[Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue Feb 1 01:06:49 EST 2005

Patrick Debois:

> http://www.hr-xml.org

BTW, what is the one factor that's missing from this organization's mission?

"The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization  dedicated
to the development and promotion of a standard suite of XML  specifications
to enable e-business and the automation of human  resources-related data

Human resources-related e-business ‹ or any inter-company exchange  of HR
data ‹ requires an agreement among participants about how the  transaction
or data exchange will be accomplished.

The mission of the HR-XML Consortium is to spare employers and  vendors the
risk and expense of having to negotiate and agree upon  data interchange
mechanisms on an ad-hoc basis. By developing and  publishing open data
exchange standards based on Extensible Markup  Language ("XML"), the
Consortium provides the means for any company to transact with other
companies without having to establish,  engineer, and implement many
separate interchange mechanisms.

The HR-XML Consortium is driven by the needs and priorities of its  members.
Any member can propose that the Consortium undertake a  standards activity.
Proposals are subject to a review process and must  include the names of at
least three sponsor organizations as well as  satisfy other pre-requisites."

Nullius in Verba 

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