February 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Feb 1 00:59:03 EST 2005
Ending: Mon Feb 28 17:49:45 EST 2005
Messages: 289
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Miguel Arroz
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Miguel Arroz
- [Sigia-l] Y!Q - Just-in-time search
James Aylett
- [Sigia-l] Y!Q - Just-in-time search
James Aylett
- [Sigia-l] Internationalization/Globalization/Localization help needed
Angela Azzolino
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Jonathan Baker-Bates
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Jonathan Baker-Bates
- [Sigia-l] google map list
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Recruiter: Freelance Information Architect - Interactive Advertising - NYC
David Blum
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Nate Bolt
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] Y!Q - Just-in-time search
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Andrew Boyd
- [Sigia-l] japanese search
Fiona Bradley
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Mike Brown
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Mike Brown
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Boston - Info. Arch. (contract)
Tony Brown
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Steve Clason
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Lisa Colvin
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
David Crow
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Rob Wells - DDSN
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
Chris Daly
- [Sigia-l] article about the important contribution of RIAs to enterprise (mission critical) internet apps
- [Sigia-l] Correction: URL of RIA posting
- [Sigia-l] GoogleZon: what happened to the media in 2014?
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
- [Sigia-l] Fwd: NYC UXnet Event, Tue, 3/15 - 7p-9p, Parsons School of Design
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
Stew Dean
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
Patrick Debois
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
Patrick Debois
- [Sigia-l] Code sharing by multiple portals
Peter Van Dijck
- [Sigia-l] Exercises to teach IA
Peter Van Dijck
- [Sigia-l] Internationalization/Globalization/Localization help needed
Peter Van Dijck
- [Sigia-l] Re: Exercises to teach IA
Peter Van Dijck
- [Sigia-l] High Tech Parking
Bob Don
- [Sigia-l] Full-Text vs Keyword Searching
Drop, Daniel SIK
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Tammie Hutto Egloff
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebookresult s
Everett, Andy
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Information Architect at Behavior
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] Less is ... whatever
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
FelcanSmith, Mark
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
FelcanSmith, Mark
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
FelcanSmith, Mark
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
FelcanSmith, Mark
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Donna Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Donna Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Donna Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Donna Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] narrative in IA - links?
Donna Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] Encouraging e-checks vs. credit cards
Brian Ghidinelli
- [Sigia-l] Re: CV Form Rant - Friday afterthoughts
Lada Gorlenko
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Lada Gorlenko
- [Sigia-l] Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Lada Gorlenko
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Lada Gorlenko
- [Sigia-l] GoogleZon: what happened to the media in 2014?
Gray, Laurie
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Gray, Laurie
- [Sigia-l] who's going to Montreal?
Gray, Laurie
- [Sigia-l] The passing of one of our own...
Gray, Laurie
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Christopher Hadden
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Christopher Hadden
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Perry Hewitt
- [Sigia-l] Archives are broken / missing onhttp://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/index.php
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Trouble Registering
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Torrie Hodgson
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
Torrie Hodgson
- [Sigia-l] High Tech Parking
Sharyn Horowitz
- [Sigia-l] Toronto - ux/ia/id - F2F - February 11, 2005
Hudescu, Alfons (TOR-ML
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Dariane Hunt
- [Sigia-l] RE: Exercises to teach IA
Anna Ietswaart
- [Sigia-l] Complex Search - need examples
Marcy Jacobs
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Heather Johnson
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Leslie Johnston
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Amy Kahn
- [Sigia-l] UI designer position (6mo contract) at A9.com, Palo Alto, CA
Karls, Jason
- [Sigia-l] google map list
Ruth Kaufman
- [Sigia-l] re: narrative in IA - links
Ruth Kaufman
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Dwayne King
- [Sigia-l] Information Architect in DC area?
Katie Kleinman
- [Sigia-l] What is a "Top Term" in a thesaurus?
Melvin Kumar
- [Sigia-l] google map list
Stella L.
- [Sigia-l] good examples of "mentor" sites to deliver content?
Klein Info Design LLC
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Internationalization/Globalization/Localization help needed
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] narrative in IA - links?
