extended CfP: 'Information and Evaluation', Naples September 1-5, 2008
Ohly, H. Peter
peter.ohly at GESIS.ORG
Thu Feb 14 10:23:04 EST 2008
- Previous message: Robert, C (Robert, Claude); Wilson, CS (Wilson, Concepcion S.); Gaudy, JF (Gaudy, Jean-Francois); Arreto, CD (Arreto, Charles-Daniel) The evolution of the sleep scientific literature over 30 years: A bibliometric analysis
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Call for Papers
Session 'Information and Evaluation' on the 7th RC33 International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Naples September 1-5, 2008.
Session Organizers: H. Peter Ohly (peter.ohly at gesis.org); Max Stempfhuber (max.stempfhuber at gesis.org)
Information and its dissemination are seen as important factors of productivity in global exchange and competition. Here, information is primarily understood as scientific knowledge and research results - which might enhance science itself as well as application domains. On the one hand the question arises, how such information can be acquired, processed and distributed optimally. Approaches such as user participation, data accumulation, value adding and qualitative filtering are of concern. On the other hand, the information on scientific outcomes is used to judge about the structures of disciplines, developments in research and excellence of institutions and individual scientists. This questions the reliability of information and its sources, completeness, comparability and validity of data, as well as the role of indicators for positional judgements.
This session targets at the improvement of information transfer as well as diagnostic procedures on information databases and their mutual relationship. Of interest is also, how the scientific community adapts in this context.
Please send your abstract as soon as possible to session organizers.
The abstract should not be longer than 250 words and it should indicate your name, your email address, your institutional affiliation and up to three keywords.
Extended Deadline for abstracts: February 28 , 2008. The session organizers or the organisation committee will inform you about the acceptance by the end of March at the latest. (for details: http://www.rc332008.unina.it/ e.g. CfP)
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
With kind regards,
Sincères salutations,
H. Peter OHLY
GESIS / IZ Sozialwissenschaften / Lennestr. 30 / 53113 BONN / Germany / Tel.:
+49-228-2281-542 / Fax.: +49-228-2281-4542 / mailto:peter.ohly at gesis.org /
http://www.gesis.org/SocioGuide / http://www.bonn.iz-soz.de/wiss-org
Visitors Address: GESIS / IZ Sozialwissenschaften / Produkte+Marketing / Dreizehnmorgenweg 42 / 53175 BONN (Metro-Stop: Platz der Vereinten Nationen)
(Important: please take notice of the new telephone and FAX numbers!)
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- Previous message: Robert, C (Robert, Claude); Wilson, CS (Wilson, Concepcion S.); Gaudy, JF (Gaudy, Jean-Francois); Arreto, CD (Arreto, Charles-Daniel) The evolution of the sleep scientific literature over 30 years: A bibliometric analysis
- Next message: Rons, N (Rons, Nadine); De Bruyn, A (De Bruyn, Arlette) Quantitative CV-based indicators for research quality, validated by peer review
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