March 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Mar 3 12:42:53 EST 2008
Ending: Sun Mar 30 11:14:33 EDT 2008
Messages: 62
- 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 2008 in Vienna
Schiebel Edgar
- AUTO: Chaomei Chen/Drexel_IST is out of the office. (returning Wed 08/29/2007)
Chaomei Chen
- Bar-Ian, Judit. Informaterics at the beginning of the 21st century - A review. Journal of Informetrics 2 (2008) 1 –52
Eugene Garfield
- Barth, A (Barth, Andreas); Marx, W (Marx, Werner) Mapping high-temperature superconductors - A scientometric approach JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, 21 (2): 113-128 FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- bibliometric methods
Dobri Georgievski
- bibliometric methods
Sebastian Böll
- bibliometric methods
Quentin L. Burrell
- bibliometric methods
Morris, Steven (BA)
- bibliometric methods
Stephen J. Bensman
- bibliometric methods
clay templeton
- bibliometric methods
clay templeton
- bibliometric methods
Dobri Georgievski
- bibliometric methods
Søren Find
- bibliometric methods
Dobri Georgievski
- bibliometrics courses -- syllabi and/or reading lists
Karen Medina
- Blessinger, K (Blessinger, Kelly); Frasier, M (Frasier, Michele) Analysis of a decade in library literature: 1994-2004 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 68 (2): 155-169 MAR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Boya, H (Boya, Hakan); Ozcan, O (Ozcan, Ozal); Mete, AM (Mete, Abdullah M.); Gunal, I (Gunal, Izge) Accuracy of references in journals of hand surgery JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING, 39 (2): 174-180 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Castro-Prieto, MR (Castro-Prieto, Maria Rosa) Intellectual affinities through social network analysis terminology META, 52 (4): 816-838 DEC 2007
Eugene Garfield
- China ranks second in scientific publications since 2006
Loet Leydesdorff
- Citation counts for research evaluation: standards of good practice
Bornmann Lutz
- Clark, T (Clark, Timothy); Wright, M (Wright, Mike) Reviewing journal rankings and revisiting peer reviews: Editorial perspectives JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 44 (4): 612-621 JUN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Coats, AJS (Coats, Andrew J. S.) Most frequently cited and downloaded papers from volumes 99 and 100 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 123 (2): E23-E24 JAN 11 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Contents of Scientometrics, Vol. 75, No. 1 ( January 2008)
Eugene Garfield
- Contents of Scientometrics Vol:74, No:1 (01.2008)
Eugene Garfield
- Contents of Scientometrics Vol:74, No:2 (02.2008)
Eugene Garfield
- Contents of Scientometrics Vol:74, No:3 (03.2008)
Eugene Garfield
- Craig, ID (Craig, Iain D.) The Journal of Sexual Medicine - Impact factor predictions and analysis JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE, 4 (4): 855-858 Part 1 JUL 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Dervos, DA; Kalkanis, T cc-IFF: A cascading citations impact factor framework for the automatic ranking of research publications 2005 IEEE INTELLIGENT DATA ACQUISITION AND ADVANCED COMPUTING SYSTEMS: TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS 668-673, 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Dietrich, JP (Dietrich, J. P.) The importance of being first: Position dependent citation rates on arXiv : astro-ph PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC, 120 (864): 224-228 FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Drawing neural networks
James Hartley
- Drawing neural networks
Frank Havemann
- Drawing neural networks
James Hartley
- Drawing neural networks
Sebastian Böll
- Elkiss, A; Shen, S; Fader, A; Erkan, G; States, D; Radev, D Blind men and elephants: What do citation summaries tell us about a research article? JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 59 (1): 51-62 JAN 1 2008
Eugene Garfield
- EurOpenScholar conference April 4 Southampton
Stevan Harnad
- Evaluative Bibliometrics is on-line
Francis Narin
- Evaluative Bibliometrics is on-line
Morris, Steven (BA)
- Evaluative Bibliometrics is on-line
Loet Leydesdorff
- Fan, JC; McGhee, CNJ Citation analysis of the most influential authors and ophthalmology journals in the field of cataract and corneal refractive surgery 2000-2004 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY, 36 (1): 54-61 JAN-FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting
Frank Havemann
- Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting
kretschmer.h at
- Golubic, R; Rudes, M; Kovacic, N; Marusic, M; Marusic, A Calculating impact factor: How bibliographical classification of journal items affects the impact factor of large and small journals SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS, 14 (1): 41-49 MAR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Heinzkill, R (Heinzkill, Richard) References in scholarly English and American literary journals thirty years later: A citation study COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 68 (2): 141-153 MAR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- How are Social Network Sites Embedded in the Web? An Exploratory Link Analysis by Mike Thelwall
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Jarneing, B (Jarneing, Bo) Complete graphs and bibliographic coupling: A test of the applicability of bibliographic coupling for the identification of cognitive cores on the field level JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 1 (4): 338-356 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Jarneving, B (Jarneving, Bo) Bibliographic coupling and its application to research-front and other core documents JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 1 (4): 287-307 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Jessica Shepherd/Guardian/GNL is out of the office.
Jessica Shepherd
- Johnston, R (Johnston, Ron) Publishing, citations and price GEOFORUM, 38 (1): 4-6 JAN 2007
Eugene Garfield
Leo Egghe
- Kandylas, V; Upham, SP; Ungar, LH Finding cohesive clusters for analyzing knowledge communities ICDM 2007: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING 203-212, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Macdonald, S; Kam, J Ring a ring o' roses: Quality journals and gamesmanship in management studies JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 44 (4): 640-655 JUN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- methodological problem
Ulf Sandström
- methodological problem
Loet Leydesdorff
- Please ignore my previous post --- RE: [SIGMETRICS] Evaluative Bibliometrics is on-line
Morris, Steven (BA)
- Should the h-index be discounted?
Quentin L. Burrell
- Should the h-index be discounted?
Loet Leydesdorff
- Ullah, M (Ullah, Midrar); Butt, IF (Butt, Idrees Farooq) Rating Pakistani medical journals using the principles of citation analysis HEALTH INFORMATION AND LIBRARIES JOURNAL, 25 (1): 50-54 MAR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Uncertainty Reduction, Strong versus Weak Anticipation, and Innovative Capacities in a Triple Helix Model of the Knowledge-based Economy
Loet Leydesdorff
- Vallmitjana, N; Sabate, LG Citation analysis of Ph.D. dissertation references as a tool for collection management in an academic chemistry library COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 69 (1): 72-81 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Virtual Knowledge Studio, 3-month Postdoctoral Fellowship, KNAW, Amsterdam
Andrea Scharnhorst
- Virtual Knowledge Studio, 3-month Postdoctoral Fellowship, KNAW, Amsterdam
Andrea Scharnhorst
- Yao, JT (Yao, JingTao) A ten-year review of granular computing GRC: 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRANULAR COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS 734-739, 2007
Eugene Garfield
Last message date:
Sun Mar 30 11:14:33 EDT 2008
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