July 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jul 3 11:39:56 EDT 2010
Ending: Sat Jul 31 16:07:24 EDT 2010
Messages: 45
- Ranking Web of Repositories: July 2010 Edition
Isidro F. Aguillo
- New paper published in Cybermetrics
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Ranking Web of Universities: 2010 July edition
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Ranking Web of Repositories: July 2010 Edition
Armbruster, Chris
- 13th ISSI 2011 Conference Announcement, Durban, South Africa, July 4-8.
Judit Bar-Ilan
- Co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately?
Kevin Boyack
- Co-citation maps
K S Chudamani
- Bibliometry.....Rev. Biol. Trop. 58(2) June 2010 p.531-545
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Personal Alert: 4 items found [Profile:003172]
Eugene Garfield
- Of possible interest to Sig Metrics readers
Eugene Garfield
- of possible interest
Eugene Garfield
- 100 years of Epilepsia: Landmark papers and their influence in neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry (Review, English
Eugene Garfield
- Impact factor skewed by a single paper and don't dismiss journals with a low impact factor
Eugene Garfield
- metrics papers from the July issue of JASIST
Eugene Garfield
- : How Much Does Journal Reputation Tell Us About the Academic Interest and Relevance of Economic Research GAIA-
Eugene Garfield
- International business publications in the elite journals as a measure of institutional productivity and Enterprise University as a Digital Ecosystem
Eugene Garfield
- FW: FW: [SIGMETRICS] Books or articles? in economics
Eugene Garfield
- Malmgren, RD; Ottino, JM; Amaral, LAN. 2010. The role of mentorship in protege performance. NATURE 465 (7298): 622-U117
Eugene Garfield
- Ding, Y. 2010. Semantic Web: Who is who in the field - a bibliometric analysis. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 36 (3): 335-356
Eugene Garfield
- Mutalikdesai, MR; Srinivasa, S. 2010. Co-citations as citation endorsements and co-links as link endorsements. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 36 (3): 383-400.
Eugene Garfield
- Dymond, S; May, RJ; Munnelly, A; Hoon, AE. 2010. Evaluating the Evidence Base for Relational Frame Theory: A Citation Analysis. BEHAVIOR ANALYST 33 (1): 97-117.
Eugene Garfield
- Tellez, H; Vadillo, JM. 2010. Bibliometric study of journal publications on analytical chemistry 2000-2007: publication productivity and journal preferences by country. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 397 (4): 1477-1484.
Eugene Garfield
- Lancho-Barrantes, BS; Guerrero-Bote, VP; Moya-Anegon, F. 2010. What lies behind the averages and significance of citation indicators in different disciplines?. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 36 (3): 371-3
Eugene Garfield
- Robert, C; Wilson, CS; Donnadieu, S; Gaudy, JF; Arreto, CD. 2010. Evolution of the Scientific Literature on Pain from 1976 to 2007. PAIN MEDICINE 11 (5): 670-684
Eugene Garfield
- Redner, S. 2010. On the meaning of the h-index. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT: art. no.-L03005.
Eugene Garfield
- Google Scholar Can Now Focus Boolean Search on the Articles Citing a Given Article
Stevan Harnad
- Fwd: Ranking Web of Repositories: July 2010 Edition
Stevan Harnad
- On Comparing Institutional Apples With Multi-Institutional Fruit: The Denominator Fallacy Again
Stevan Harnad
- Fwd: Ranking Web of Repositories: July 2010 Edition
Stevan Harnad
- Fwd: OA policies and their "weight"
Stevan Harnad
- OA policies and their "weight" (critique)
Stevan Harnad
- OA policies and their "weight"
Stevan Harnad
- Structured abstracts for PhD theses
James Hartley
- Books or articles?
Clement Levallois
- The creative tension between Habermas' critical theory and Luhmann's social systems theory: Communicative Competencies and the Structuration of Expectations
Loet Leydesdorff
- Program Combine.EXE for Mapping Heterogeneous Network Analysis (Co-word, Co-authorship, and Journal Analysis combined)
Loet Leydesdorff
- How fractional counting affects the Impact Factor?
Loet Leydesdorff
- The Triple Helix Perspective of Innovation Systems
Loet Leydesdorff
- Co-citation maps
Bornmann Lutz
- AW: [SIGMETRICS] Co-citation maps
Bornmann Lutz
- Co-citation maps
Karen Medina
- [Fwd: [SIGMETRICS] Fwd: OA policies and their "weight"]
Zaida Chinchilla Rodr?guez
- OA policies and their "weight"
Ramon B. Rodriguez
- a question
zohreh zahedi
- European Educational Research Quality: new sets of indicators, new framework, new methodologies: Geneva 17-18 September 2010
Fredrik Åström
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 16:07:24 EDT 2010
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:59:18 EDT 2015
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