August 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Aug 1 14:26:52 EDT 2008
Ending: Fri Aug 29 14:56:43 EDT 2008
Messages: 76
- Agoramoorthy, G (Agoramoorthy, Govindasamy) Urgent. reforms needed to revive impact factor of India's medical journals INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH, 127 (4): 410-412 APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Alcaide, GG; Gomez, MC; Zurian, JCV; Benavent, RA Scientific literature by Spanish authors on the analysis of citations and impact factor in Biomedicine (1981-2005) REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 31 (3): 344-365 JUL-SEP 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Are Online and Free Online Access Broadening or Narrowing Research?
Stevan Harnad
- Arunachalam, S (Arunachalam, Subbiah); Viswanathan, B (Viswanathan, B.) A historiographic analysis of fuel-cell research in Asia - China racing ahead CURRENT SCIENCE, 95 (1): 36-49 JUL 10 2008
Eugene Garfield
- AUTO: Chaomei Chen is out of the office (returning Tue 09/16/2008)
Chaomei Chen
- Biswas, BC (Biswas, Bidhan Ch.); Roy, A (Roy, Amit); Sen, BK (Sen, B. K.) Economic botany: A bibliometric study MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE, 12 (1): 23-33 JUL 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Brantle, TF; Fallah, MH Complex innovation networks, patent citations and power laws PICMET '07: PORTLAND INTL CENT FOR MANAGE. OF ENGINEERING AND TECHN, VOLS 1-6, PROC. - MANAGE. OF CONVERGING TECH. 540-549, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Casaubon, JMM; Guerrero, IMF; Montoya, JAG; Cano, AF The Spanish odontological research in Science Citation Index Database: A scientometric study (1974-2006) REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 31 (2): 169-189 APR-JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Chiang, MF; Peng, WC; Lo, CH Discovering popular co-cited communities in blogspaces 2008 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING WORKSHOP, VOLS 1 AND 2 439-444, 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Choi, SJ (Choi, Stephen J.); Gulati, GM (Gulati, G. Mitu) Bias in judicial citations: A window into the behavior of judges? JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES, 37 (1): 87-129 JAN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Chung, HK (Chung, Hye-Kyung) Evaluating academic journals using impact factor and local citation score JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP, 33 (3): 393-402 MAY 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Citation analysis of author-choice OA journals
Phil Davis
- Citation analysis of author-choice OA journals
Stevan Harnad
- Citation analysis of author-choice OA journals
Phil Davis
- Citation analysis of author-choice OA journals
Stevan Harnad
- Citation analysis of author-choice OA journals
Phil Davis
- Content Alert: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59, 11
Richard Hill
- Costas, R; Bordons, M Development of a thematic filter for the bibliometric delimitation on interdisciplinary area: the case of Marine Science REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 31 (2): 261-272 APR-JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- CWTS Garduate Course 2008
Noijons, E.
- Dietrich, JP Disentangling visibility and self-promotion bias in the arXiv : astro-ph positional citation effect PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC, 120 (869): 801-804 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Disentangling visibility and self-promotion bias in the arXiv
Stevan Harnad
- Egghe, L (Egghe, L.) The influence of merging on h-type indices JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (3): 252-262 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Elgohary, A (Elgohary, Amgad) Arab universities on the web: a webometric study ELECTRONIC LIBRARY, 26 (3): 374-386 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Engqvist, L (Engqvist, Leif); Frommen, JG (Frommen, Joachim G.) The h-index and self-citations TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 23 (5): 250-252 MAY 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Eustache, F; Desgranges, B; Lambert, J; Belleville, S ; Platel, H The twenty-first century as a neuropsychology era REVUE NEUROLOGIQUE, 164: S63-S72 Suppl. 3 MAY 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Falagas, ME; Kouranos, VD; Arencibia-Jorge, R; Karageorgopoulos, DE Comparison of SCImago journal rank indicator with journal impact factor FASEB JOURNAL, 22 (8): 2623-2628 AUG 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Fan, JC; McGhee, CNJ Publication and citation in ophthalmology: glaucoma and the water-provocation test - wring out the old and ring in the new? CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY, 36 (4): 304-305 MAY-JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Ghai, B (Ghai, Babita); Saxena, AK (Saxena, Akshay Kumar); Makkar, JK (Makkar, Jeetinder Kaur) A guide to reducing citation errors in bibliographies EMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL, 24 (3): 232-233 MAR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Giles, MW (Giles, Micheal W.); Garand, JC (Garand, James C.) Ranking political science journals: Reputational and citational approaches PS-POLITICAL SCIENCE & POLITICS, 40 (4): 741-751 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Gomez, JMS; Annan, JW; Alvarez, JMN; Guillen-Grima, F; Bozzola, CM; Ivancevich, JC; Ontoso, EA Efficient bibliographic searches on allergy using ISI databases ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA, 36 (2): 101-109 MAR-APR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Higgins, A (Higgins, A.); Farrelly, M (Farrelly, M.) Peer-reviewed publication output of psychiatric nurses in the Republic of Ireland JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC AND MENTAL HEALTH NURSING, 14 (5): 495-502 AUG 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Hult, GTM (Hult, G. Tomas M.); Chabowski, BR (Chabowski, Brian R.) Sourcing research as an intellectual network of ideas DECISION SCIENCES, 39 (3): 323-335 AUG 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Ironside, PM (Ironside, Pamela M.) Advancing the science of nursing education: Rethinking the meaning and significance of impact factors - Guest editorial JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION, 46 (3): 99-100 MAR 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Jacso, P (Jacso, Peter) The pros and cons of computing the h-index using Google Scholar ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, 32 (3): 437-452 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Jeevan, VKJ; Sen, BK A scientometric analysis of publications on accelerator-based research from Nuclear Science Centre and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE, 12 (2): 89-97 DEC 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Jessica Shepherd/Guardian/GNL is out of the office.
Jessica Shepherd
- Kapoor, N; Butler, JT; Fouty, GC; Stemper, JA; Konstan, JA Resolvability of references in users' personal collections INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, 13 (2): Art. No. 13 JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Kuhn, M (Kuhn, Michael); Wattenhofer, R (Wattenhofer, Roger) The layered world of scientific conferences PROGRESS IN WWW RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, PROCEEDINGS 81-92, 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Lai, KK; et al The study of taxonomy and evolutional trends of relevant literatures on patent analysis PICMET '07: PORTLAND INTL CENT FOR MANAGE OF ENGINEER AND TECH, VOLS 1-6, PROC - MANAGEMENT OF CONV TECH 22-30, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Leishman, JG (Leishman, J. Gordon); Leishman, AM (Leishman, Alice M.) Impact factor and its significance for the Journal of the American Helicopter Society JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HELICOPTER SOCIETY, 52 (4): 392-395 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Lin, J (Lin, Jimmy) PageRank without hyperlinks: Reranking with PubMed related article networks for biomedical text retrieval BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 9: Art. No. 270 JUN 6 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Liu, YX (Liu, Yuxian); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald) Definitions of time series in citation analysis with special attention to the h-index JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (3): 202-210 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Marchionini, G; Solomon, P; Davis, C; Russell, T Information and library science MPACT: A preliminary analysis LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH, 28 (4): 480-500 2006
Eugene Garfield
- Martinez, ATG; Bote, VPG; Quesada, BV; Anegon, FM Psychology in the Spanish scientific domain through categories cocitation of Journal Citation Report 1990-2005 PSICOTHEMA, 20 (3): 465-473 AUG 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Matias-Guiu, J (Matias-Guiu, J.); Garcia-Ramos, R (Garcia-Ramos, R.) The impact factor and editorial decisions NEUROLOGIA, 23 (6): 342-348 JUL-AUG 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Mingers, J (Mingers, J.) Exploring the dynamics of journal citations: Modelling with s-curves JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, 59 (8): 1013-1025 AUG 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Modak, JM (Modak, Jayant M.); Madras, G (Madras, Giridhar) Scientometric analysis of chemical engineering publications CURRENT SCIENCE, 94 (10): 1265-1272 MAY 25 200
Eugene Garfield
- Montpetit, E (Montpetit, Eric); Blais, A (Blais, Andre); Foucault, M (Foucault, Martial) What does it take for a Canadian political scientist to be cited? SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, 89 (3): 802-816 SEP 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Oppenheim, C; Summers, MAC Citation counts and the Research Assessment Exercise, part VI: Unit of assessment 67 (music) INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, 13 (2): Art. No. 342 JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Palomares-Montero, D; Garcia-Aracil, A; Castro-Martinez, E Assessment of higher education institutions: A bibliographic review of indicators' systems REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 31 (2): 205-229 APR-JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Partearroyo, MDA; Roman, AR; Toledo, EG Categorization of the Spanish scientific journals on human and social sciences in RESH REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 31 (1): 85-95 JAN-MAR 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Platt, J (Platt, Jennifer) The women's movement and British journal articles, 1950-2004 SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 41 (5): 961-975 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Podsakoff, PM; et al Scholarly influence in the field of management: A bibliometric analysis of the determinants of university and author impact in the management literature in the past quarter century JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 34 (4): 641-720 AUG 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Prochaska, JO; et al Evaluating theories of health behavior change: A hierarchy of criteria applied to the transtheoretical model APPL PSYCH-AN INTL REV-PSYCHOLOGIE APPLIQUEE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE, 57 (4): 561-588 OCT 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Question: How to create Intercitation Matrix with Sitkis and Ucinet?
