New paper published in Cybermetrics

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro.aguillo at CCHS.CSIC.ES
Thu Jul 15 06:45:56 EDT 2010

  The Importance of Technology and R&D Expenditures in the Visibility of 
the Firms on the Web: An Exploratory Study

Alba Martinez-Ruiz & Michael Thelwall

Cybermetrics, Vol. 14 (2010): Issue 1. Paper 2

      This article investigates the relationship between the web 
visibility of firms, and the firms' technologies and the R&D 
expenditures. Link data are used as a proxy for the web visibility of a 
firm, and patent indicators are used as a proxy of importance of 
technologies. Data used derives from a set of firms in the renewable 
energy field. The findings suggest that firms investing more in R&D 
and/or developing more high-impact technology are more visible on the 
web, but these relationships are mainly due to larger firms having 
higher values for all three indicators.

Isidro F. Aguillo, HonPhD
Cybermetrics Lab (3C1)
Albasanz, 26-28
28037 Madrid. Spain

Editor of the Rankings Web

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