Question: How to create Intercitation Matrix with Sitkis and Ucinet?

Martin Wielemaker mwielema at GMAIL.COM
Wed Aug 13 07:57:03 EDT 2008

I am trying to determine amongst a set of 235 authors downloaded from WoS
who intercites each other in terms of incitations  (cited/indegrees) and
outcitations (citing/outdegrees) by using Sitkis and Ucinet. I could not
find any clarification in the Sitkis user manual on how to do this.  Searching
the forums and the Web I do see that many have done similar intercitation
studies, but it is unclear to me what particular Sitkis and Ucinet functions
they used. In particular, I wonder how to use Sitkis/Ucinet to create the
assymetrical binary intercitation matrix. Does anyone know a good web
site/article/book that describes this or could anyone explain how this

Your help is much appreciated. Regards,

Martin Wielemaker
University of New Brunswick
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