Evaluative Bibliometrics is on-line

Francis Narin narinf at COX.NET
Sun Mar 9 00:57:19 EST 2008

I have just learned that Steve Morris scanned a copy of my 1976 Monograph " Evaluative Bibliometrics : The Use of Publication and Citation Analysis in the Evaluation of Scientific Activity" . It is available at his web site 


In looking over the Monograph after 32 years it is surprising how many of the topics we dealt with in 1976 are still being actively discussed today, from adequacy of the SCI, to journal and subfield mapping, to journal influence, scientific productivity, correlation with non-literature methods, university rankings and the like.

Most of you are probably not aware that the Influence Methodology, which is Chapter VII of the monograph, and also found in "Citation Influence for Journal Aggregates of Scientific Publications: Theory, with Application to the Literature of Physics,"Gabriel Pinski and Francis Narin.  Information Process­ing and Management, 12, 5, 297-312, 1976. ,  which Gabe Pinski and I developed to have a better way of ranking  journals than the Impact Factor, was cited and used by  Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page at Stanford in developing the strategy for a new search engine they called  Google. See  http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/sciam99.html

Francis Narin
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