February 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Feb 2 04:40:42 EST 2004
Ending: Fri Feb 27 12:46:25 EST 2004
Messages: 40
- (a) Antonio Pulgar ín , (b) Isidoro Gil-Leiva "Bibliometric analysis of the automatic indexing literature: 1956-2000" Information Processing and Management 40, p.365-377, 2004
Eugene Garfield
- 5 year postdoc in Madrid
Isidro F. Aguillo
- 5 year postdoc in Madrid
Williams Nwagwu
- SV: [SIGMETRICS] Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiiu m on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Nicolaisen Jeppe
- SV: [SIGMETRICS] Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiiu m on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Michel J. Menou
- SV: [SIGMETRICS] SV: [SIGMETRICS] Call for Papers: The 3rd Intern ational Symposiiu m on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Nicolaisen Jeppe
- A connectionist and multivariate approach to science maps: SOM and statistics techniques applied to Library & Information Science research
Loet Leydesdorff
- Brumback RA "Impact of the Journal of Child Neurology: 2002 data" Journal of Child Neurology 18(11):795-797, November 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Buela-Casal G, Carretero-Dios H, de los Santos-Roig M "Bibliometric analysis of Latin-American psychological journals with an impact factor" REVISTA MEXICANA DE PSICOLOGIA 20 (2): 315-326 DEC 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiium on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Williams Nwagwu
- Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiium on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Chaomei Chen
- Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiium on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Rong Tang
- Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiium on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
Chaomei Chen
- Call for Papers: The 3rd International Symposiium on Knowledge Domain Visualization (KDViz'04)
R Tang
- Carretero Perez A "Anales-del-Museo-del-Pueblo-Espanol and Anales-del-Museo-Nacional-de-Antropologia. Bibliometric approach" REVISTA DE DIALECTOLOGIA Y TRADICIONES POPULARES 57 (1): 207-218 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Crossmaps: visualization of overlapping relationships in collections of journal papers.
Steven Morris
- Dannefer D "Cumulative advantage/disadvantage and the life course: Cross-fertilizing age and social science theory" JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 58 (6): S327-S337 NOV 2003
Eugene Garfield
- DOAJ, OAIster and Romeo should chart growth, as EPrints does
Stevan Harnad
- Forthcoming papers in Scientometrics vol. 59 issue no. 1 2004
Garfield, Eugene
- Forthcoming papers in Scientometrics vol. 59 issue no. 1 2004
Quentin L. Burrell
- Furner J. "Little book, big book: before and after Little science, big science: a review article, Part I and II" JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 35 (2): 115-125 JUN 2003 and 35 (3): 189-201 SEP 2003
Eugene Garfield
- FW: Valparaiso Declaration
Sloan, Bernie
- Fwd: vacature - research position in an EU funded project
Andrea Scharnhorst
- Garfield E, Pudovkin AI, Istomin VS "Mapping the output of topical searches in the Web of knowledge and the case of Watson-Crick" INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES 22 (4): 183-187 DEC 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Huang Z, Chen HC, Yip A, Ng G, Guo F, Chen ZK, Roco MC " Longitudinal patent analysis for nanoscale science and engineering: Country, institution and technology field" JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH 5 (3-4): 333-363 AUG 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Jelka Petrak, Jadranka Bo ikov "Journal Publications from Zagreb University Medical School in 1995-1999 " Croatian Medical Journal 44(6). p.681-689 December 2003.
Eugene Garfield
- Lee HC "Metasearch via the co-citation graph " IC' 03 ; Procceding of the International Conference on Internet Computing, Vols 1 and 2, 2003. p.24-30 CSRE A Press, Athens
Eugene Garfield
- Maestroni L, Incarnato N, Fumagalli E, Orzalesi N "Impact Factor and academic progression in Italy" INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE 44: 176 Suppl. 1 MAY 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Question: studies on the size of scientific specialties?
Steven A. Morris
- Question: studies on the size of scientific specialties?
Heinrich C. Kuhn
- Question: studies on the size of scientific spec ialties?
Garfield, Eugene
- SIGMETRICS Digest - 20 Feb 2004 to 22 Feb 2004 (#2004-27)
David Watkins
- Smyth R, Bhattacharya M "How fast do old judges slow down? A life cycle study of aging and productivity in the Federal Court of Australia" INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 23(2):141-164 June 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Stack S. "Research productivity and student evaluation of teaching in social science classes: A research note" RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION 44 (5): 539-556 OCT 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Thelwall M, Vaughan L, Cothey V, Li XM, Smith AG "Which academic subjects have most online impact? A pilot study and a new classification process" ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 27 (5): 333-343 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Thomson ISI and NEC Team Up to Index Web-based Scholarship
Sloan, Bernie
- Tobin MJ "Impact factor and the journal" AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 168 (6): 621-622 SEP 15 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Triple Helix V, Turin-Milan, 17-20 May 2005
Loet Leydesdorff
- Two part History of the journal International Microbiology
Garfield, Eugene
- Unsubscribe
Mairead Browne
Last message date:
Fri Feb 27 12:46:25 EST 2004
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:58:54 EDT 2015
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