December 2007 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Dec 3 09:47:37 EST 2007
Ending: Mon Dec 31 18:49:14 EST 2007
Messages: 89
- accuracy of Thomson data
Thomas Krichel
- accuracy of Thomson data
Jean-Claude Guédon
- accuracy of Thomson data
Stephen J. Bensman
- accuracy of Thomson data
Loet Leydesdorff
- accuracy of Thomson data
Stephen J Bensman
- accuracy of Thomson data
Loet Leydesdorff
- accuracy of Thomson data
Stephen J Bensman
- accuracy of Thomson data
Stephen J Bensman
- accuracy of Thomson data
Loet Leydesdorff
- accuracy of Thomson data
Eugene Garfield
- accuracy of Thomson data
Stephen J Bensman
- accuracy of Thomson data
Loet Leydesdorff
- accuracy of Thomson data
Stephen J Bensman
- accuracy of Thomson data
Enrique Wulff
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
Armbruster, Chris
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
Thomas Krichel
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
Loet Leydesdorff
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
Pikas, Christina K.
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
B.G. Sloan
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
Loet Leydesdorff
- Accuracy of Thomson data - decentralising data collection and enhancing the scope of scientometrics?
Loet Leydesdorff
- A critical view of the h-index: observations based on a practical application, Costas R (Costas, Rodrigo), Bordons M (Bordons, Maria), PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION 16 (5): 427-432 SEP-OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- After the NIH Green OA Self-Archiving Mandate
Stevan Harnad
- Agarwal A, Agarwal R. "The vulnerability and limitations of impact factor in evaluating quality " Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 100(8):354-355, August 2007.
Eugene Garfield
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Eugene Garfield
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Morris, Steven (BA)
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Pikas, Christina K.
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Morris, Steven (BA)
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Quentin L. Burrell
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Chaomei Chen
- A mathematical theory of citing, Simkin, MV; Roychowdhury, VP, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1661-1673
Eugene Garfield
- A modular sequence of retrieval procedures to delineate a scientific field: from vocabulary to citations and back Bassecoulard, E; Lelu, A; Zitt, M PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.74-84
Eugene Garfield
- Bhattacharya, S, Impact of Indian patents: Assessment through citation analysis Editor(s): TorresSalinas, D; Moed, HF, Source: PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II 95-99, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Bornmann, L; et al Functional use of frequently and infrequently cited articles in citing publications.PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.149-153
Eugene Garfield
- Boyack, KW, Using detailed maps of science to identify potential collaborations (Article, English) PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.124-135
Eugene Garfield
- Boyack, KW; Borner, K; Klavans, R, Mapping the structure and evolution of chemistry research (Article, English) PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.112-123
Eugene Garfield
- Burrell, QL, Hirsch's h-index and Egghe's g-index (Article, English) PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.162-169
Eugene Garfield
- Butler, L; Henadeera, K, Is there a role for novel citation measures for the social sciences and humanities in a national research assessment exercise?PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.170-178
Eugene Garfield
- Campiteli, MG; et al, A research productivity index to account for different scientific disciplines PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.184-188
Eugene Garfield
- Chen, CM; Song, IY; Zhu, WZ, Trends in conceptual modeling: Citation analysis of the ER conference papers (1979-2005) (Article, English) PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.189-200
Eugene Garfield
- Chen, L; et al, A comparative study between international and domestic interdisciplinary journals and specialty journals: PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.201-206
Eugene Garfield
- Chu, H; Krichel, T, Downloads vs. citations in economics: Relationships, contributing factors and beyond PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.207-215
Eugene Garfield
- Citation classics in occupational medicine journals, Gehanno, JF; Takahashi, K; Darmoni, S; Weber, J, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH 33(4). AUG 2007. p.245-251
Eugene Garfield
- Coccia, M, Does bureaucracy affect research performance of public research organizations? (Article, English) PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.216-225
Eugene Garfield
- Danell, JAB; Danell, R, Spiritualised medicine? A bibliometric study of complementary and alternative medicine (Article, English) PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.154-161
Eugene Garfield
- Dellavalle RP, Schilling LM, Rodriguez MA, Van de Sompel H, Bollen J. "Refining dermatology journal impact factors using PageRank" J. American Academy of Dermatology 57(1):116-119, 2007.
Eugene Garfield
- Full-text publications in peer-reviewed journals derived from presentations at two ISSI conferences (Article, English),Aleixandre-Benavent, R; et al, PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.37-44
Eugene Garfield
- FW: GENERAL: accuracy of Thomson data
Pikas, Christina K.
- FW: GENERAL: accuracy of Thomson data
Loet Leydesdorff
- Garfield, Eugene, From the science of science to scientometrics. Visualizing the history of science with HistCite software Editor(s): TorresSalinas, D; Moed, HF PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISSI, VOLS I AND II 21-26, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Gehanno, JF (Gehanno, Jean-Francois); Takahashi, K (Takahashi, Ken); Darmoni, S (Darmoni, Stephan); Weber, J (Weber, Jacques), Citation classics in occupational medicine journals, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH, 33 (4): 245-251 AUG 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Gonzalez L, Campanario JM, Structure of the impact factor of journals included in the Social Sciences Citation Index: Citations from documents labeled "editorial material" JASIST, 58 (2): 252-262 JAN 15 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Help Please on WIKI and/or DATABASE Metrics Software
Lane, Nina M.
