Institutional collaboration analysis in scientific publishing
Loet Leydesdorff
Tue Dec 11 04:38:03 EST 2007
<> InstColl.exe
for Institutional Collaboration Analysis
This program enables one to generate a representation of the institutional
coauthorship relations in a document set in terms of the participating
units. Input is a set saved using ISI's Web of Science, and outputs are:
1. cosine.dat provides an input file for Pajek as a visual representation of
the institutional collaboration network within this set. The matrix is
normalized using the cosine.
2. coocc.dat and matrix.dbf are the files which underly cosine.dat.
Coocc.dat is the file before normalization; and matrix.dbf the asymmetrical
data matrix. The latter file can be used for statistical analysis in SPSS,
the former for graph-analytical analysis using UCINet or Pajek.
3. Like ISI.EXE, the program InstColl.EXE produces four databases containing
the information in the original input set in relational format: au.dbf with
the authors; cs.dbf with the address ("corporate sources"); core.dbf with
information which is unique for each record (e.g., the title); and cr.dbf
containing the cited references. The files are linked through the numbers in
core.dbf. If one needs only these files, one is advised to use ISI.EXE,
since the computation of the cosine is computer intensive, and therefore
The routine creating the matrix and the cosine-normalized output uses the
names of institutions in the first subfield of the corporate addresses (in
file cs.dbf) as variable names, and the records in core.dbf as the cases
(rows). The number of documents is unlimited; the number of institutional
addresses is limited to 1024. The institutional names can be edited in the
output files using an ASCII editor (e.g., Notepad).
Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
<mailto:loet at> loet at ;
Visiting Professor, <> ISTIC,
Beijing, 2007-2010; Honorary Fellow <> SPRU,
Now available:
The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated, 385 pp.; US$
The Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society ;
The Challenge of Scientometrics
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