April 2011 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Apr 1 13:59:28 EDT 2011
Ending: Sat Apr 30 00:23:32 EDT 2011
Messages: 65
- "China" and the Royal Society in Scopus
Loet Leydesdorff
- 7th Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication
Thomas Krichel
- [scisip] Knowledge, Networks, and Nations report PS
Loet Leydesdorff
- Albarran, P; Ruiz-Castillo, J. 2011. References Made and Citations Received by Scientific Articles. JASIST. 62 (1): 40-49
Eugene Garfield
- Alonso-Arroyo, A., et al.. 2010. Gender analysis, scholarly productivity and collaboration of female university professors of Health Science in the Autonomous Region of Valencia (2003-2007). REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA 33 (4): 624-642
Eugene Garfield
- Announcement esss European Summer School for Scientometrics conference in Vienna 2011
Christian Gumpenberger
- Benoit, K; Marsh, M. 2009. A Relative Impact Ranking of Political Studies In Ireland. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REVIEW 40 (3): 269-298
Eugene Garfield
- Bensman, SJ. 2011. The Evaluation of Research by Scientometric Indicators.. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 62 (1): 208-210
Eugene Garfield
- book review by Bensman, SJ. 2011. The Evaluation of Research by Scientometric Indicators by Peter Vinkler.. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 62 (1): 208-210
Eugene Garfield
- Burnham, JC. 2011. Transnational History of Medicine after 1950: Framing and Interrogation from Psychiatric Journals. MEDICAL HISTORY 55 (1): 3-26
Eugene Garfield
- Cao, Y; Tong, HF; Yu, J; Chen, DZ; Huang, MH; Zhang, X; Luo, Y; Zhao, YH; Zhang, ZY. 2010. Performance Evaluation of Universities in China Based on ESI Database. PICMET 2010: TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FOR GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH.
Eugene Garfield
- Chang, CC; Ho, YS. 2010. Bibliometric analysis of financial crisis research. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 4 (18): 3898-3910
Eugene Garfield
- China and the Royal Society
Loet Leydesdorff
- China and the Royal Society
Plume, Andrew (ELS-OXF)
- China and the Royal Society
Loet Leydesdorff
- China and the RS
Loet Leydesdorff
- Danell, R. 2011. Can the Quality of Scientific Work Be Predicted Using Information on the Author's Track Record?. JASIST. 62 (1): 50-60
Eugene Garfield
- Ellis, PD; Zhan, G. 2011. How international are the international business journals?. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW 20 (1): 100-112
Eugene Garfield
- Ferber, MA; Brun, M. 2011. The Gender Gap in Citations: Does It Persist?. FEMINIST ECONOMICS 17 (1): 151-158
Eugene Garfield
- Franco, G. 2011. Scientific research and academic promotion in Occupational Medicine: what are the rules of the game?. MEDICINA DEL LAVORO 102 (2): 167-173
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Chronicle article on NRC study "The original title was "Why Failed Studies and Experiments are Not Allowed to Fail"
Eugene Garfield
- Gipp, B; Taylor, A; Beel, J. 2010. Link Proximity Analysis - Clustering Websites by Examining Link Proximity. RESEARCH AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR DIGITAL LIBRARIES 6273: 449-452
Eugene Garfield
- Glanville et al. Research output on primary care in Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States: bibliometric analysis. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 342: art. no.-d1028
Eugene Garfield
- Greenberg, SA. 2011. Understanding belief using citation networks. JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE 17 (2): 389-393
Eugene Garfield
- Guo, Z; Zhang, ZF; Zhu, SH; Chi, Y; Gong, YH. 2009. Knowledge Discovery from Citation Networks. 2009 9TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING: 800-805
Eugene Garfield
- Hall, CM. 2011. Publish and perish? Bibliometric analysis, journal ranking and the assessment of research quality in tourism. TOURISM MANAGEMENT 32 (1): 16-27.
Eugene Garfield
- Hamdaqa, M; Hamou-Lhadj, A. 2011. An approach based on citation analysis to support effective handling of regulatory compliance. FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING-THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS 27 (4): 395-410
Eugene Garfield
- Hodge, DR; Lacasse, JR. 2011. Evaluating Journal Quality: Is the H-Index a Better Measure Than Impact Factors?. RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE 21 (2): 222-230
Eugene Garfield
- Hogben vs. R. A. Fisher
Stephen J Bensman
- Kahler, O. 2010. Combining peer review and metrics to assess journals for inclusion in Scopus. LEARNED PUBLISHING 23 (4): 336
Eugene Garfield
- Karageorgopoulos, DE; Lamnatou, V; Sardi, TA; Gkegkes, ID; Falagas, ME. 2011. Temporal Trends in the Impact Factor of European versus USA Biomedical Journals. PLOS ONE 6 (2): art. no.-e16300.
