May 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Fri May 2 06:19:10 EDT 2008
Ending: Fri May 30 16:27:25 EDT 2008
Messages: 79
- centrality measures of the 7611 journals listed in the SCI and SoSCI available
Loet Leydesdorff
- Kajikawa, Y; Abe, K; Noda, S Filling the gap between researchers studying different materials and different methods: a proposal for structured keywords JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, 32 (6): 511-524 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Tsai, YL (Tsai, Yi-Lun); Lee, CC (Lee, Chien-Chang); Chen, SC (Chen, Shyr-Chyr); Yen, ZS (Yen, Zui-Shen) Top-cited articles in emergency medicine AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 24 (6): 647-654 OCT 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Lau, SL (Lau, S. L.); Samman, N (Samman, N.) Levels of evidence and journal impact factor in oral and maxillofacial surgery INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 36 (1): 1-5 JAN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Lenhard, MS; et al Obstetrical and gynecological writing and publishing in Europe EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY, 129 (2): 119-123 DEC 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Gross, M (Gross, Michael) Citations and wait-lists: much ado about nothing? CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 50 (2): 94-95 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Gabel, J (Gabel, Jeff) Improving information retrieval of subjects through citation-analysis KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION, 33 (2): 86-95 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Website of Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting
Frank Havemann
- Tight, M (Tight, Malcolm) Higher education research as tribe, territory and/or community: a co-citation analysis HIGHER EDUCATION, 55 (5): 593-605 MAY 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Salgado, JF; Paez, D Scientific productivity and Hirsch's h index of Spanish social psychology: Convergence between productivity indexes and comparison with other areas Source: PSICOTHEMA, 19 (2): 179-189 MAY 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Wendl, MC (Wendl, Michael C.) H-index: however ranked, citations need context NATURE, 449 (7161): 403-403 SEP 27 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Serrano, SJV; et al Spanish medical center collaboration on smoking research from 1999 through 2003 according to the Science Citation Index ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA, 43 (7): 378-385 JUL 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Alvarez, FV; et al Bibliometric study of the original articles published in Revista Espanola de Salud Publica (1991-2000). Part III: Reference analysis. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA, 81 (3): 247-259 MAY-JUN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Innes, JM (Innes, J. Michael) Citations, impact factors and the Australian Journal of Psychology in the future AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 58 (3): 119-122 DEC 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Mryglod, O (Mryglod, O.); Holovatch, Y (Holovatch, Yu.) Towards journalometrical analysis of a scientific periodical: a case study CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS, 10 (2): 129-141 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Judge, TA; Cable, DM; Colbert, AE; Rynes, SL What causes a management article to be cited - Article, author, or journal? ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 50 (3): 491-506 JUN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Mryglod, O (Mryglod, O.); Holovatch, Y (Holovatch, Yu.) Towards journalometrical analysis of a scientific periodical: a case study CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS, 10 (2): 129-141 2007
Karen Medina
- Profiling UK e-Research: mapping communities and measuring impacts: workshop at UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, September - deadline extended to May 15
- Fan, JC; McGhee, CNJ Citation analysis of the most influential authors and ophthalmology journals in the field of cataract and corneal refractive surgery 2000-2004 CLIN AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY, 36 (1): 54-61 JAN-FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Leslie, DM (Leslie, David M., Jr.) A shifting mosaic of scholarly publishing, scientific delivery, and future impact changing the face of learned societies JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, 88 (2): 275-286 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Salman, MD; et al Citations of plenary-session articles published in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE, 80 (1): 82-86 JUN 15 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Dewatripont, M; Ginsburgh, V; Legros, P; Walckiers, A Pricing of scientific journals and market power JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 5 (2-3): 400-410 APR-MAY 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Lewison, G; Thornicroft, G; Szmukler, G (Szmukl; Tansella, M (Tansella, Michele) Fair assessment of the merits of psychiatric research BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 190: 314-318 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- de Granda-Orive, JI et al Spanish productivity in smoking research relative to world and European Union productivity from 1999 through 2003, analyzed with the SCI ARCH DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA, 43 (4): 212-218 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Mapping Science exhibit opens in Beijing, China
Katy Borner
- Patra, SK (Patra, Swapan Kumar); Chand, P (Chand, Prakash) HIV/AIDS research in India: A bibliometric study LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH, 29 (1): 124-134 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Liesegang, TJ; Shaikh, M; Crook, JE The outcome of manuscripts submitted to the American Journal of Ophthalmology between 2002 and 2003 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, 143 (4): 551-560 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Pilkington, A; Chai, KH Research themes, concepts and relationships - A study of International Journal of Service Industry Management (1990-2005) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT, 19 (1): 83-110 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Svensson, G; Slatten, T; Tronvoll, B Scientific identity in top journals of services marketing: review and evaluation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT, 19 (1): 134-147 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Cohn, EG (Cohn, Ellen G.); Farrington, DP (Farrington, David P.) Scholarly influence in criminology and criminal justice journals in 1990-2000 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 36 (1): 11-21 MAR-APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Sverdlov, ED; et al Citation mirages - Bibliometric evaluation of the significance of individual authors' publications HERALD OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 76 (6): 530-541 DEC 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Jankovic, MP; Kaufmann, M; Kindler, CH Active research fields in anesthesia: A document co-citation analysis of the anesthetic literature ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 106 (5): 1524-1533 MAY 2008
Eugene Garfield
- letters on impact factors in the April 2008 issue of The Scientist.