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] displaying translated docs
Gael Laurans
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] google map list
Kathy LeMunyon
- [Sigia-l] google map list
Kathy LeMunyon
- [Sigia-l] Jef Raskin dead at 61 of cancer - Mac inventor, musician, artist
Brett Lider
- [Sigia-l] Fundraising Best Practices
Dan Linsky
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
- [Sigia-l] article about the important contribution of RIAs to enterprise (mission critical) internet apps
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
- [Sigia-l] Power of Design
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
- [Sigia-l] Y!Q - Just-in-time search
- [Sigia-l] Findory: Neighbors
- [Sigia-l] TMI
- [Sigia-l] TMI
- [Sigia-l] TMI
- [Sigia-l] Y!Q - Just-in-time search
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
- [Sigia-l] The ultimate InfoViz
- [Sigia-l] Geo-specific info
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
- [Sigia-l] Y!Q - Just-in-time search
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
- [Sigia-l] Negative review of Blink
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
- [Sigia-l] Hat tip to Linnaeus
- [Sigia-l] Up in the air
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
- [Sigia-l] Up in the air
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
- [Sigia-l] Pssst, what's your password?
- [Sigia-l] IA for WWW
- [Sigia-l] Re: IA for WWW
- [Sigia-l] "Simplifying Web Checkouts"
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebookresult s
- [Sigia-l] Less is ... whatever
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
- [Sigia-l] Exercises to teach IA
- [Sigia-l] Generic search
- [Sigia-l] re: narrative in IA - links
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
- [Sigia-l] What's in a name?
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Steven MacCall
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Steven MacCall
- [Sigia-l] Microsoft blog entry on IE 7 release this summer
Steven MacCall
- [Sigia-l] Complex Search - need examples
Marcel van Mackelenbergh
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
Billie Mandel
- [Sigia-l] RE: Sigia-l Digest, Vol 5, Issue 11
Betsy Martens
- [Sigia-l] Negative review of Blink
Martin, Chris C.
- [Sigia-l] University intranets
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
James Melzer
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
James Melzer
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
James Melzer
- [Sigia-l] University intranets
James Melzer
- [Sigia-l] What is a "Top Term" in a thesaurus?
James Melzer
- [Sigia-l] Complex Search - need examples
David Mendels
- [Sigia-l] UPA Hong Kong Social Gathering Thursday 24 Feb
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] UPA Hong Kong Social Gathering - TODAY - 24 Feb 2005
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] IA Summit Merchandise Available at CafePress.com
Evette Mezger
- [Sigia-l] Full-Text vs Keyword Searching
Marcia Morante
- [Sigia-l] Job: Information Architect -- Ann Arbor, MI USA
Sarah Naasko
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebookresult s
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
John O'Donovan-INTERNET
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
John O'Donovan-INTERNET
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
John O'Donovan-INTERNET
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
Ockler, Sarah
- [Sigia-l] To sort or not to sort
Ockler, Sarah
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
Ramón Antonio Parada
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
Ramón Antonio Parada
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
Ramón Antonio Parada
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
Ramón Antonio Parada
- [Sigia-l] re: narrative in IA - links
Scott Paterson
- [Sigia-l] Re narrative in IA
Scott Paterson
- [Sigia-l] Re narrative in IA
Scott Paterson
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
Bill Pawlak
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
Bill Pawlak
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Bill Pawlak
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Bill Pawlak
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Kyle Pero
- [Sigia-l] help documentation and online tutorials
- [Sigia-l] IA in Italy
Keith Posner
- [Sigia-l] Full-Text vs Keyword Searching
Alice Preston
- [Sigia-l] Full-Text vs Keyword Searching
Alice Preston
- [Sigia-l] Local IA Groups
Jason Pryslak
- [Sigia-l] displaying translated docs
Jason Pryslak
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Call for Paper Prototypes - Wireframes
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] google map list
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] NYC IA Meetup - tomorrow (2/16)
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] [JOB] Asst. Info Architect (NYC/Full Time/Temporary/Contract position)
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebookresults
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Exporting data from EZCalc to SPPS
Carlos Vílchez Román
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Rudorf, Carl
- [Sigia-l] applying ucd methodology to user documentation
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] University intranets
Justine Sanderson
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] narrative in IA - links?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] re: narrative in IA - links
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Code sharing by multiple portals
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Sigia-l] Code sharing by multiple portals
Stefan Schwarzer
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] Up in the air
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] Buy or rent?
