Kozak, M (Kozak, Marcin) Impact of Indian journals on science CURRENT SCIENCE, 93 (4): 442-442 AUG 25 2007

Jane M. Russell jrussell at SERVIDOR.UNAM.MX
Thu May 22 11:18:37 EDT 2008

URL: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/aug252007/442.pdf

E-mail Address: m.kozak at oinega.sggw.waw.pl 

Author(s): Kozak, M (Kozak, Marcin) 

Title: Impact of Indian journals on science 

Source: CURRENT SCIENCE, 93 (4): 442-442 AUG 25 2007 

Language: English 

Document Type: Letter 

Addresses: Agr Univ Warsaw, Dept Biometry, PL-02787 Warsaw, Poland 

Reprint Address: Kozak, M, Agr Univ Warsaw, Dept Biometry, Nowoursynowska 
159, PL-02787 Warsaw, Poland. 

E-mail Address: m.kozak at oinega.sggw.waw.pl 

Cited Reference Count: 1 

Times Cited: 0 


Publisher Address: C V RAMAN AVENUE, PO BOX 8005, BANGALORE 560 080, INDIA 

ISSN: 0011-3891 

29-char Source Abbrev.: CURR SCI 

ISO Source Abbrev.: Curr. Sci. 

Source Item Page Count: 1 

Subject Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences 

ISI Document Delivery No.: 207BR 

Sixty years of independence and state of Indian peer review 
CURRENT SCIENCE 92 : 1661 2007

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