New Ranking of Repositories
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Fri Feb 8 10:19:39 EST 2008
The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (
<>) has been updated with data collected
during January 2008. The main new service offered is the Ranking of
Repositories that presents the best 200 ones of the world. The best
ranked are three largest thematic Open Access deposits: Arxiv, dedicated
to physics and related sciences; RePEc, a big effort being made by the
economic science world; and E-LIS committed to Library and Information
Sciences and Documentation.
The ranking still show a concerning academic digital divide between
North American universities and the European ones, as almost the 60% of
the 200 first positions are occupied by North American universities. On
the first positions of the ranking are MIT, Stanford and Harvard
universities. The University of Cambridge, which goes down the list
until 27th position, continues being the first European university that
appears in the ranking followed by Oxford and the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology of Zurich. It is also worth to mention the good
results obtained in general by the Canadian universities that maintains
several institutions very well positioned.
Nordic universities like Helsinki and Uppsala universities continue to
improving their positions in the ranking. And also the universities of
Geneva, Amsterdam and Leipzig show an interesting progress.
Australian National University in Oceania and UNAM from Mexico in Latin
America are improving their positions as regional leaders but they are
also close to world leaders status.
Another interesting result observed is the improvement that Japanese
universities are experimenting. Tokyo and Kyoto universities are
increasing their position in the ranking which reflects the commitment
of these institutions to web publishing. Also, it is worth to mention
the progress that some Chinese universities like the National Taiwan
University, and the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University
of Hong Kong are doing.
Regarding Research Councils there is also a predominance of North
American organizations, like the NIH and NASA in the 2 first positions,
but the European CNRS, Max Planck and CERN are among the top ten
positions in our ranking.
Isidro F. Aguillo
Laboratorio de Cibermetría
Cybermetrics Lab
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. Spain
isidro @
+34-91-5635482 ext 313
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