Contents of Scientometrics Vol:74, No:2 (02.2008)
Eugene Garfield
Wed Mar 5 17:46:54 EST 2008
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008)
TITLE: Persistent nepotism in peer-review 175
E-mail: ulfsa at
aDepartment for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Linköping University,
Lingköping (Sweden)
bDepartment of Sociology & Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm
University, Stockholm (Sweden)
In a replication of the high-profile contribution by Wennerås and Wold on
grant peer-review, we investigate new applications processed by the medical
research council in Sweden. Introducing a normalisation method for ranking
applications that takes into account the differences between committees, we
also use a normalisation of bibliometric measures by field. Finally, we
perform a regression analysis with interaction effects. Our results
indicate that female principal investigators (PIs) receive a bonus of 10%
on scores, in relation to their male colleagues. However, male and female
PIs having a reviewer affiliation collect an even higher bonus,
approximately 15%. Nepotism seems to be a persistent problem in the Swedish
grant peer review system.
Address for correspondence:
Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Linköping University
58183 Lingköping, Sweden
E-mail: ulfsa at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 175–189
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0211-3
TITLE : Relations between national research investment and publication
output: Application to an American Paradox 191
Loyola College and WTEC, Baltimore (USA)
E-mail : E-mail: shelton at
The term “European Paradox” describes the perceived failure of the EU to
capture full benefits of its leadership of science as measured by
publications and some other indicators. This paper investigates what might
be called the “American Paradox,” the decline in scientific publication
share of the U.S. despite world-leading investments in research and
development (R&D) – particularly as that decline has accelerated in recent
years. A multiple linear regression analysis was made of which inputs to
the scientific enterprise are most strongly correlated with the number of
scientific papers produced. Research investment was found to be much more
significant than labor input, government investment in R&D was much more
significant than that by industry, and government non-defense investment
was somewhat more significant than its defense investment. Since the EU
actually leads the U.S. in this key component, this could account for
gradual loss of U.S. paper share and EU assumption of leadership of
scientific publication in the mid-1990s. More recently the loss of U.S.
share has accelerated, and three approaches analyzed this phenomenon: (1) A
companion paper shows that the SCI database has not significantly changed
to be less favorable to the U.S.; thus the decline is real and is not an
artifact of the measurement methods. (2) Budgets of individual U.S.
research agencies were correlated with overall paper production and with
papers in their disciplines. Funding for the U.S. government civilian, non-
healthcare sector was flat in the last ten years, resulting in declining
share of papers. Funding for its healthcare sector sharply increased, but
there were few additional U.S. healthcare papers. While this inefficiency
contributes to loss of U.S. share, it is merely a specific example of the
general syndrome that increased American investments have not produced
increased publication output. (3) In fact the decline in publication share
appears to be due to rapidly increasing R&D investments by China, Taiwan,
S. Korea, and Singapore. A model shows that in recent years it is a
country’s share of world investment that is most predictive of its
publication share. While the U.S. has increased its huge R&D investment,
its investment share still declined because of even more rapidly increasing
investments by these Asian countries. This has likely led to their sharply
increased share of scientific publication, which must result in declines of
shares of others – the U.S. and more recently, the EU.
Address for correspondence:
Loyola College, 4501 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21210, USA
E-mail: shelton at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 191–205
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0212-2
TITLE : Scientists’ perceptions of the social and political implications
of their research 207
Thomson Scientific, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
E-mail: henry.small at
We explore an empirical approach to studying the social and political
implications of science by gathering scientists’ perceptions of the social
impacts of their research. It was found that 78 percent of surveyed
scientists from a variety of fields responding to a survey indicated that
the research performed in connection with a recent highly cited paper had
such implications. Health related implications were the most common, but
other types of implications encountered were technological spin-offs,
public understanding, economic and policy benefits. Surprisingly many
scientists considered the advancement of science itself to be a social
implication of their research. The relations of these implications to the
field and topics of research are examined, and a mapping of implications
gives an overview of the major dimensions of the social impacts of science.
Address for correspondence:
Thomson Scientific
3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
E-mail: henry.small at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 207–221
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0213-1
TITLE : A structural analysis of publication profiles for the
classification of
European research institutes 223
E-mail: Bart.Thijs at
a Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Steunpunt O&O Indicatoren, Leuven
b Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Research Policy Studies,
Budapest (Hungary)
In the present study we propose a solution for a common problem in
benchmarking tasks at institutional level. The usage of bibliometric
indicators, even after standardisation, cannot disguise that comparing
institutes remains often like comparing apples with pears. We developed a
model to assign institutes to one of 8 different groups based on their
research profile. Each group has a different focus: 1. Biology, 2.
Agricultural Sciences, 3. Multidisciplinary, 4. Geo & Space Sciences, 5.
Technical and natural Sciences, 6. Chemistry, 7. General and Research
Medicine, 8. Specialised Medicine. Two applications of this methodology are
described. In the first application we compare the composition of clusters
at national level with the national research profiles. This gives a deeper
insight in the national research landscape. In a second application we look
at the dynamics of institutes by comparing their subject clustering at two
different points in time.
Address for correspondence:
Steunpunt O&O Indicatoren, KU Leuven
Dekenstraat 2, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
E-mail: Bart.Thijs at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 223–236
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0214-0
TITLE : Correlation between the structure of scientific research,
scientometric indicators and
GDP in EU and non-EU countries 237
E-mail: pvinkler at
Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hungary)
Significant discrepancies were found in the ratio and relative impact of
the journal papers of several scientific fields of some Central and Eastern
European (CEE) countries compared to the European Community member states,
the US and Japan (EUJ countries). A new indicator, characterizing the Mean
Structural Difference of scientific fields between countries has been
introduced and calculated for CEE countries. For EUJ countries correlation
between the GDP and number of publications of a given year proved to be non-
significant. Longitudinal studies showed, however, significant correlations
between the yearly values of GDP and number of papers published. Studying
data referring to consecutive time periods revealed that there is no direct
relationship between the GDP and information production of countries. It
may be assumed that grants for R&D do not actually depend on real needs,
but the fact is that rich countries can afford to spend more whilst poor
countries only less money on scientific research.