Martin Wielemaker
- Question: How to create Intercitation Matrix with Sitkis and Ucinet?
Loet Leydesdorff
- Ranking Web of Universities of the World: July Edition, 2008
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Rosenbaum, JL "High-profile journals not worth the trouble " SCIENCE 321 (5892). AUG 22 2008. p.1039
Eugene Garfield
- Sarafoglou, N (Sarafoglou, Nikias); Paelinck, JHP (Paelinck, Jean H. P.) On diffusion of ideas in the academic world: the case of spatial econometrics ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 42 (2): 487-500 JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Schreiber, M (Schreiber, Michael) A modification of the h-index: The h(m)-index accounts for multi-authored manuscripts JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (3): 211-216 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Seale, C (Seale, Clive) Mapping the field of medical sociology: a comparative analysis of journals SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS, 30 (5): 677-695 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Segalla, M (Segalla, Michael) Publishing in the right place or publishing the right thing: journal targeting and citations' strategies for promotion and tenure committees EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 2 (2): 122-127 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Shih, ML; Feng, J; Tsai, CC Research and trends in the field of e-learning from 2001 to 2005: A content analysis of cognitive studies in selected journals COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 51 (2): 955-967 SEP 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Sitas, A (Sitas, Anestis); Kapidakis, S (Kapidakis, Sarantos) Duplicate detection algorithms of bibliographic descriptions LIBRARY HI TECH, 26 (2): 287-301 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Torra, V (Torra, Vicenc); Narukawa, Y (Narukawa, Yasuo) The h-index and the number of citations: Two fuzzy integrals IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, 16 (3): 795-797 JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Trimble, V (Trimble, V.); Ceja, JA (Ceja, J. A.) Productivity and impact of astronomical facilities: Three years of publications and citation rates ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 329 (6): 632-647 JUN 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Tutorial on Web mining at CIKM 2008
Peiling Wang
- Use And Misuse Of Bibliometric Indices In Evaluating Scholarly Performance
B.G. Sloan
- Van, TT (Van, Thanh-Trung); Beigbeder, M (Beigbeder, Michel) Citation-based methods for personalizedWEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - WISE 2007 WORKSHOPS 362-373, 2007
Eugene Garfield
- van Dalen, HP; Klamer, A Is science a case of wasteful competition? KYKLOS, 58 (3): 395-414 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Weller, T (Weller, Toni) Information history: its importance, relevance and future ASLIB PROCEEDINGS, 59 (4-5): 437-448 2007
Eugene Garfield
- White, J (White, Joshua); Patel, V (Patel, Vikram); Herrman, H (Herrman, Helen) Australian and New Zealand contribution to international mental health research publications: a survey of high-impact journals WORLD PSYCHIATRY, 6 (1): 49-53 FEB 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Wormald, RN (Wormald, R. N.); Ahmed, I (Ahmed, I.); Fenton, JE (Fenton, J. E.) The facial nerve: one editorial, two authors, top-cited CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY, 32 (5): 397-398 OCT 2007
Eugene Garfield
- Wu, XF (Wu, Xiu-fang); Fu, Q (Fu, Qiang); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald) On indexing in the Web of Science and predicting journal impact factor JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE B, 9 (7): 582-590 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Wu, XF (Wu, Xiu-fang); Fu, Q (Fu, Qiang); Zhang, H (Zhang, Helen (Yue-hong)) How many Chinese journals are included in the newly indexed 700 regional journals on Web of Science? JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A, 9 (7): 1011-1014 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
- Zhao, DZ (Zhao, Dangzhi); Strotmann, A (Strotmann, Andreas) Comparing all-author and first-author co-citation analyses of information science JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2 (3): 229-239 JUL 2008
Eugene Garfield
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