DOAJ, OAIster and Romeo should chart growth, as EPrints does

Stevan Harnad harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK
Sun Feb 8 09:23:06 EST 2004

On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Kat Hagedorn wrote:

> I have the [OAIster] numbers you were looking for
> with the usual caveat that these are the full-text digital objects
> linked to from all the records we harvest, not just the self-archived
> eprint records. I can tell you that we currently successfully harvest
> from about 80 eprint repositories (this number changes month to month
> due to connection errors and the like).

> Numbers overall seem to have grown 23% in 5 months.
> All text items: 1,509,762
> 2004 text items: 1,324
> 2003 text items: 243,558
> 2002 text items: 172,129
> 2001 text items: 152,026
> 2000 text items: 106,617
> 1999 text items: 85,029
> 1998 text items: 77,687
> 1997 text items: 56,777
> 1996 text items: 44,921
> 1995 text items: 39,807
> 1994 text items: 28,809
> 1993 text items: 21,074
> 1992 text items: 13,247
> 1991 text items: 6,523
> 1990 text items: 5,701
> - Kat Hagedorn

Thanks ever so much, Kat. Those data are terrific!

Is there any possibility that you could make that analysis into
a regular feature of the OAIster homepage, either as a periodic static
snapshot or, better still, a dynamically updated one of:

A comparable dynamic analyzer for the Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ
homepage would be extremely useful and informative
too, as well as such an analyzer for the new SHERPA/ROMEO tally of
"green" journals (number of journals officially endorsing self-archiving).

These 3 highly related sets of data should be interlinked to one another,
to provide a clear indicator of the ongoing worldwide growth of OA in all
respects (growth in (1) the number of OA archives and self-archived OA
articles in them, (2) growth in the number OA journals and OA articles
in them, and (3) growth in the number of "green" journals, hence the
minimum number of *potentially* OA articles!).

Tim Brody has now created such a visualizer for 126 OAI Archives
as well as an analyzer of the growth rate for both
archives and papers among (1) 62 exclusively institutional
archives as well as among (2) 93 archives only:

Something like that for all of OAister, DOAJ and Romeo would be a
tremendous help, an eye-opener for the world research community, and a
great stimulant for OA.

Stevan Harnad

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    "DOAJ, OAIster and Romeo should chart growth, as EPrints does"

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    "Request for journal/article/field statistics from Ulrichs and ISI"

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