PhD Studentship in Internet Research / Webometrics

Loet Leydesdorff loet at LEYDESDORFF.NET
Wed Dec 17 15:39:58 EST 2003

Dear Mike,

I take the liberty to forward this to the Triple Helix mailing list, for
their information.

With kind regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics
> [mailto:SIGMETRICS at LISTSERV.UTK.EDU] On Behalf Of Mike Thelwall
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 8:33 PM
> Subject: [SIGMETRICS] PhD Studentship in Internet Research /
> Webometrics
> Title: An Exploration of Web Manifestations of
> University-Industry-Government Relations in the UK
> Academia, government and industry do not and cannot operate
> in isolation in a modern economy. Academic research is now
> also conducted inside industry as well as in partnerships
> between industry and universities. An important new role of
> government is to promote university-industry collaboration
> and practice-oriented, problem solving research (Mode 2
> Science) rather than more abstract and theory oriented
> research (Mode 1 Science). As with any area in which the
> government spends enormous amounts of money, there is a need
> to assess value and to understand the processes that links
> funding to desirable outcomes (increased national
> competitiveness). The object of the PhD is to explore a
> source of information about UIG connections: the web sites of
> the organisations concerned. The objective is not to assess
> the quality of connections, but to evaluate the extent to
> which such connections are visible on the web and can be used
> to extract useful knowledge.
> This post is available to an Information Science or Social
> Science graduate, Internet Researcher or other graduate with
> relevant expertise. The research is of an interdisciplinary
> nature and the student will need to gain knowledge of areas
> outside of their discipline. This will include learning web
> page creation and studying selected statistical techniques.
> The studentship is to run for a three years with a bursary of
> £7,500 p.a. In order to apply, visit the URL below and email
> the group leader with a copy of your C.V. Applicants from
> outside of the UK are welcome. The deadline for receipt of an
> email is 31 March, 2004.
> Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group, University of
> Wolverhampton, UK

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