August 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Aug 2 13:02:37 EDT 2004
Ending: Tue Aug 31 18:53:49 EDT 2004
Messages: 82
- "Average" number of citations?
Sloan, Bernie
- "Average" number of citations?
Stephen J Bensman
- "Average" number of citations?
Sloan, Bernie
- "Average" number of citations?
Stephen J Bensman
- "Average" number of citations?
Garfield, Eugene
- "JBHE's Annual Citation Ranking of Black Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities" Journal of Blacks in Higher Education #43, Spring 2004
Eugene Garfield
- SV: [SIGMETRICS] comparing web links to citation analysis is fall acious http://www
Nicolaisen Jeppe
- Abstract and Cited References for : Roth DL "Chemistry Journals: Cost-effectiveness, seminal titles and exchange rate profiteering " Science & Technology Libraries 22(3-4):59-70, 2002 (2004)
Eugene Garfield
- Abstract and Cited References for : Roth DL "Chemistry Journals: Cost-effectiveness, seminal titles and exchange rate profiteering " Science & Technology Libraries 22(3-4):59-70, 2002 (2004)
Pamela Bossom
- Aksnes DW. "Characteristics of highly cited papers" RESEARCH EVALUATION 12 (3): 159-170 DEC 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Amin M. and Mabe M. "Impact Factors: Use and Abuse" Medicina-Buenos Aires 63(4):347-354 2003
Eugene Garfield
- An editorial on open archives
Subbiah Arunachalam
- An L, Qiu JP "Research on the relationships between Chinese journal impact factors and external web link counts and web impact factors" JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP 30 (3): 199-204 MAY 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Anseel, F; Duyck, W; De Baene, W; Brysbaert, M "Journal impact factors and self-citations: Implications for psychology journals" AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST, 59 (1): 49-51 JAN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Are citations to unpublished papers a form of peer review?
Sloan, Bernie
- Articles from Scientometrics 60(3) 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Articles from Scientometrics 60(3) 2004
Quentin L. Burrell
- Cao C. "Chinese science and the Nobel Prize complex" MINERVA, 42 (2): 151-172 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Commentaries I-IV SOZIAL-UND PRAVENTIVMEDIZIN, 49 (1): 15-18 2004
Eugene Garfield
- comparing web links to citation analysis is fallacious http://www
Garfield, Eugene
- Dandona L. "Enhancing the evidence base for HIV/AIDS control in India" NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDIA 17 (3): 160-166 MAY-JUN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Decker, O; Beutel, ME; Brahler, E "Deep impact - evaluation in the sciences" SOZIAL-UND PRAVENTIVMEDIZIN, 49 (1): 10-14 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Deleu D, Northway MG, Hanssens Y "Geographical distribution of biomedical publications from the Gulf Corporation Council countries" SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL 25: S59-S61 Suppl. 1, JAN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Dul, J; Karwowski, W. "An assessment system for rating scientific journals in the field of ergonomics and human factors" Applied Ergonomics 35(3):301-310 May 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Editorial in The Hindu on Free Access to science Publications
Stevan Harnad
- Editorial in The Hindu on Free Access to science Publications
Fernandez Polcuch Ernesto
- Fatovic-Ferencic, S. "On judgment, impact factor and feelings: What can we learn from the impact factor?" Croatian Medical Journal 45(3):344-345 June 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Fava, GA; Ottolini, F "International trends in psychiatric research. A citation analysis" CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHIATRY, 17 (4): 283-287 JUL 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Fedunok S. "Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 225:U560-U560 069-CINF Part 1, March 2003
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Google News Alert - citation analysis
Garfield, Eugene
- Geary, J; Marriott, L; Rowlinson, M "Journal rankings in business and management and the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise in the UK" BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 15 (2): 95-141 JUN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Geeth Vijay-Rao/ELK/DIAG/US/BAYER is out of the office.