Eugene Garfield
- Kim, GJ; Whang, KY; Kim, MS; Lim, HS; Lee, KH; Lee, BS. IEEE. 2009. An Incremental Clustering Crawler for Community-Limited Search. (ICADIWT 2009): 438-445.
Eugene Garfield
- Klavans, R; Boyack, KW. 2011. Using Global Mapping to Create More Accurate Document-Level Maps of Research Fields. JASIST. 62 (1): 1-18
Eugene Garfield
- Kocsis, T; Negny, S; Floquet, P; Meyer, X; Rev, E. 2010. An Application of a Cocitation-Analysis Method to Find Further Research Possibilities on the Area of Scheduling Problems. 20TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING 28: 1165-1170
Eugene Garfield
- LAST CALL: ASIS&T SIG/MET Student Paper Contest
Chaoqun Ni
- Lissoni, F; Mairesse, J; Montobbio, F; Pezzoni, M. 2011. Scientific productivity and academic promotion: a study on French and Italian physicists. INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE 20 (1): 253-294
Eugene Garfield
- Lowe, MS; Wallace, KL. 2011. HeinOnline and Law Review Citation Patterns. LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 103 (1): 55-70
Eugene Garfield
- Marian, L; Le Meur, JY; Rajman, M; Vesely, M. 2010. Citation Graph Based Ranking in Invenio. RESEARCH AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR DIGITAL LIBRARIES 6273: 236-247
Eugene Garfield
- Maz-Machado, A; Torralbo-Rodriguez, M; Vallejo-Ruiz, M; Bracho-Lopez, R. 2010. Bibliometric analysis of scholarly production from the University of Malaga in the Social Sciences Citation Index (1998-2007)
Eugene Garfield
- Measuring the impact of research by James King of NIH
Eugene Garfield
- Moed, HF. 2011. The Source Normalized Impact per Paper Is a Valid and Sophisticated Indicator of Journal Citation Impact. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 62 (1): 211-213
Eugene Garfield
- new interface of the Web of Science
Loet Leydesdorff
- No subject
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
yasaman serati
- Paper by Peter Jacso Univ of Hawaii
Eugene Garfield
- Region/World data from SJR.com
Geoffrey Peters
- Region/World data from SJR.com
Geoffrey Peters
- review of Andres book on "Measuring Academic Research"
Eugene Garfield
- Rogers, JD. 2010. Citation analysis of nanotechnology at the field level: implications of R&D evaluation. RESEARCH EVALUATION 19 (4): 281-290
Eugene Garfield
- Romanovskii, MY. 2010. Publication activity of natural-science research organizations in Russia and abroad. HERALD OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 80 (6): 475-479
Eugene Garfield
- Rosas, SR; et al.. 2011. Evaluating Research and Impact: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research by the NIH/NIAID HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks. PLOS ONE 6 (3): art. no.-e17428
Eugene Garfield
- Schloegl, C; Gorraiz, J. 2011. Global Usage Versus Global Citation Metrics: The Case of Pharmacology Journals. JASIST. 62 (1): 161-170..
Eugene Garfield
- Scientometrics, Vol 86, Issue 3, 2011
Eugene Garfield
- Scientometrics, Vol 87, Issue 1, 2011
Eugene Garfield
- Too big to fail pdf version of Chronicle article
Eugene Garfield
- Traynor, M. 2011. Bibliometrics as politics: the case of emerging disciplines. INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW 58 (1): 26-27
Eugene Garfield
- Tutorials at 13th ISSI Conference 2011, Durban, South Africa, July 4th-7th
Katy Borner
- two postdoc positions
Loet Leydesdorff
- Webology: Volume 7, Number 2, 2010
Noruzi, Alireza
- Weightman, AL; Butler, CC. 2011. Using bibliometrics to define the quality of primary care research. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 342: art. no.-d1083
Eugene Garfield
- Ye, FY. 2011. A Unification of Three Models for the h-Index. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 62 (1): 205-207
Eugene Garfield
- Yin, CY. 2011. Do impact factor, h-index and Eigenfactor (TM) of chemical engineering journals correlate well with each other and indicate the journals' influence and prestige?. CURRENT SCIENCE 100 (5): 648-653
Eugene Garfield
- Zhang, YH; Pan, YT; Hong, XA. 2011. A brief statistical analysis of stomatology papers published in international journals by researchers from the mainland of China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCE 3 (1): 1-6
Eugene Garfield
- Zitt, M; Lelu, A; Bassecoulard, E. 2011. Hybrid Citation-Word Representations in Science Mapping: Portolan Charts of Research Fields?. JASIST. 62 (1): 19-39.
Eugene Garfield
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Sat Apr 30 00:23:32 EDT 2011
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