Eugene Garfield
- Preprint version available of "Main-path analysis and path -dependent transitions in HistCiteT-based historiograms"
Loet Leydesdorff
- files for mapping Chinese journals in 2006
Loet Leydesdorff
- Adams, D (Adams, Dennis); Johnson, N (Johnson, Norman) The journal list and its use: motivation, perceptions, and reality EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 17 (2): 158-162 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Willcocks, L; Whitley, EA; Avgerou, C The ranking of top IS journals: a perspective from the London School of Economics EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 17 (2): 163-168 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Iivari, J (Iivari, Juhani) Expert evaluation vs bibliometric evaluation: experiences from Finland EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 17 (2): 169-173 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Pringle, J (Pringle, James) Trends in the use of ISI citation databases for evaluation LEARNED PUBLISHING, 21 (2): 85-91 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Cheng, WH (Cheng, Weihong); Ren, SL (Ren, Shengli) Evolution of open access publishing in Chinese scientific journals LEARNED PUBLISHING, 21 (2): 140-+ APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Looking for papers
- Call for Presentations: Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Reseach Policy 2008
Hanna-Mari Pasanen
- Calero-Medina, C; Lopez-Illescas, C; Visser, MS; Moed, HF Important factors when interpreting bibliometric rankings of world universities: an example from oncology RESEARCH EVALUATION, 17 (1): 71-81 MAR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Mohapatra, PR (Mohapatra, P. R.); Mishra, B (Mishra, Baijayantimala) Impact Factor of the IJMR - what more we really need? INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH, 127 (2): 198-199 FEB 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Herndon, JM (Herndon, J. Marvin) Science Citation Index data: Two additional reasons against its use for administrative purposes CURRENT SCIENCE, 92 (6): 709-710 MAR 25 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Chew, M; et al Life and times of the impact factor: retrospective analysis of trends for seven medical journals (1994-2005) and their Editors' views JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE, 100 (3): 142-150 MAR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Roth, KA (Roth, Kevin A.) What IF? Does impact factor really matter? JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY, 55 (4): 313-314 APR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Marco, AC (Marco, Alan C.) The dynamics of patent citations ECONOMICS LETTERS, 94 (2): 290-296 FEB 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Herther, N. (2008, May). Web-Based Tools for Citation Data Management. Searcher, 16(5), 18-54.
Pikas, Christina K.
- Herther, N. (2008, May). Web-Based Tools for Citation Data Management. Searcher, 16(5), 18-54.
Pikas, Christina K.
