Triple Helix V, Turin-Milan, 17-20 May 2005

Loet Leydesdorff loet at LEYDESDORFF.NET
Fri Feb 6 09:04:35 EST 2004

The 5th TRIPLE HELIX CONFERENCE - Turin-Milan 2005


Thematics Areas :        Research and Technological Innovation .


Research Centers :       CeS&T - Centre of Science and Technology Policy


Sponsor : To become a Sponsor of the 5th Triple Helix Conference, please
contact the Organising Secretariat.


** apologies for cross-postings

r/Rosselli logo.jpg&WDTH=100&HGHT=150> The 5th Triple Helix Conference

The 5th Triple Helix Conference is to be held in Italy and will be
organised by the Fondazione Rosselli.

The topics of the 5th Triple Helix Conference will dealt with the Forms
of Knowledge (Generation, Access and Capitalization of Knowledge) .

This meeting will represent a work in progress about the questions that
have emerged in the past conferences and an appropriate answer to the
new demands for progress.

The 5th Triple Helix Conference provides an opportunity to highlight the
issues and draw a new group of participants into the research and policy

The aim of the conference is to show the different approaches of
development research and the interaction between Industry, Govern and
University at worldwide level.

The Conference will host representatives of the Economic, Industrial,
Academic and Political sphere, coming from the five continents. The
Third World participation is a very important element for the success of
the Triple Helix Conference.

The Triple Helix Conference will be the opportunity to explain the new
forms of development in the differents countries both at a regional and
national level.

During the three days in Torino a few visits to the town, either from a
cultural and Industrial point of view, will be organized. The Conference
could be an opportunity to open Torino and Piemonte to new markets for
development and investments and the occasion to show the expertise of
t> Regione Piemonte both at European and worldwide level.
It will be an opportunity to set Piemonte as a platform, a show room and
a means of interchange for new technologies and investments.

a_seminari1&semn_id=457> The Triple Helix conferences - A BRIEF HISTORY
a_seminari1&semn_id=452> The 5th Triple Helix Conference - AIMS &
a_seminari1&semn_id=453> The 5th Triple Helix Conference - ORGANISING
a_seminari1&semn_id=454> The 5th Triple Helix Conference - LOCATION &
a_seminari1&semn_id=456> THE HELIX METHAPHOR


 Start Date:


 End Date:


 Address: "Torino Incontra" Congress Centre, via N. Costa 6 - TURIN


Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681
 <mailto:loet at> loet at ;

 <> The Challenge of
Scientometrics ;  <> The
Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society

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