July 2006 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jul 5 04:02:23 EDT 2006
Ending: Mon Jul 31 15:41:38 EDT 2006
Messages: 91
- "Publish or Perish" awarded Euroscience Open Forum Poetry Prize
Stevan Harnad
- Allen MP, Jacobs SK, Levy JR "Mapping the literature of nursing: 1996-2000 " JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 94 (2): 206-220 APR 2006
Eugene Garfield
- An early commetnary on Measuring Scientific Research
Eugene Garfield
- An early commetnary on Measuring Scientific Research
Stephen J Bensman
B.V. Toshev
- Answered - SSCI 'CO' Field Question
Clemens, Rachael
- B.F. Skinner's comparative auto- and allo-citation record
Stevan Harnad
- B.F. Skinner's comparative auto- and allo-citation record
Eugene Garfield
- B.F. Skinner's comparative auto- and allo-citation record
Eugene Garfield
- B.F. Skinner's comparative auto- and allo-citation record
Eugene Garfield
- Bauerly RJ, Johnson DT "An evaluation of Journals used in doctoral marketing programs" J. Academy of Marketing Science 33(3): 313-329, July 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Benavent RA, Zurian JCV, Gomez MC, Miguel-Dasit A, Melendez RS, Molina CN "National and international impact factor of Revista Espanola de Cardiologia " Revista Espanola de Cardiologia 57 (12): 1241-1244 DEC 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Bruno F, Vercellesi L, Miranda GF "Helping doctors put patients first: an innovative service from health libraries" Health Information and Libraries Journal 22(3): 219-223 September 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Bui-Mansfield LT "Top 100 cited AJR articles at the AJR's centennial " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY 186 (1): 3-6 JAN 2006
Eugene Garfield
- C;laxton LD "Scientific authorship Part 1. A window into scientific fraud? " Mutation Research- Reviews in Mutation Research 589 (1): 17-30 JAN 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Cahn RW "A review of reviews" Journal of Materials Science 41(3):593-596 February 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Call for Papers
Stephen J Bensman
- Cameron BD "Trends in the usage of ISI bibliometric data: Uses, abuses, and implications" Portal-Libraries and the Academy 5(1): 105-125, January 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Carayol N, Matt M "Individual and collective determinants of academic scientists' productivity " Information Economics and Policy 18 (1): 55-72 MAR 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Centrality measures of 7379 journals in the SCI and SoSCI 2004
Loet Leydesdorff
- Clauset A. "Finding local community structure in networks" Physical Review E 72(2): Art. No:026132 Part 2, August 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Claxton LD "Scientific authorship Part 2. History, recurring issues, practices, and guidelines " MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH 589 (1): 31-45 JAN 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Coffey DP "A discipline's composition: A citation analysis of composition studies " JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP 32 (2): 155-165 MAR 2006
Eugene Garfield
- contents of Journal of Inforrmation Science v.32(3) 2006 and Information Processing & Management 42(6) Dec. 2006
Eugene Garfield
- de Granda-Orive JI, Benavent RA, Serrano SV. "Impact factor: What having one means to a scientific journal " ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA 41 (7): 404-405 JUL 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Drenth JPH, Smits P, Thien T, Stalenhoef AFH "The Netherlands Journal of Medicine's hit list: best cited articles in 2003 " Netherlands Journal of Medicine 63 (11): 418-420 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Egghe L "The dependence of the height of a Lorenz curve of a Zipf function on the size of the system " Mathematical and Computer Modelling 43(7-8):870-879 April 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Eysenbach G. "Citation advantage of open access articles " PLOS Biology 4(5): 692-698, May 2006.
Eugene Garfield
- Fine L. "Einstein Revisited" Journal of Chemical Education 82(11):1601-1608 November 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Fine L. "Einstein Revisited" Journal of Chemical Education 82(11):1601-1608 November 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Fine L. J. Chem. Education 82 (11): 1601-1608 NOV 2005
Eugene Garfield
- FW: New Items
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Wikipedia article in New Yorker magazine July 31, 2006 by Stacy Schiff
Eugene Garfield
- Gartner WB, Davidsson P, Zahra SA "Are you talking to me? The nature of community in entrepreneurship scholarship " Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 30(3):321-331 May 2006.
