eugene Garfield
- Poulos, M (Poulos, Marios); Korfiatis, N (Korfiatis, Nikolaos); Bokos, G (Bokos, George) Towards the construction of a global bibliometric indicator
Eugene Garfield
- Powley, B; Dale, R High accuracy citation extraction and named entity recognition for a heterogeneous corpus of academic papers PROC OF THE 2007 IEEE INTL CONF ON NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING (NLP-KE'07) 119-124, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Rabow, H (Rabow, Hampus) A bibliometric analysis of book based literature
Eugene Garfield
- RAE/REF research
Stevan Harnad
- Robert, C (Robert, Claude); Wilson, CS (Wilson, Concepcion S.); Gaudy, JF (Gaudy, Jean-Francois); Arreto, CD (Arreto, Charles-Daniel) The evolution of the sleep scientific literature over 30 years: A bibliometric analysis
Eugene Garfield
- Rons, N (Rons, Nadine); De Bruyn, A (De Bruyn, Arlette) Quantitative CV-based indicators for research quality, validated by peer review
Eugene Garfield
- Science/NSF report
Loet Leydesdorff
- Science/NSF report
Vladimir Pislyakov
- Science/NSF report
Loet Leydesdorff
- Science/NSF report
Loet Leydesdorff
- Science/NSF report
Loet Leydesdorff
- Science/NSF report
Stephen J Bensman
- Science/NSF report
Loet Leydesdorff
- Science/NSF report
Pikas, Christina K.
- Science/NSF report
Vladimir Pislyakov
- Science/NSF report
Stephen J Bensman
- Science/NSF report
Loet Leydesdorff
- Smith, JA (Smith, Joseph A., Jr.) References and citations - What do they really mean? JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 178 (6): 2246-2246 DEC 2007
Eugene Garfield
- software
clay templeton
- software
Howard White
- software
Chaomei Chen
- software
clay templeton
- software
Loet Leydesdorff
- Sun, Y (Sun, Yuan); Negishi, M (Negishi, Masamitsu); Leydesdorff, L (Leydesdorff, Loet) National and international dimensions of the triple helix in Japan: University-industry-government and international co-authorship relations
Eugene Garfield
- Suresh, V; Raghupathy, N; Shekar, B (Shekar, B.); Madhavan, CEV (Madhavan, C. E. Veni) Discovering mentorship information from author collaboration networks DISCOVERY SCIENCE, PROCEEDINGS 197-208, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Tilley, T; Eklund, P Citation analysis using formal concept analysis: A case study in software engineering DEXA 2007: 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS 545-549, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Totnov, DT (Totnov, Dimitar T.); Murad, AA (Murad, AbdulKader A.) International communication patterns in an emerging interdisciplinary field applications of geographic information systems in public health
Eugene Garfield
- Trimble, V (Trimble, V.); Ceja, JA (Ceja, J. A.) Productivity and impact of astronomical facilities: A statistical study of publications and citations ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 328 (9): 983-994 SEP 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Van, TT (Van, Thanh-Trung); Beigbeder, M (Beigbeder, Michel) From web citation to web co-citation: Discovering relatedness on the web
Eugene Garfield
- Van Eck, NJ (Van Eck, Nees Jan); Waltman, L (Waltman, Ludo) Bibliometric mapping of the computational intelligence field INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNCERTAINTY FUZZINESS AND KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 15 (5): 625-645 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- van Rossum, M (van Rossum, M.); Bosker, BH (Bosker, B. H.); Pierik, EGJM (Pierik, E. G. J. M.); Verheyen, CCPM (Verheyen, C. C. P. M.) Geographic origin of publications in surgical journals BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 94 (2): 244-247 FEB 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Vanz, SADS (Vanz, Samile Andrea de Souza); Matheus, RF (Matheus, Renato Fabiano) Analyzing grey literature from postgraduate programs in social communication in Brazil: Network of influence and citation analysis
Eugene Garfield
- Vasconcelos, S (Vasconcelos, Sonia); Sorenson, M (Sorenson, Martha); Leta, J (Leta, Jacqueline) English proficiency: A potential science indicator?
Eugene Garfield
- Vucovich, LA (Vucovich, Lee A.); Baker, JB (Baker, Jason Blaine); Smith, JT (Smith, Jack T., Jr.)Analyzing the impact of an author's publications JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 96 (1): 63-66 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Wang, CC (Wang, Chun-Chieh); Huang, MH (Huang, Mu-Hsuan); Chen, DZ (Chen, Dar-Zen) Innovative capacity evaluation of main countries based on patent analysis
Eugene Garfield
- Webology: Volume 4, Number 4, 2007
Alireza Noruzi
- West, D (West, Douglas) Directions in marketing communications research - An analysis of the International Journal of Advertising INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING, 26 (4): 543-554 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Wohlin, C (Wohlin, Claes) An analysis of the most cited articles in software engineering journals - 2001 INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, 50 (1-2): 3-9 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Wohlin, C (Wohlin, Claes) Introduction to section most cited journal articles in software engineering INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, 50 (1-2): 2-2 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Yamashita, Y (Yamashita, Yasuhiro); Ueno, S (Ueno, Sen); Tomizawa, H (Tomizawa, Hiroyuki); Kondo, M (Kondo, Masayuki) Influence of the international migration of researchers on national publications in three fields of engineering
Eugene Garfield
- Yang, LL (Yang, Li-Li); Fu, DH (Fu, Dong-Hong); Bai, XP (Bai, Xiao-Ping); Fang, WG (Fang, Wei-Gang); Yao, SY (Yao, Shu-Yin) Citation analysis of the Chinese journal of medical science management
Eugene Garfield
- Yu, H (Yu, Hairong); Wilson, CS (Wilson, Concepcoin S.); Davis, M (Davis, Mari); Cole, F (Cole, Fletcher) Complex data modelling for informetric research
Eugene Garfield
- Zhang, J (Zhang, Jian); Zhu, W (Zhu, Weizhong); Chen, Y (Chen, Yunan); Vogeley, M (Vogeley, Michael); Chen, C (Chen, Chaomei) Analyzing the impact of sloan digital sky survey on astronomical literature: A multiple perspective approach
Eugene Garfield
- Zhao, D (Zhao, Dangzhi) Factor rotation methods in author co-citation analysis: A comparison
Eugene Garfield
- Zulueta, MA (Zulueta, M. A.); Garcia-Gomez, G (Garcia-Gomez, G.); Domenech, I (Domenech, I.); Izquierdo, M (Izquierdo, M.); Moscoso, P (Moscoso, P.) Bibliometry analysis of the research on women and health
Eugene Garfield
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Fri Feb 29 14:13:59 EST 2008
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