Manu Sharma
- [Sigia-l] RE: IA in Italy
Luca Simeone
- [Sigia-l] Informal Cocktail Hour - Seattle 2/15
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Re: Multi column forms in web based applications
Stacy Surla
- [Sigia-l] IA Summit Tshirts
Stacy Surla
- [Sigia-l] re: narrative in IA - links
Stacy Surla
- [Sigia-l] Interest in Task Analysis Software?
Jon at TaskArchitect
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
Taylor, Brett
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Taylor, Brett
- [Sigia-l] google map list
Taylor, Brett
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
Taylor, Brett
- [Sigia-l] [plug] Workshop - Personas: Supporting Design Decisions - March 18, Singapore
Adi B. Tedjasaputra
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
Thompson, Weston
- [Sigia-l] Seeking roommate for IA Summit (male, nonsmoker)
Thompson, Weston
- [Sigia-l] Re: University intranets
Thompson, Weston
- [Sigia-l] Re: University intranets
Thompson, Weston
- [Sigia-l] help documentation and online tutorials
Valerie Gomez de la Torre
- [Sigia-l] applying ucd methodology to user documentation
Valerie Gomez de la Torre
- [compute] Re: [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
tOM Trottier
- [Sigia-l] RE: Sigia-l Digest, Vol 4, Issue 28 - cardsorting, EZsort
tOM Trottier
- [compute] RE: [Sigia-l] Google Maps
tOM Trottier
- [Sigia-l] Google Maps
Conal Tuohy
- [Sigia-l] I guess this was inevitable: Google phonebook results
Conal Tuohy
- [Sigia-l] TMI
Russ Unger
- [Sigia-l] TMI
Russ Unger
- [Sigia-l] TMI
Russ Unger
- [Sigia-l] Less is ... whatever
Mary Utt
- [Sigia-l] CSS and impact on search
Ketan M. Vakil
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Thomas Vander Wal
- [Sigia-l] TMI - and expert-level knowledge
Cecily Walker
- [Sigia-l] Archives are broken / missing on http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/index.php
Alfred Werner
- [Sigia-l] Exercises to teach IA
Alfred Werner
- [Sigia-l] RE: Sigia-l Digest, Vol 5, Issue 11
Noreen Whysel
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Christy Adessa Wilkens
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
Christy Adessa Wilkens
- [Sigia-l] What is a "Top Term" in a thesaurus?
Leonard Will
- [Sigia-l] Open Source Content Management software
Cynthia York
- [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online
Gwen Zanin
- [Sigia-l] High Tech Parking
Gwen Zanin
- [Sigia-l] unsubscribe
Ilen Zazueta-Hall
- [Sigia-l] CLEF 2005 - Call for Participation (fwd)
- [Sigia-l] Jodi Mattes Webaccessibility Aw
- [Sigia-l] Internationalization/Globalization/Localization help needed
bev at enso-company.com
- [Sigia-l] Internationalization/Globalization/Localization help needed
bev at enso-company.com
- [Sigia-l] Re: Content management software recommendation?
- [Sigia-l] Content management software recommendation?
subimage interactive
- [Sigia-l] Generic search
subimage interactive
- [Sigia-l] Encouraging e-checks vs. credit cards
subimage interactive
- [Sigia-l] High Tech Parking
jane at janeforshort.net
- [Sigia-l] Less is ... whatever
jeff at jefflash.com
- [Sigia-l] Multi column forms in web based applications
Jessica.Sprague at lawson.com
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
mary at maryaustin-keller.com
- [Sigia-l] Call For Papers -- IPSI 2005 BELGRADE, SERBIA
milutinovic at rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu
- [Sigia-l] Call For Papers -- IPSI 2005 USA (fwd)
milutinovic at rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu
- [Sigia-l] Amazon Prime (subscription-like service) - an innovation?
ruth at ruthkaufman.com
- [Sigia-l] Re narrative in IA
ruth at ruthkaufman.com
- [compute] Re: [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces
klaus e. werner
- [Sigia-l] Taxonomy requirements specifications?
dbedford at worldbank.org
Last message date:
Mon Feb 28 17:49:45 EST 2005
Archived on: Tue Dec 6 21:16:03 EST 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).