Eugene Garfield
- Glanville JM, Lefebvre C, Miles JNV, Camosso-Stefinovic J "How to identify randomized controlled trials in MEDLINE: ten years on " JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 94 (2): 130-136 APR 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Glanzel W, Veugelers R "Science for wine: A bibliometric assessment of wine and grape research for wine-producing and consuming countries " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE 57 (1): 23-32 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Gorman GE "How do we count our chickens? Or do citation counts count? " Online Information Review 29(6):581-584, 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Grupp H "Evolution of a theory in economics: bibliometric assessment of search theory vis-a-vis game theory " Research Evaluation 12(3): 205-216, December 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Hajra KB, Sen P. "Modelling aging characteristics in citation networks" Physica A -Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 368 (2): 575-582 AUG 15 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Hantula DA "The impact of JOBM: ISI impact factor places the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management third in applied psychology " JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT 25 (3): 1-15 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Hartley J. "Down with op.cit" Journal of the Medical Library Association 92 (4): 393-393 OCT 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Hayhoe, George F. "Citation, Citation, Citation" Technical Communication, Volume 52, Number 1, February 2005, pp. 7-8(2)
Eugene Garfield
- Hemmateenejad B. "Chemometrics in Iran" CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 81 (2): 202-208 APR 15 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Ho YS "Comment on "Nitrate removal from aqueous solution by adsorption onto various materials" by N. Ozturk, T.E. Bekta " Journal of Hazardous Materials 118 (1-3): 253-254 FEB 14 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Huang S, Xue GR, Zhang BY, Chen Z, Yu Y, Ma WY " TSSP: A reinforcement algorithm to find related papers" IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference On Web Intelligence (WI 2004), Proceedings : 117-123, 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Jacso P "Link-enabled cited references " ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 28 (4): 306-311 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Jones AW "Creme de la creme in forensic science and legal medicine - the most highly cited articles, authors and journals 1981-2003" International Journal of Legal Medicine 119(2):59-65, March 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Kam PCA "Impact Factor: Overrated and misused?" ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE 33 (5): 565-566 OCT 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Kostoff RN, Buchtel HA, Andrews J. Pfeil KM "The hidden structure of neuropsychology: Text mining of the journal Cortex: 1991-2001 " Cortex 41(2): 103-115 April 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Kwok LS "The White Bull effect: abusive coauthorship and publication parasitism" Journal of Medical Ethics 31(9): 554-556 September 1, 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Lariviere V, Archambault E, Gingras Y, Vignola-Gagne E "The place of serials in referencing practices: Comparing natural sciences and engineering with social sciences and humanities " JAS
K.S. Chudamani
- Lariviere V, Archambault E, Gingras Y, Vignola-Gagne E "The place of serials in referencing practices: Comparing natural sciences and engineering with social sciences and humanities " JAS
Eugene Garfield
- Lauf E. "National diversity of major international journals in the field of communication (vol 55, pg 139, 2005) " Journal of Communication 55(2): 413-413, June 1, 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Lehmann S, Jackson AD, Lautrup B "Life, death and preferential attachment " EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 69 (2): 298-303 JAN 2005
Eugene Garfield
- MacCallum CJ, Parthasarathy H "Open access increases citation rate" PLOS BIOLOGY 4 (5): 661-662 MAY 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Manaris B, Pellicoro L, Pothering G, Hodges H "Investigating Esperanto's statistical proportions relative to other languages using neural networks and Zipf's law " Proc Iasted Intl Conf on Artificial Intelligence & Applications : 102-108, 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Manning LM, Barrette J "Research performance management in academe " CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L ADMINISTRATION 22 (4): 273-287 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Medoff MH "Editorial favoritism in economics? " Southern Economic Journal 70 (2): 425-434 OCT 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Modlin IM, Adler G, Alexander K, Arnold RF, Brenner DA, et al "Information assimilation and distribution challenges and goals for real and virtual journals " Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 39(3): 181-188 March 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Moore ND "Online Music Model could work for Journals" British Medical Journal 330(7504):1391 (11 June)2005
Eugene Garfield
