New paper in the e-journal Cybermetrics

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Tue Oct 18 09:38:41 EDT 2005

Strategies to assure adequate scientific outputs by developing countries
- a scientometric evaluation of Brazilian PADCT as a case study
Luiz Antonio Barreto de Castro
Cybermetrics, Vol., 9 (2005): ISSUE 1. PAPER 1

The main purpose of this article is to stimulate scientists and policy
makers to ask the question: How reliable are scientific investments made
by developing countries on a long term basis ? Strategies to assure
adequate, long term, scientific outputs by developing countries must be
enforced. Our experience in Brazil and in many other developing
countries, particularly in Latin America, that successful scientific
initiatives may be discontinued for non scientific reasons. Strategies
in Brazil are discussed, as well as the results of a scientometric
evaluation of the Brazilian PADCT as a case study. The methodology
applied requires the availability of data bases listing all the active
scientists, for performance comparisons amongst institution and
countries. Financial investments by developing countries for S&T&I are
limited when compared to developed countries but must be properly
evaluated. Many developing countries have in addition difficulties to
maintain consistent data bases on science and technology and as
consequence fail to evaluate the outputs resulting from the investments
in this area. This context weakens the position of the scientific
academies, when the time to present the necessary demands of science to
the highest decision making level bodies in the Country is offered.

Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at
Ph:(+34) 91-5635482 ext. 313

InternetLab. CINDOC-CSIC
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. SPAIN

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