Bibliometry.....Rev. Biol. Trop. 58(2) June 2010 p.531-545

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Mon Jul 5 22:54:23 EDT 2010

TITLE:          Bibliometry of biological systematics in Latin America
                during the twentieth century in three global databases
(Article, Spanish)
AUTHOR:         Michan, L; Llorente-Bousquets, J
SOURCE:         REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL 58 (2). JUN 2010. p.531-545


KEYWORDS:       taxonomy; bibliometry; Biosis; CAB; Science Citation
                Index; Latin America

ABSTRACT:       Bibliometry of biological systematics in Latin America
during the twentieth century in three global databases. We present a
review of the biological systematic research in Latin America during the
twentieth century, applying a bibliometric analysis to the information
contained in international databases with the largest number of
biological records: Biosis (since 1969), CAB (since 1910) and Science
Citation Index (since 1900), to recognize certain patterns and trends
regarding the document production. We obtained 19 079 documents and 1
journals for Biosis, 14326 and 2537 for CAB, 3257 and 1636 for SCI. Of
the documents, 54.6% related to new species, 15.3% dealt with
14.9% keys, 12.5% descriptions, 10.6% cases of synonymies, 6% new
4.9% new geographical. records, 23.6% geographical distribution, 4.2%
redescriptions, and 3.6% with new nomenclatural combinations. The
mentioned were South America with 11.9%, Central America with 4% and
America (all) with 2.56%. Nineteen Latin American countries appear,
whereas outside this region we found the United States of America with
12.6% of representation and Canada with 3%. Animals (65.6%) were the
studied taxa, which was 1.7 times higher than what was published for
plants (37%), 11 times higher than fungi (6%) and nearly 30 times higher
than microorganisms (2.3%). Out of the 155 journals that produced 66% of
the papers, 76.5% were better represented in Biosis, 21.4% in CAB and 2%
in SCI. Twenty-nine journals published 33% of the articles, the maximum
number of records obtained was 69% for Biosis, CAB 24% and 6.9% for SCI,
three (10.3%) are in biology, 11(37.9%) in botany, 13 (44.8%) zoology,
and two (6.9%) paleontology; eight of these journals (27.5%) were
published in Latin America and twenty were indexed in the Science
Citation Index. In the last two years more journals of the region that
publish on taxonomy have been indexed, but their impact factor is still
low. However, the impact factor of a number of Latin American journals
that published biodiversity increased with time. Countries that are more
interested in studying the Latin American biota from the taxonomic point
of view are Brazil, the United States, Argentina and Mexico. The most
active institutions in this discipline were the Universidade de Sao
Paulo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and the Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro; together they produced 24% of the documents.
Rev. Biol. Trop. 58(2): 531-545. Epub 2010 June 02.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: J Llorente-Bousquets, Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Dept
                Evolut Biol, Museo Zool, Fac Ciencias, Av Univ 3000
                Circuito Exterior S-N,Ciudad Univ,DF, Mexico City 04510,
                DF, Mexico

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