Hewitt DA, et al. 2009. Maintaining the Competitiveness of the American Fisheries Society Journals: An Assessment Based on Influence and Cost-Effectiveness. FISHERIES 34 (12): 598-606
Eugene Garfield
Sat May 22 11:48:42 EDT 2010
Hewitt, DA; Link, JS; Wahl, DH; Cooke, SJ; Mather, ME. 2009. Maintaining the
Competitiveness of the American Fisheries Society Journals: An Assessment
Based on Influence and Cost-Effectiveness. FISHERIES 34 (12): 598-606.
Author Full Name(s): Hewitt, David A.; Link, Jason S.; Wahl, David H.; Cooke,
Steven J.; Mather, Martha E.
Language: English
Document Type: Article
Abstract: Recent changes in the landscape of scientific publishing prompted
the Publications Overview Committee of the American Fisheries Society (AFS)
to review the Society's portfolio of scientific journals. We evaluated journals
based on metrics in two categories: (1) citation-based measures of the
influence of a journal on the scientific literature, and (2) measures of the cost-
effectiveness of a journal (citation rate adjusted for subscription cost). Over
the long-term, we found that ecology journals had far stronger citation-based
influence than fisheries and aquatic sciences journals, and that journals
publishing primarily basic research had stronger influence than journals
publishing applied research (including four AFS journals and Fisheries magazine).
In evaluating the current status of fisheries and aquatic sciences journals, we
found that metrics of influence and cost-effectiveness provided considerably
different portrayals of journals relative to their peers. In terms of citation-
based influence, we found that the AFS journal Transactions of the American
Fisheries Society (TAFS) and Fisheries magazine were competitive with highly
regarded peer fisheries journals, but that North American Journal of Aquaculture
(NAJA) and Journal of Aquatic Animal Health (JAAH) were less influential than
their peers. The citation-based influence of North American Journal of Fisheries
Management (NAJFM) was intermediate between TAFS/Fisheries and
NAJA/JAAH. For journals like NAJFM and NAJA, we expect that much of the
scientific influence on policy and management is not captured by citations in
the primary literature, and alternative methods of evaluation may be needed.
All of the AFS journals ranked highly with regard to cost-effectiveness because
their subscription costs are low, and these rankings are in accordance with
membership needs and the strategic mission of AFS to provide broad and timely
dissemination of scientific information. We conclude by suggesting ways to
increase the influence of AFS journals without compromising their accessibility
and affordability, and offer advice about methods and frequency for future
journal evaluations.
Addresses: [Hewitt, David A.] US Geol Survey, Western Fisheries Res Ctr,
Klamath Falls Field Stn, Klamath Falls, OR USA; [Link, Jason S.] Natl Marine
Fisheries Serv, NE Fisheries Sci Ctr, Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA; [Wahl, David
H.] Univ Illinois, Sam Parr Biol Stat Illinois Nat Hist Survey, Sullivan, IL USA;
[Cooke, Steven J.] Carleton Univ, Inst Environm Sci, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6,
Canada; [Cooke, Steven J.] Carleton Univ, Dept Biol, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6,
Canada; [Mather, Martha E.] Univ Massachusetts, US Geol Survey,
Massachusetts Cooperat Fish & Wildlife Res Unit, Dept Nat Resources
Conservat, Amherst, MA 01003 USA
Reprint Address: Hewitt, DA, US Geol Survey, Western Fisheries Res Ctr,
Klamath Falls Field Stn, Klamath Falls, OR USA.
E-mail Address: dhewitt at usgs.gov
ISSN: 0363-2415
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