December 2003 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Dec 1 14:46:33 EST 2003
Ending: Tue Dec 23 02:27:29 EST 2003
Messages: 44
- Kelsey P, Diamond T. " Establishing a core list of journals for forestry: A citation analysis from faculty at southern universities" College & Research Libraries 64(5):357-377 September 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Lopez-Munoz F, Alamo C, Rubio G, Garcia-Garcia P, Martin-Agueda B, Cuenca E "Bibliometric analysis of biomedical publications on SSRIs during 1980-2000" DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 18 (2): 95-103 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Batty M. "The geography of scientific citation" Environment and Planning A 35(5):761-765, May 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Tenopir C "Information metrics and user studies" ASLIB Proceedings 55(1-2):13-17, 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Dearenas JL, Santilla E. Arenas M. Valles J. "Performance of Mexican scholarship recipients in the production of scientific-knowledge - from Bibliometrics to Scientific Policy - Art. No:147" Inf. Res 8(2):148 January 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Morillo F, Bordons M, Gomez I "Interdisciplinarity in science: A tentative typology of disciplines and research areas" JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 54 (13): 1237-1249 NOV 2003
Eugene Garfield
- White HD "Author cocitation analysis and Pearson's r" Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54(13):1250-1259 November 2003,
Eugene Garfield
- Wormell I. "Bibliometric navigation tools for users of subject portals" JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 29 (3): 193-201 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Atlas MC "Emerging ethical issues in instructions to authors of high-impact biomedical journals" JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 91 (4): 442-449 OCT 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Martin-Sempere MJ, Rey-Rocha J, Garzon-Garcia B "Assessing quality of domestic, scientific journals in geographically oriented disciplines: scientists'" RESEARCH EVALUATION 11 (3): 149-154 DEC 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Tsai Bor-sheng "Information landscaping: information mapping, charting, querying and reporting techniques for total quality knowledge management" Information Processing & Management 39(4):639-664 July 2003.
Eugene Garfield
- Rubin RM, Chang CF. "A bibliometric analysis of health economics articles in the economics literature: 1991-2000" Health Economics 12 (5): 403-414 MAY 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Louis A. Chiapello H. Fabry C. Ollivier E. Henaut A. "Deciphering Arabidopsis thaliana gene neighborhoods through bibliographic co-citations" Computers and Chemistry 26(5):511-519 Sp.Iss. SI Jul 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Griggs RA, Proctor DL. "A citation analysis of who's who in introductory textbooks" Teaching of Psychology 29(3):203-206 Sum 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Jin BH, Zhang JG, Chen DQ, Zhu XY "Development of the Chinese Scientometric Indicators (CSI)" SCIENTOMETRICS 54 (1): 145-154 APR 2002
Eugene Garfield
Eugene Garfield
- White HD "Author cocitation analysis and Pearson's r" Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54(13):1250-1259 November 2003,
Loet Leydesdorff
- Second Call for Papers (International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics)
Hildrun Kretschmer
- May, M "Sorting out citation management software " SCIENTIST Volume 17 | Issue 20 | 37 | Oct. 20, 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Hasbrouck LM, Taliano J, Hirshon JM, Dannenberg AL "Use of epidemiology in clinical medical publications, 1983-1999: A citation analysis" AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 157 (5): 399-408 MAR 1 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Second Call for Papers (International Workshop onWebometrics,Informetrics, Scientometrics)
" Irina Shaikevich "
- Journals > Peer-Reviewed Journals > Open-Access Journals < Open Access
Stevan Harnad
- "While a Storm is Raging on the Open Sea"
Loet Leydesdorff
- Gokarn V. "Arrival of the Idea Practitioner" Business Standard, December 11 2003.
Eugene Garfield
- Geuna A, Martin BR. "University research evaluation and funding: An international comparison" Minerva 41(4):277-304, 2003
Eugene Garfield
- CfP: Informetric and Text based Procedures, RC33, 16-20/8/2004
Peter Ohly
- Jonathan Grant, Liz Green, Barbara Mason "From Bedside to Bench: Comroe and Dripps Revisited" HERG Research Report No. 30 August 2003
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
Eugene Garfield
- No subject
Gretchen Whitney
- No subject
Gretchen Whitney
- Recommendations for UK Open-Access Provision Policy
Stevan Harnad
- up-to-date email for Arun
Garfield, Eugene
- PhD Studentship in Internet Research / Webometrics
Mike Thelwall
- PhD Studentship in Internet Research / Webometrics
Loet Leydesdorff
- "Reflections on the Impact Factor" in Arch Bronconeumol 2003; vol.39(9):411-19, Sept.
Garfield, Eugene
- Submissions invited for ASIST Panel on Scientific Collaboration
Mari Davis
- Use of SCI-based publicaiton counts by Subbiah Arunachalam in Cur rent Science 25 Nov 2003
Garfield, Eugene
- Use of SCI-based publicaiton counts by Subbiah Arunachalam in Cur rent Science 25 Nov 2003
Garfield, Eugene
- New e-mail address
Nicolas Perez Mora
- White HD "Author cocitation analysis and ...
Steven Morris
- White HD "Author cocitation analysis and ...
Loet Leydesdorff
Last message date:
Tue Dec 23 02:27:29 EST 2003
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:58:53 EDT 2015
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