Ironside, PM (Ironside, Pamela M.) Advancing the science of nursing education: Rethinking the meaning and significance of impact factors - Guest editorial JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION, 46 (3): 99-100 MAR 2007

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Aug 26 09:58:45 EDT 2008

Email Address: pamirons at

Author(s): Ironside, PM (Ironside, Pamela M.) 

Title: Advancing the science of nursing education: Rethinking the meaning 
and significance of impact factors - Guest editorial 

Source: JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION, 46 (3): 99-100 MAR 2007

Excerpt: It is not the case that impact factors are unhelpful and that 
their use should be abolished.  Indeed, ISI is continuing to refine 
existing and develop new databases to provide important information to 
researchers, administrators, librarians and editors.  Impact factor data 
do provide useful information for the review process if used judiciously 
and with an awareness of what these data do and do not indicate.  Perhaps 
it is timely for members of the nursing discipline to think more broadly 
about the nature of impact and to talk more about the ways in which review 
processes can account for the many ways the impact of research can be 
demonstrated. For example, as part of the review process, reviewers might 
ask each researcher to provide exemplars from teaching or clinical 
practice settings in which their research is actually being used. 
Researchers might also be asked to describe the impact that has occurred 
in ways other that through publication (e.g., presentations, consulting) 
and how this impact was determined. Creating review processes that allow 
researchers to describe their decision making related to disseminating 
their research and how this reflects their ability to influence the 
discipline may provide a more realistic picture of impact than calculated 
figures alone.

Language: English 

Document Type: Editorial Material 

Addresses: Indiana Univ, Sch Nursing, Indianapolis, IN 47405 USA 

Reprint Address: Ironside, PM, Indiana Univ, Sch Nursing, Indianapolis, IN 
47405 USA. 

Cited Reference Count: 2 

Times Cited: 0 

Publisher: SLACK INC 

Publisher Address: 6900 GROVE RD, THOROFARE, NJ 08086 USA 

ISSN: 0148-4834 

29-char Source Abbrev.: J NURS EDUC 

ISO Source Abbrev.: J. Nurs. Educ. 

Source Item Page Count: 2 

Subject Category: Nursing 

ISI Document Delivery No.: 146CY 

ISI IMP FACT : 1994 


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