[Fwd: [SIGMETRICS] Fwd: OA policies and their "weight"]
Zaida Chinchilla Rodr?guez
zchinchi at UGR.ES
Thu Jul 15 10:47:52 EDT 2010
a propósito del oa...
---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: [SIGMETRICS] Fwd: OA policies and their "weight"
Desde: "Stevan Harnad" <harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
Fecha: 2010.07.15 2:40 pm
** Cross-Posted **
Forwarding new OA policy evaluator from CSIS
For raw data on OA mandates, see also ROARMAP
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Remedios Melero <rmelero at iata.csic.es>
> Date: July 15, 2010 3:14:19 AM EDT
> To: boai-forum at ecs.soton.ac.uk, SPARC-OAForum at arl.org
> Good mornig!
> In the last Open Repositories Conference which was held last week in
Madrid (http://or2010.fecyt.es/publico/Home/index.aspx ) was presented
in the poster session the project called MELIBEA.
> MELIBEA (http://www.accesoabierto.net/politicas/) is a directory and a
validator of institutional open-access (OA) policies regarding
scientific and academic work. As a directory, it describes the existing
policies. As a validator, it subjects them to qualitative and
quantitative analysis based on fulfilment of a set of indicators (
http://www.accesoabierto.net/politicas/politicas_estructura.php) that
reflect the bases of an institutional policy.
> Based on the values assigned to a set of indicators, weighted according
to their importance, the validator indicates a score and a percentage of
fulfilment for each policy analyzed. The sum of weighted values of each
indicator is converted to a percentage scale to give what we have called
the “validated open-access percentage” (see how i t is calculated:
http://www.accesoabierto.net/politicas/default.php?contenido=acerca ).
> The types of institution analyzed include universities, research
centres, funding agencies and governmental organizations.
> MELIBEA has three main objectives:
> • 1. To establish indicators that reveal the strong and weak points
of institutional OA polices.
> • 2. To propose a methodology to guide institutions when they are
drawing up an institutional OA policy.
> • 3. To offer a tool for comparing the contents of policies between
> The aim is not to be a ranking, but to offer a tool where to aanlyse and
visualize the weaknesses or strenghts of an institutional OA policy
based on its wording. It seems something trivial but accomplishment of
a policy is based on its terms.
> Please if you detect any mistake or you would like to make a comment,
contact me. I will be pleased if you could check your policy, if any, to
analyse our approach.
> Best wishes
> Reme
> R. Melero
> Avda Agustín Escardino 7, 46980 Paterna (Valencia), Spain
> TEl +34 96 390 00 22. Fax 96 363 63 01
> E-mail rmelero at iata.csic.es
> http://www.accesoabierto.net
Zaida Chinchilla Rodr�guez
CSIC, Instituto de Pol�ticas y Bienes P�blicos
Grupo SCImago
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