- Chapman, S (Chapman, Simon); Nguyen, TN (Nguyen, Thien Nga); White, C (White, Caroline) Press-released papers are more downloaded and cited TOBACCO CONTROL, 16 (1): 71-71 FEB 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Steiner, B; Schwartz, J The scholarly productivity of institutions and their faculty in leading criminology and criminal justice journals JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 34 (4): 393-400 JUL-AUG 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Kozak, M (Kozak, Marcin) Impact of Indian journals on science CURRENT SCIENCE, 93 (4): 442-442 AUG 25 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Whitley, EA; Galliers, RD An alternative perspective on citation classics: Evidence from the first 10 years of the European Conference on Information Systems INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT, 44 (5): 441-455 JUL 2007
Eugene Garfield
- The cost of peer review and electronic distribution of scholarly journals
Stevan Harnad
- Kozak, M (Kozak, Marcin) Impact of Indian journals on science CURRENT SCIENCE, 93 (4): 442-442 AUG 25 2007
Jane M. Russell
- Jacobs, D (Jacobs, Daisy); Pichappan, P (Pichappan, Pit.); Sarasvady, S (Sarasvady, S.) What do third world researchers lack? Documenting the peer review data CURRENT SCIENCE, 91 (12): 1605-1607 DEC 25 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Cameron, N (Cameron, Noel) Impact factors and research quality ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY, 34 (1): 13-15 JAN-FEB 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Menezes, RG (Menezes, Ritesh G.); Mohankumar, TS (Mohankumar, T. S.) 'Impact factor' and 'immediacy index' of the National Medical Journal of India NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDIA, 19 (5): 295-296 SEP-OCT 2006
Eugene Garfield
- letters on impact factors in the April 2008 issue of The Scientist.
Eugene Garfield
- Revised - with urls included - Letters on Impact Factor - from The Scientist April 2008
Eugene Garfield
- New Beta version of the Ranking Web of World Repositories
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Sanderson, M (Sanderson, Mark) Revisiting h measured on UK LIS and IR academics JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 59 (7): 1184-1190 MAY 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Nicolaisen, J (Nicolaisen, Jeppe); Frandsen, TF (Frandsen, Tove Faber) The Reference Return Ratio JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (2): 128-135 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Egghe, L (Egghe, L.) Examples of simple transformations of the h-index: Qualitative and quantitative conclusions and consequences for other indices JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (2): 136-148 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Tol, RSJ (Tol, Richard S. J.) A rational, successive g-index applied to economics departments in Ireland JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (2): 149-155 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Habibzadeh, F (Habibzadeh, Farrokh); Yadollahie, M (Yadollahie, Mahboobeh) Journal weighted impact factor: A proposal JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (2): 164-172 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- FW: The import of Impact by Sophie L. Rovner C&E News May 19, 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Weiss, MA (Weiss, Mary A.); Qiu, J (Qiu, Joseph) The journal of risk and insurance: A 75-year historical perspective JOURNAL OF RISK AND INSURANCE, 75 (2): 253-274 JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Iivari, J (Iivari, Juhani) Expert evaluation vs bibliometric evaluation: experiences from Finland EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 17 (2): 169-173 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Williams, PF; Jenkins, JG; Ingraham, L The winnowing away of behavioral accounting research in the US: The process for anointing academic elites ACCOUNTING ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETY, 31 (8): 783-818 NOV 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Knowlton, SA (Knowlton, Steven A.) Continuing use of print-only information by researchers JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 95 (1): 83-88 JAN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Buchanan, RA (Buchanan, Robert A.) Science Citation Index Expanded: The effect of journal editorial policies JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP, 33 (5): 532-539 SEP 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Shaffer, HJ; Stanton, MV; Nelson, SE Trends in gambling studies research: Quantifying, categorizing, and describing citations JOURNAL OF GAMBLING STUDIES, 22 (4): 427-442 DEC 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Scully, C (Scully, Crispian) The positive and negative impacts, and dangers of the impact factor COMMUNITY DENTAL HEALTH, 24 (3): 130-134 SEP 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Lin, BW; Chen, CJ; Wu, HL Predicting citations to biotechnology patents based on the information from the patent documents INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 40 (1-3): 87-100 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Scholarship in the Digital Age reviews in Science magazine
Eugene Garfield
- Van Leeuwen, TN (Van Leeuwen, Thed N.) Modelling of bibliometric approaches and importance of output verification in research performance assessment RESEARCH EVALUATION, 16 (2): 93-105 JUN 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Gehanno, JF; Takahashi, K; Darmoni, S; Weber, J Citation classics in occupational medicine journals SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH, 33 (4): 245-251 AUG 2007
Eugene Garfield
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