OA policies and their "weight"

Ramon B. Rodriguez rbrod at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Tue Jul 20 13:03:35 EDT 2010

Good afternoon everybody,
Following the ongoing discussion in which the CSIC (Spanish National
Research Council) and its open access efforts have been mentioned, we would
like to clarify the following:
The CSIC Presidency signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access in January
2006, and as a result of it the Spanish National Research Council is driving
and implementing open access principles through 2 institutional initiatives:

-Digital.CSIC (https://digital.csic.es/) is the institutional repository
that provides open access to, organises and preserves the scientific output
resulting from the research activities by CSIC 147 institutes and centers.
The repository is a project by CSIC Libraries Coordination Unit.

-Revistas-CSIC (http://revistas.csic.es/) provides open access to the 35
scientific Journals published by the institution, covering a wide variety of
scientific disciplines. To date, 14 Journals provide immediate open access,
while 22 apply an embargo period of six months. Before the end of this year,
at least 4 more Journals are planned to move to full OA. Revistas-CSIC is a
project run by the CSIC Publication Department, and is a member of OASPA
under the category of OA Professional Publishing Organization.

These 2 initiatives fall within the CSIC Vice-presidency of Organization and
Institutional Relations.

To date, CSIC does not have an open access institutional mandate. In the
absence of a nation-wide open access related law yet, there are regional
laws in favour of open access that have a direct effect on CSIC, such as
that of the Government of the Community of Madrid.

Thus, MELIBEA should not be considered a CSIC institutional project.

Best wishes,

Agnès Ponsati, Director of CSIC Libraries Coordination Unit 

Ramón B. Rodríguez, Coordinator of Revistas-CSIC

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