Geeth Vijay-Rao
- Hirschauer S. "Peer review research - Reviewed - Sociological shortcomings of academic evaluation" ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIOLOGIE 33 (1). FEB 2004. p.62-83 LUCIUS LUCIUS VERLAG MBH, STUTTGART
Eugene Garfield
- Hjorland B. "Arguments for philosophical realism in library and information science" LIBRARY TRENDS 52 (3): 488-506 WIN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Hogenboom, K. "Has government information on the Internet affected citation patterns? A case study of population studies journals" JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, 29 (6): 392-401 NOV-DEC 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Implementing the US/UK recommendation to mandate OA Self-Archiving
Stevan Harnad
- Ioannidis JPA "Global Estimates of High-Level Brain Drain and Deficit" FASEB Journal 18(9) p.936-939, June 2004
Eugene Garfield
- JASIST citation improvement (fwd)
Dick Hill ASIST Exec
- Jenuwine, ES; Floyd, J "Comparison of Medical Subject Headings and text-word searches in MEDLINE to retrieve studies on sleep in healthy individuals" JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 92 (3). JUL 2004. p.349-353 MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOC, CHICAGO
Eugene Garfield
- Kostoff, RN; Bedford, CD; del Rio, JA; Cortes, HD; Karypis, G "Macromolecule mass spectrometry: Citation mining of user documents" JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY, 15 (3): 281-287 MAR 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Kovacic N, Misak A "What can be learned from impact factor of Croatian Medical Journal, 1994-2003?" CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 45 (1): 13-17 FEB 2004
Eugene Garfield
- KrKwic: A computer program for the analysis of Korean text
Loet Leydesdorff
- Lewison, G; Lipworth, S; Rippon, I; Roe, P; Cottrell, R "Geographical equity between outputs of biomedical research grants and research capability as an indicator of the peer-review process for grant applications"Res Eval, 12 (3): 225-230 DEC 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Lewison, G; Paraje, G "The classification of biomedical journals by research level" SCIENTOMETRICS, 60 (2): 145-157 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Linton JD "Research-Technology Management ranked number 3 in citation study" RESEARCH-TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 47 (3): 5-6 MAY-JUN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Maaswinkel P "An informetric investigation into the potential for change in Belgian art education at the beginning of the twentieth century" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ART & DESIGN EDUCATION, 23 (2): 207-216 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Monev V. "Introduction to similarity searching in chemistry" MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY, (51): 7-38 APR 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Navarro A, Martin M, "Scientific production and international collaboration in occupational health, 1992-2001" SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH, 30 (3): 223-233 JUN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Nosaka M "An analysis of the selection criteria of the Brandon/Hill list: for the establishment of evaluation criteria for medical journals in medical libraries" LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE (48). 2002. p.25-41
Eugene Garfield
- O'Neill, K; Balsiger, J; VanDeveer, SD "Actors, norms, and impact: Recent international cooperation theory and the influence of the agent-structure debate" ANNUAL REVIEW OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 7. 2004. p.149-175
Eugene Garfield
- Papers from PNAS of the USA 101 (Suppl) April 6, 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Paul K. "Business and society and business ethics journals: A citation and impact analysis" Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 35(2):103-117 January 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Paxton P, Bollen KA "Perceived quality and methodology in graduate department ratings: Sociology, political science, and economics" Sociology of Education 76(1):71-88 January 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Physics citation study
Stevan Harnad
- Pietroforte R, Stefani TP "ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management: Review of the years 1983-2000" JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE 130 (3): 440-448 MAY-JUN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Porter AL, Newman NC, Myers WW, Schoeneck D "Projects and publications: interesting patterns in US Environmental Protection Agency research" RESEARCH EVALUATION 12 (3): 171-182 DEC 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Prathap G. "Cost of research index: What is an SCI paper worth? " Current Science 86(11):1469 June 10 2004 and 84(3):258 February 10 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Projects and publications: interesting patterns in US Environmental
Eugene Garfield
- question about author groups
Steven A. Morris
- question about author groups
Loet Leydesdorff
- question about author groups
Loet Leydesdorff
- Quinones-Vidal .E, Lopez-Garc ía JJ Penaranda-Ortega M, Tortosa-Gil F. "The Nature of Social and Personality Psychology as Reflected in JPSP, 19652000 "Journal of Personality and social Psychology 86 (3) Mar. 2004. p.435-452 Amer.
Eugene Garfield
Constantinos A. Georgiou
- remove
Nadeem Haque
- Robert E. Mercer, Chrysanne Di Marco and Frederick W. Kroon "The Frequency of Hedging Cues in Citation Contexts in Scientific Writing" Advances in Artificial Intelligence 3060. p.75-88, 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Roth RL "Chemistry Journals: Cost-effectiveness, seminal titles and exchange rate profiteering" Science & Technology Libraries 22(3-4):59-70, 2002(published in 2004)
Eugene Garfield
- Scientometrics 60(1) pp1-120 May 2004 Dedicated to Robert K. Merton
Eugene Garfield
- Scottish Open Access Declaration (Draft)
Stevan Harnad
- Senn, S; Lee, S "The analysis of the AB/BA cross-over trial in the medical literature" PHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS, 3 (2): 123-131 APR-JUN 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Simonton DK. "Psychology's status as a scientific discipline: Its empirical placement within an implicit hierarchy of the sciences" REVIEW OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY, 8 (1): 59-67 MAR 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Sombatsompop, N; Markpin, T; Premkamolnetr, N "A modified method for calculating the Impact Factors of journals in ISI Journal Citation Reports: Polymer Science Category in 1997-2001" SCIENTOMETRICS, 60 (2): 217-235 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Spivey CA, Wilks SE "Reference list accuracy in social work journals" RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE 14 (4): 281-286 JUL 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Swygart-Hobaugh, AJ "A citation analysis of the quantitative/qualitative methods debate's reflection in sociology research: Implications for library collection development" LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ACQUISITIONS & TECHNICAL SERVICES, 28 (2): 180-195 2004
Eugene Garfield
- The "impact" of foreign students on the United States
Eric Zimmerman
- The "impact" of foreign students on the United States
C. Wang
Eugene Garfield
Eugene Garfield
- use of citation analysis in science policy by King of UK
Garfield, Eugene
- use of citation analysis in science policy by King of UK
Loet Leydesdorff
- van der Steen, LPE., Hage, J. J, et al , "Full Publicati
Eugene Garfield
- Wulff, JL; Nixon, ND "Quality markers and use of electronic journals in an academic health sciences library " JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 92 (3). JUL 2004. p.315-322 MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOC, CHICAGO
Eugene Garfield
- Xu J, Marshall B, Kaza S, Chen HC "Analyzing and visualizing criminal network dynamics: A case study" INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY INFORMATICS, PROCEEDINGS LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3073: 359-377 2004
Eugene Garfield
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Tue Aug 31 18:53:49 EDT 2004
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