- How is science cited on the web? A classification of google unique web citations, Kousha, K; Thelwall, M, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 58 (11). SEP 2007. p.1631-1644
Eugene Garfield
- Institutional collaboration analysis in scientific publishing
Loet Leydesdorff
- International collaboration, mobility and team diversity in the life sciences: Impact on research performance Barjak, F; Robinson, S PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.63-73
Eugene Garfield
- Invitation to Fourth Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication NCSC 2008
Håkan Carlsson
- Jessica Shepherd/Guardian/GNL is out of the office.
Jessica Shepherd
- Jessica Shepherd/Guardian/GNL is out of the office.
Jessica Shepherd
- Jiang X and Mojon D."Filtering duplicate publications in bibliographic databases" Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries: n conjunction with ICEIS 2001 table of contents p.79-88, 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Kasal, P.; Janda, A.; Feberova, J.; Adla, T.; Hladikova, M.; Naidr, J.P.; Potuckova, R. "Evaluation of health care related Web resources based on Web citation analysis and other quality criteria " 2005 27th Annual Intnl Conf of the IEEE : 4 pp., 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Looking for Price 1967 paper
Frank Havemann
- Looking for Price 1976 (not 1967) paper
Frank Havemann
- Looking for Price 1976 (not 1967) paper
Eugene Garfield
- Looking for Price 1976 (not 1967) paper
Frank Havemann
- Looking for Price 1976 (not 1967) paper
Eugene Garfield
- Medina, CC; Noyons, ECM, Combining mapping and citation network analysis for a better understanding of the scientific development:, PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.179-183
Eugene Garfield
- Modelling of bibliometric approaches and importance of output verification in research performance assessment Van Leeuwen, TN RESEARCH EVALUATION 16 (2). JUN 2007. p.93-105
Eugene Garfield
- National and institutional productivity and collaboration in Antarctic science: an analysis of 25 years of journal publications(1980-2004), Dastidar, PG, POLAR RESEARCH 26 (2). 2007. p.175-180
Eugene Garfield
- Onyancha, OB; Ocholla, DN, Is HIV/AIDS in Africa distinct? What can we learn from an analysis of the literature? (Article, English),PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.100-111
Eugene Garfield
- Open access scientometrics and the UK research assessment exercise (Article, English),Harnad, S PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SCIENTOMETRICS AND INFORMETRICS, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.27-33
Eugene Garfield
- Opening the box: Comparing EU and US scientific output by scientific field (Article, English),Horta, H; Veloso, FM TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE 74 (8). OCT 2007. p.1334-1356 ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, NEW YORK
Eugene Garfield
- Origins of measures of journal impact: Historical contingencies and their consequences on current use (Article, English),Archambault, E; Lariviere, V,PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.45-51
Eugene Garfield
- Podlubny I, Kassayova K. "Towards a better list of citation superstars: compiling a multidisciplinary list of highly cited researchers " Research Evaluation 15(3):154-162 December 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Science Citation Index Expanded: The effect of journal editorial policies, Buchanan, RA JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP 33 (5). SEP 2007.p.532-539
Eugene Garfield
- Scientometric Ranking of Research Productivity and Impact
Stevan Harnad
- Sharma OP "Journal Impact Factor: An essential primary quality indicator" Current Science 93(1): 5-5 July 10, 2007.
Eugene Garfield
- SJR portal again
Félix de Moya Anegón
- Stock WG "Folksonomies and Science Communication" Information Services & Use 27:97-103, 2007.
Eugene Garfield
- The determinants of research output and impact: A study of Mexican researchers (Article, English),Gonzalez-Brambila, C; Veloso, FM RESEARCH POLICY 36 (7). SEP 2007. p.1035-1051 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, AMSTERDAM
Eugene Garfield
- The development of scholarly communication about Nanotechnology, 1996-2006
Loet Leydesdorff
- The Effect of open access on citation impact. An analysis of ArXiv's condensed matter section by Henk F. Moed in JASIST November 2007
Eugene Garfield
- The international performance of the South African academic institutions: a citation assessment, Pouris, A HIGHER EDUCATION 54 (4). OCT 2007. p.501-509
Eugene Garfield
- The lifespan of "Informetrics" on the web: an eight year study (1998-2006), Bar-Ilan, J; Peritz, BC PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II. 2007. p.52-62
Eugene Garfield
- Tomaiuolo N "Citations and Aberrations" The Searcher Magazine for Database Professionals 15(7): 17-24, July - August 2007.
Eugene Garfield
- University Cross-Check on Thomson ISI Citation Metrics
Stevan Harnad
- UUK Workwhop on Open Access Mandates and Metrics: PPTs now online
Stevan Harnad
- Van den Besselaar, P;et al, Variety in web spheres between research fields: Content and function Editor(s): TorresSalinas, D; Moed, HF, PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2007: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISSI, VOLS I AND II 85-94, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Wilson AE "Journal Impact Factors are Inflated" Bioscience 57(7):550-551, July-August 2007
Eugene Garfield
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Mon Dec 31 18:49:14 EST 2007
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