May 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sun May 2 20:55:29 EDT 2010
Ending: Sat May 29 05:16:20 EDT 2010
Messages: 44
- Announcement: "2nd International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World"
Umut AL
- New paper in Cybermetrics e-journal
Isidro F. Aguillo
- CfP: National VIVO Conference: Enabling National Networking of Scientists
Katy Borner
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)]
Kevin Boyack
- identification of review articles
Linda Butler
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)
chessnic at COMPUSERVE.COM
- Wray, KB. 2010. Philosophy of Science: What are the Key Journals in the Field?. ERKENNTNIS 72 (3): 423-430
Eugene Garfield
- Citrome, L. 2010. Citability of Original Research and Reviews in Journals and Their Sponsored Supplements. PLOS ONE 5 (3): art. no.-e9876.
Eugene Garfield
- Nwagwu, WE. 2010. Cybernating the academe: Centralized scholarly ranking and visibility of scholars in the developing world. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 36 (2): 228-241.
Eugene Garfield
- Serenko et al. 2010. A scientometric analysis of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic literature (1994-2008). JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 14 (1): 3-23.
Eugene Garfield
- Yue, HJLuo, Q; Zhu, M. 2009. Grey Absolute Degree of Incidence Analysis of Citation Indicators of Management Academic Journals
Eugene Garfield
- Rizkallah, J; Sin, DD. 2010. Integrative Approach to Quality Assessment of Medical Journals Using Impact Factor, Eigenfactor, and Article Influence Scores. PLOS ONE 5 (4): art. no.-e10204
Eugene Garfield
- Sagar et al. 2010. Scientometric mapping of Tsunami publications: a citation based study. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE 15 (1): 23-40
Eugene Garfield
- Mishra et al., Citation analysis and research impact of National Metallurgical Laboratory, India during 1972-2007: a case study. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE 15 (1): 91- 113.
Eugene Garfield
- Grajewski et al., 2010. A Scientometric Analysis of Leukoplakia and Erythroplakia. LARYNGO-RHINO-OTOLOGIE 89 (4): 210-215.
Eugene Garfield
- Smith, DR. 2010. Citation Analysis and Bibliometric Research in the Field of Ergonomics. HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS IN MANUFACTURING & SERVICE INDUSTRIES 20 (3): 202-210
Eugene Garfield
- Gall et al. 2010. Citations of ETR&D and related journals, 1990-2004. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 58 (3): 343-351
Eugene Garfield
- Allen, MA. 2010. On the current obsession with publication statistics. SCIENCEASIA 36 (1): 1-5.
Eugene Garfield
- Sherriff, G. 2010. Information Use in History Research: A Citation Analysis of Master's Level Theses. PORTAL-LIBRARIES AND THE ACADEMY
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Scientific Journal Impact Indexes and Indicators for Measuring Researchers]]]
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Global Psychology: A bibliometric Analysis of Web of Science Publications]]]
Eugene Garfield
- Soreide, K; Winter, DC. 2010. Global survey of factors influencing choice of surgical journal for manuscript submission. SURGERY 147 (4): 475-480
Eugene Garfield
- Hewitt DA, et al. 2009. Maintaining the Competitiveness of the American Fisheries Society Journals: An Assessment Based on Influence and Cost-Effectiveness. FISHERIES 34 (12): 598-606
Eugene Garfield
- Sarafoglou, N; Paelinck, JHP. 2008. On diffusion of ideas in the academic world: the case of spatial econometrics. ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 42 (2): 487-500
Eugene Garfield
- Persson, O. 2010. Are highly cited papers more international?. SCIENTOMETRICS 83 (2): 397-401
Eugene Garfield
- Upham, SP; Rosenkopf, L; Ungar, LH. 2010. Innovating knowledge communities An analysis of group collaboration and competition in science and technology. SCIENTOMETRICS 83 (2): 525-554
Eugene Garfield
- Upham, SP; Rosenkopf, L; Ungar, LH. 2010. Positioning knowledge: schools of thought and new knowledge creation. SCIENTOMETRICS 83 (2): 555-581.
Eugene Garfield
- Papavlasopoulos, S; Poulos, M; Korfiatis, N; Bokos, G. 2010. A non-linear index to evaluate a journal's scientific impact. INFORMATION SCIENCES 180 (11): 2156-2175
Eugene Garfield
- Leonard, L. 2010. Negotiating Authorship for Doctoral Dissertation Publications: A Reply. QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 20 (5): 723-726
Eugene Garfield
- Durieux, V; Gevenois, PA. 2010. Bibliometric Indicators: Quality Measurements of Scientific Publication. RADIOLOGY 255 (2): 342-351
Eugene Garfield
- identification of review articles
David Goodman
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)]
Kim Hamilton
- Fwd: The access problem -- small, medium, or large?
Stevan Harnad
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)]
Loet Leydesdorff
- Eugene Garfield and Algorithmic Historiography: Co-Words, Co-Authors, and Journal Names
Loet Leydesdorff
- SV: [SIGMETRICS] identification of review articles
Olle Persson
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)]
Pikas, Christina K.
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)]
ann.kushmerick at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
- No subject
James Testa
- [Thomson Reuters response to Larsen & von Ins (in press)]
James Testa
- identification of review articles
Ludo Waltman
- Wray, KB. 2010. Philosophy of Science: What are the Key Journals in the Field?. ERKENNTNIS 72 (3): 423-430
David Wojick
- CfP Poster Presentation 6th Int WIS and 11th COLLNET Meet
kretschmer.h at
- PhD Studentship in Information Science
thelwall mike
Last message date:
Sat May 29 05:16:20 EDT 2010
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:59:18 EDT 2015
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