JASIST citation improvement (fwd)
Dick Hill ASIST Exec
rhill at ASIS.ORG
Mon Aug 2 15:58:30 EDT 2004
[Forwarded with permission. Dick Hill]
From: Stephen J Bensman
08/02/2004 10:34 AM
To: "Dr. Don Kraft" <kraft at bit.csc.lsu.edu>
Subject: Re: JASIST citation improvement (fwd)
While one month does not a record make, you may be looking at a case of
cumulative advantage or a success-breeds-success process. This is more
famously known as Robert K. Merton's "Matthew Effect." JASIST is already
the top information science journal in terms of total citations, and it is
only natural for this process to continue at an exponential rate, unless
the leftists want to impose a progressive citation tax and redistribute the
citations to lower citation journals.
>>From my studies of chemistry and other sciences, I can pinpoint one element
of JASIST's growing advantage. JASIST is a US association journal, and
these are the dominant journals in every field. One reason for this is
that there appears to be a globalization of world science through the US
scientific associations, and this is certainly evident in the submissions
to JASIST, which are coming more and more from abroad. JASIST is
attracting the best information scientists from abroad, who are trying to
publish in it for reasons of professional advancement. Statements
admitting this have made in the foreign submissions you have sent me to
referee. In a certain sense JASIST is sucking the air and life out of the
other information science journals.
If you want to see how this process works in other scientistific
disciplines, particularly chemistry, you can study the article at the web
site below:
The section "The Social Bases of Scientific and Technical Value" is of
special interest in this respect.
I will let you make the decision on whether to distribute these words of
wisdom to the others on your list.
Stephen J. Bensman
LSU Libraries
Louisiana State University
"Dr. Don Kraft" <kraft at bit.csc.lsu.edu> on 08/02/2004 09:21:48 AM
To: JASIS Editorial Board <aagoodru at syr.edu>, abdur at duvel.ir.iit.edu,
adillon at gslis.utexas.edu, bcronin at indiana.edu,
bollmann at cs.tu-berlin.de, borgman at gseis.ucla.edu, cabdur at aol.com,
clairemc at scils.rutgers.edu, cliff at cni.org, conns at ync.net,
cooper at socrates.berkeley.edu, covi at scils.rutgers.edu,
dcase at pop.uky.edu, dwallace at ou.edu, e.davenport at napier.ac.uk,
f.crestani at cs.strath.ac.uk, fidelr at u.washington.edu,
g.ford at bristol.ac.uk, gluckmh at vmi.edu, h1533bra at ella.hu,
harryb at u.washington.edu, hchen at bpa.arizona.edu, hsmall at isinet.com,
itravis at austin.rr.com, kantor at scils.rutgers.edu,
kantorp at cs.rutgers.edu, kate.mccain at cis.drexel.edu,
losee at ils.unc.edu, lsbary at lsu.edu, Bert Boyce <lsboyc at lsu.edu>,
m.sanderson at sheffield.ac.uk, march at ils.unc.edu, mjbates at ucla.edu,
ophir at duvel.ir.iit.edu, padmini-srinivasan at uiowa.edu,
peek at simmons.edu, pi at db.dk, ray at sims.berkeley.edu, rhill at asis.org,
rrice at comm.ucsb.edu, schamber at unt.edu, ser at microsoft.com,
tabrooks at u.washington.edu, victorr at umich.edu, watters at cs.dal.ca,
Isabelle Cohen DeAngelis <icohen at wiley.com>, Jo-Ann Wasserman
<jwasserm at wiley.com>, rhill at asis.org, notsjb at lsu.edu
Subject: JASIST citation improvement (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 23:45:17 +0100
From: "Thelwall, Mike (Prof)" <M.Thelwall at wlv.ac.uk>
To: 'Don Kraft ' <kraft at bit.csc.lsu.edu>
Subject: JASIST citation improvement
Don, probably you know already, but JASIST is the Social Sciences journal
with the most improved citation rating for July:
It's triple good news for me because I'm in the same list and so is my
university. It is a pity citations don't count for much in the UK.
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