- Mueller PS, Murali NS, Cha SS, Erwin PJ, Ghosh AK "The effect of online status on the impact factors of general internal medicine journals " NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 64 (2): 39-44 FEB 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Mueller PS, Murali NS, Cha SS, Erwin PJ, Ghosh AK "The effect of online status on the impact factors of general internal medicine journals " NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 64 (2): 39-44 FEB 2006
David Goodman
- No subject
Shepherd, Jessica
- Oakes JM "An analysis of American journal of epidemiology citations with special reference to statistics and social science " American Journal of Epidemiology 161 (5):494-500 March 1, 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Ollerton JE, Sugrue M " Citation classics in trauma " JOURNAL OF TRAUMA-INJURY INFECTION AND CRITICAL CARE 58 (2): 364-369 FEB 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Oltheten E, Theoharakis V, Travlos NG "Faculty perceptions and readership patterns of finance journals: A global view " Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40 (1): 223-239 MAR 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Ophthalmology and vision science research - Part 1-5" Journal of Refractive Surgery
Eugene Garfield
- Pillai SU, Suel T, Cha SH "The perron-frobenius theorem - Some of its applications " IEEE SIignal Processing Magazine 22 (2): 62-75 March 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Price JH, Jeffrey JD "Journal impact factor: Bibliometrics and the Journal of School Health " JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH 76 (4): 123-125 APR 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Prime-Claverie C, Beigbeder M, Lafouge T "Metadata propagation in the Web using co-citations " 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM Intl. Conf. on Web Intelligence, Proc. : 602-605, 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Reader D, Watkins D "The social and collaborative nature of entrepreneurship scholarship: A co-citation and perceptual analysis " ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE 30 (3): 417-441 MAY 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Review of book "Patents, Citations, and Innovations:A Window on the Knowledge Economy, MIT Press 2002 478 pages
Eugene Garfield
- Rodriguez MA, Bollen J, Van de Sompel H "The convergence of digital libraries and the peer-review process " JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 32 (2): 149-159 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Ryan C, Tewey B, Newman S, Turner T, Jaeger RJ "Estimating research productivity and quality in assistive technology: A bibliometric analysis spanning four decades " IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehab Engineering 12 (4): 422-429 DEC 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Schildt HA, Zahra SA, Sillanpaa A "Scholarly communities in entrepreneurship research: A co-citation analysis " ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE 30 (3): 399-415 MAY 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Self-Citation Bias and Open Access
Stevan Harnad
- Sharma M. "Citation index and impact factor in scientific publications " Current Science 90 (6): 748-748 MAR 25 2006
Eugene Garfield
- SIGMETRICS Digest - 7 Jul 2006 to 8 Jul 2006 (#2006-99)
David Watkins
- SIGMETRICS Digest - 7 Jul 2006 to 8 Jul 2006 (#2006-99)
Stevan Harnad
- SIGMETRICS Digest - 7 Jul 2006 to 8 Jul 2006 (#2006-99)
Loet Leydesdorff
- Soteriades ES, Rosmarakis ES, Paraschakis K, Falagas ME "Research contribution of different world regions in the top 50 biomedical journals (1995-2002) " FASEB JOURNAL 20 (1): 29-34 JAN 2006
Eugene Garfield
- SSCI 'CO' Field Question
Clemens, Rachael
- Tempest D. "The effect of journal title changes on impact factors " LEARNED PUBLISHING 18 (1): 57-62 JAN 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Turner RE "On the cusp of restoration: Science and society " Restoration Ecology 13(1):165-173 March 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Tuzi F. "Useful science is good science: empirical evidence from the Italian National Research Council " Technovation 25(5):505-512 May 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Urquhart C "From epistemic origins to journal impact factors: What do citations tell us? " International Journal of Nursing Studies 43 (1): 1-2 Jan 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Veith RH "Memex at 60: Internet or mod?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 (9): 1233-1242 JUL 2006
Eugene Garfield
- von Wartburg I; Teichert T; Rost K "Inventive progress measured by multi-stage patent citation analysis " RESEARCH POLICY 34 (10): 1591-1607 Dec. 2005
Eugene Garfield
- WSJ.com - Commentary: Hockey Stick Hokum
Stephen J. Bensman
- Zacks RT, Blanchard-Fields F, Haley WE " Psychology and aging: The first 20 years " PSYCHOLOGY AND AGING 21 (1): 1-6 MAR 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Zhao PX, Zhang M, Yang DQ, Tang SW "Finding hidden semantics behind reference linkages: An ontological approach for scientific digital libraries " Database Systems for Advanced Apps., Proc. Lecture Notes in Com. Sci.3453: 699-710 2005
Eugene Garfield
Last message date:
Mon Jul 31 15:41:38 EDT 2006
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