(a) Antonio Pulgar ín , (b) Isidoro Gil-Leiva "Bibliometric analysis of the automatic indexing literature: 1956-2000" Information Processing and Management 40, p.365-377, 2004

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Feb 5 15:56:59 EST 2004

apulgue at alcazaba.unex.es (A. Pulgarín),
 isgil at har.upv.es (I. Gil-Leiva).

TITLE         Bibliometric analysis of the automatic indexing literature: 1956-2000
                 Full Text Available at : http://ttt.upv.es/isgil/Articulo%20Analisis%20bibliometrico%20Ia%2070.pdf

AUTHORS  (a)    Antonio Pulgarín , (b)  Isidoro Gil-Leiva
JOURNAL   Information Processing and Management 40, p.365-377, 2004

ADDRESS: (a) Faculty of Library & Information Science, University of Extremadura, La Alcazaba, 06071 Badajoz, Spain
                  (b) Faculty of Computer Sciences, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

We present a bibliometric study of a corpus of 839 bibliographic references about automatic
indexing, covering the period 1956-2000. We analyse the distribution of authors and works, the
obsolescence and its dispersion, and the distribution of the literature by topic, year, and source
type. We conclude that: (i) there has been a constant interest on the part of researchers; (ii) the
most studied topics were the techniques and methods employed and the general aspects of
automatic indexing; (iii) the productivity of the authors does fit a Lotka distribution (Dmax =
0.02 and critical value = 0.054); (iv) the annual aging factor is 95%; and (v) the dispersion of
the literature is low.

Keywords: Automatic indexing; Scientific output; Bibliometric analysis

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