Address for correspondence:
Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1525 Budapest, P. O. Box 17, Hungary
E-mail: pvinkler at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 237–254
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0215-z
TITLE : Which h-index? – A comparison of WoS, Scopus and Google Scholar 257
Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Israel)
E-mail: barilaj at
This paper compares the h-indices of a list of highly-cited Israeli
researchers based on citations counts retrieved from the Web of Science,
Scopus and Google Scholar respectively. In several case the results
obtained through Google Scholar are considerably different from the results
based on the Web of Science and Scopus. Data cleansing is discussed
Address for correspondence:
Department of Information Science, Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan, 52900, Israel
E-mail: barilaj at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 257–271
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0216-y
TITLE : Sources of Google Scholar citations outside the Science Citation
Index: A comparison
between four science disciplines 273
a Department of Library and Information Science, University of Tehran,
Tehran (Iran)
b School of Computing and Information Technology, University of
Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton (UK)
E-mail: kkoosha at
For practical reasons, bibliographic databases can only contain a subset of
the scientific literature. The ISI citation databases are designed to cover
the highest impact scientific research journals as well as a few other
sources chosen by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Google
Scholar also contains citation information, but includes a less quality
controlled collection of publications from different types of web
documents. We define Google Scholar unique citations as those retrieved by
Google Scholar which are not in the ISI database. We took a sample of 882
articles from 39 open access ISI-indexed journals in 2001 from biology,
chemistry, physics and computing and classified the type, language,
publication year and accessibility of the Google Scholar unique citing
sources. The majority of Google Scholar unique citations (70%) were from
full-text sources and there were large disciplinary differences between
types of citing documents, suggesting that a wide range of non-ISI citing
sources, especially from non-journal documents, are accessible by Google
Scholar. This might be considered to be an advantage of Google Scholar,
since it could be useful for citation tracking in a wider range of open
access scholarly documents and to give a broader type of citation impact.
An important corollary from our study is that Google Scholar’s wider
coverage of Open Access (OA) web documents is likely to give a boost to the
impact of OA research and the OA movement.
Address for correspondence:
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Tehran
Jalal-Al-e-Ahmed Ave., P.O. Box 11455/6456, Tehran, Iran
E-mail: kkoosha at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 273–294
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0217-x
TITLE : Maps of the academic web in the European Higher Education Area –
an exploration of visual web indicators 295
a Cybermetrics Lab, CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid (Spain)
b School of Computing and Information Technology, University of
Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton (United Kingdom)
c Virtual Knowledge Studio, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
E-mail: jortega at
This paper shows maps of the web presence of the European Higher Education
Area (EHEA) on the level of universities using hyperlinks and analyses the
topology of the European academic network. Its purpose is to combine
methods from Social Network Analysis (SNA) and cybermetric techniques in
order to ask for tendencies of integration of the European universities
visible in their web presence and the role of different universities in the
process of the emergence of an European Research Area. We find as a main
result that the European network is set up by the aggregation of well-
defined national networks, whereby the German and British networks are
dominant. The national networks are connected to each other through
outstanding national universities in each country.
Address for correspondence:
Cybermetrics Lab, CINDOC-CSIC
Joaquín Costa, 22, 28002 Madrid, Spain
E-mail: jortega at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 295–308
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0218-9
TITLE : Benchmarking Google Scholar with the New Zealand PBRF research
assessment exercise 309
School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington,
Wellington (New Zealand)
E-mail: alastair.smith at
Google Scholar was used to generate citation counts to the web-based
research output of New Zealand Universities. Total citations and hits from
Google Scholar correlated with the research output as measured by the
official New Zealand Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) exercise. The
article discusses the use of Google Scholar as a cybermetric tool and
methodology issues in obtaining citation counts for institutions. Google
Scholar is compared with other tools that provide web citation data: Web of
Science, SCOPUS, and the Wolverhampton Cybermetric Crawler.
Address for correspondence:
School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington
P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand
E-mail: alastair.smith at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 309–316
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0219-8
TITLE : A new look at evidence of scholarly citation in citation indexes
and from web sources 317
a Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario (Canada)
b School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University,
Bloomington (USA)
E-mail: lvaughan at
A sample of 1,483 publications, representative of the scholarly production
of LIS faculty, was searched in Web of Science (WoS), Google, and Google
Scholar. The median number of citations found through WoS was zero for all
types of publications except book chapters; the median for Google Scholar
ranged from 1 for print/subscription journal articles to 3 for books and
book chapters. For Google the median number of citations ranged from 9 for
conference papers to 41 for books. A sample of the web citations was
examined and classified as representing intellectual or non-intellectual
impact. Almost 92% of the citations identified through Google Scholar
represented intellectual impact – primarily citations from journal
articles. Bibliographic services (non-intellectual impact) were the largest
single contributor of citations identified through Google. Open access
journal articles attracted more web citations but the citations to
print/subscription journal articles more often represented intellectual
impact. In spite of problems with Google Scholar, it has the potential to
provide useful data for research evaluation, especially in a field where
rapid and fine-grained analysis is desirable.
Address for correspondence:
Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7
E-mail: lvaughan at
Scientometrics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2008) 317–330
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0220-2
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