October 2005 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Oct 3 09:33:56 EDT 2005
Ending: Fri Oct 28 15:37:34 EDT 2005
Messages: 51
- Aksnes D. "Citations and their use as indicators in science policy. Studies of validity and applicability issues with a particular focus on highly cited papers" - Ph.D. Dissertation - March 2005
Eugene Garfield
- BBini LM, Diniz JAF, Carvalho P, Pinto MP, Rangel TFLVB, "Lomborg and the litany of biodiversity crisis: What the peer-reviewed literature says " CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 19 (4): 1301-1305 AUG 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Bollen J, de Sompel HV, Smith JA, Luce R "Toward alternative metrics of journal impact: A comparison of download and citation data " Information Processing & Management 41(6): 1419-1440. December 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Bui-Mainsfield LT. Whatever happened to the 50 most frequently cited articles published in AJR? American Journal of Roentgenology 185(3): 597-601. September 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Burrell QL "Symmetry and other transformation features of Lorenz/Leimkuhler representations of informetric data " Information Processing & Management. 41 (6): 1317-1329 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Butcher J, Jeffrey P "The use of bibliometric indicators to explore industry-academia collaboration trends over time in the field of membrane use for water treatment " TECHNOVATION 25 (11): 1273-1280 NOV 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Butcher J,Jeffrey P "The use of bibliometric indicators to explore industry-academia collaboration trends over time in the field of membrane use for water treatment " TECHNOVATION 25 (11): 1273-1280 NOV 2005
Leo Egghe
- Cancho, RFI "The variation of Zipf's law in human language " EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 44 (2). MAR 2005. p.249-257
Eugene Garfield
- CHE Impact Factor Article
Stephen J Bensman
- Chronicle of Higher Education IF Article 2
Stephen J Bensman
- Chronicle of Higher Education Impact Factor Article
Stevan Harnad
- Chronicle of Higher Education Impact Factor Article
Stephen J Bensman
- Chronicle of Higher Education Impact Factor Article
Stevan Harnad
- Chronicle of Higher Education Impact Factor Article
Stephen J Bensman
- Chronicle of Higher Education Impact Factor Article
Stevan Harnad
- Critique of Research Fortnight article on RCUK policy proposal
Stevan Harnad
- de Moya-Anegon F, et al. "Domain analysis and information retrieval through the construction of heliocentric maps based on ISI-JCR category cocitation " Information Processing & Management 41 (6): 1520-1533 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Egghe L. "Continuous, weighted Lorenz theory and applications to the study of fractional relative impact factors " INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 41 (6): 1330-1359 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Egghe L. "Expansion of the field of informetrics: origins and consequences" Information Processing & Management 41(6):1311-1316 December 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Gattuso JP, Dawson NA, Duarte CM, Middelburg JJ "Patterns of publication effort in coastal biogeochemistry: a bibliometric survey (1971 to 2003)" MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES 294: 9-22 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Help Help
M Koteswara Rao
- How to compare research impact of toll- vs. open-access research
Stevan Harnad
- Interesting paper on search engines
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Ioannidis JPA, Bernstein J, Boffetta P, Danesh J, et al. "A network of investigator networks in human genome epidemiology " American Journal of Epidemiology 162(4): 302-304. August 15 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Jain NC "Two Indian journals cross impact factor 1.00 in 2004 " Current Science 89 (3): 429 August 10, 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Jones MJ, Roberts R. "International publishing patterns: An investigation of leading UK and US accounting and finance journals " Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 32(5-6): 1107-1140, June-July 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Kurtz MJ, Eichhorn G, Accomazzi A, Grant C, Demleitner M, Henneken E, Murray SS "The effect of use and access on citations " INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 41 (6): 1395-1402 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Lee DT, Lee GC "Knowledge management for computational problem solving " JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 9 (6): 563-570 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Lewison G, Rippon I, de Francisco A, Lipworth S "Outputs and expenditures on health research in eight disease areas using a bibliometric approach, 1996-2001" RESEARCH EVALUATION 13 (3): 181-188 DEC 2004
Eugene Garfield
- Lins RD "Lazy cyclic reference counting" Journal of Universal Computer Science 9 (8): 813-828 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Liu XM, Bollen J, Nelson ML, Van de Sompel H "Co-authorship networks in the digital library research community " Information Processing & Management 41 (6): 1462-1480 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Liu Z, Wang CZ "Mapping interdisciplinarity in demography: a journal network analysis " JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 31 (4): 308-316 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Loria A, Arroyo P "Language and country preponderance trends in MEDLINE and its causes " JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 93 (3): 381-385 JUL 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Loria A, Arroyo P "Language and country preponderance trends in MEDLINE and its causes " JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 93 (3): 381-385 JUL 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Marshakova-Shaikevich I "Bibliometric maps of field of science" Information Processing & Management 41(6):1534-1547 December 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Maximising the Return on UK's Public Investment in Research
Fernandez Polcuch, Ernesto
- Meadows J "A practical line in bibliometrics" Interlending and Document Supply 33(2): 90-94 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Modelling Anticipation, Codification, and Husserl's Horizon of Meanings
Loet Leydesdorff
- Moore S, Shiell A, Hawe P, Haines VA "The privileging of communitarian ideas: Citation practices and the translation of social capital into public health research" AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 95 (8): 1330-1337 AUG 2005
Eugene Garfield
- New paper in the e-journal Cybermetrics
Isidro F. Aguillo
- Ohniwa RL, Denawa M, Kudo M, Nakamura K, Takeyasu K "Perspective factor a novel indicator for the assessment of journal quality" Research Evaluation 13(3): 175-180 December 2004.
Eugene Garfield
- Olson JE "Top-25-business-school professors rate journals in operations management and related fields " INTERFACES 35 (4): 323-338 JUL-AUG 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Payne N, Thelwall M "Mathematical models for academic webs: Linear relationship or non-linear power law?" INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 41 (6): 1495-1510 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Ramos JM, Gutierez F, Royo G. "Scientific production in microbiology and affinity areas in Spain during 1990-2002 " ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA 23 (7): 406-414 AUG-SEP 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Rousseau R. "Conglomerates as a general framework for informetric research" INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 41 (6): 1360-1368 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Shan S. "On the generalized Zipf distribution. Part I " INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 41 (6): 1369-1386 DEC 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Tsay MY and Yang YH " Bibliometric analysis of the literature of randomized controlled trials" Journal of the Medical Library Association Vol:93, #4, p.450-458, October 2005.
Eugene Garfield
- Valiela I, Martinetto P "The relative ineffectiveness of bibliographic search engines" BIOSCIENCE 55 (8): 688-692 AUG 2005
Eugene Garfield
- Webology: Volume 2, Number 3, October, 2005
Alireza Noruzi
- Yapa G, de Silva MAT, de Silva ED "Trends and shifts in Institutional productivity: natural products chemistry research in Sri Lanka" Research Evaluation 13(3): 167-174 December 2004.
Eugene Garfield
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Fri Oct 28 15:37:34 EDT 2005
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