June 2002 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jun 3 03:21:19 EDT 2002
Ending: Wed Jun 26 16:45:53 EDT 2002
Messages: 28
- Articles from JAMA 287(21): June 5, 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Brakeall, LG "Interactive citation workbook: ALWD, by T.L. McGaugh, C. Hurt, K.G. Holloway (Book Review)" LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 94 (2). SPR 2002. p.325-328 AMER ASSN LAW LIBRARIES, CHICAGO
Eugene Garfield
- Chambers FM, Brain SA "Paradigm shifts in late-Holocene climatology?" HOLOCENE 12 (2): 239-249 2002
Eugene Garfield
- David Watkins/SBS/Southampton Institute is out of the office.
David Watkins
- Ender MG "Authorship and affiliation in Armed Forces & Society: Volumes 1-25" ARMED FORCES & SOCIETY 27 (4): 623-+ SUM 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Garcia F, Mayoralas S, Dorgham A, Granda I, Perpina M, Casan P, Xaubet A, Agusti AGN, Alvarez-Sala JL " Analysis of the impact of Archivos de Bronconeumologia by Science Citation" ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA 37 (11): 465-470 DEC 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Garofalakis J, Kappos P, Makris C "Improving the performance of Web access by bridging global ranking with local page popularity metrics" INTERNET RESEARCH-ELECTRONIC NETWORKING APPLICATIONS AND POLICY 12(1):43-54, 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Hachinski VC "The impact of impact factors" STROKE 32(12) 2729-2729 DEC 2001
Eugene Garfield
- He Y, Hui SC, Fong ACM "Mining a Web citation database for document clustering" APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 16 (4): 283-302 APR 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Igic R "The influence of the civil war in Yugoslavia on publishing in peer-reviewed journals" Scientometrics 53(3):447-452 March-April 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Introducing the new official ISSI Discussion List
Mari Davis
- Kate McCain/Drexel_IST is out of the office.
Kate McCain
- Kawamura K, Hatano N "Universality of Zipf's law" JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 71 (5): 1211-1213 MAY 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Lempel R, Moran S "SALSA: The stochastic approach for link-structure analysis" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS 19 (2): 131-160 APR 2001
Eugene Garfield
- McCann SJH "The precocity-longevity hypothesis: Earlier peaks in career achievement predict shorter lives" PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN 27 (11): 1429-1439 NOV 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Misak A, Petrak J, Pecina M "Scientific biomedical journals in Croatia" CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 43 (1): 8-15 FEB 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Nielsen FA, Hansen LR, "Author cocitation analysis of articles from "NeuroImage" NEUROIMAGE 13 (6): S212-S212 Part 2 Suppl. S JUN 2001
Eugene Garfield
- O'Connor J, French R, Sherrill C "Scholarly productivity in adapted physical activity pedagogy: A bibliometric analysis" ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUARTERLY 18 (4): 434-450 OCT 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Redner S "How popular is your paper? An empirical study of the citation distribution" EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B 4 (2): 131-134 JUL 1998
Eugene Garfield
- Rogers LF "Impact factor: The numbers game" American Journal of Roentgenology 178 (3):541-542 March 2002
Eugene Garfield
- SIGMETRICS Digest - 28 May 2002 to 31 May 2002 (#2002-47)
Mogens Henrik Sørensen (MHS)
- Sircar S, Nerur SP, Mahapatra R "Revolution or evolution? A comparison of object-oriented and structured systems development methods" MIS QUARTERLY 25 (4): 457-471 DEC 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Van Diest PJ, Holzel H, Burnett D, Crocker J "Impactitus: new cures for an old disease" Juornal of Clinical Pathology 54(11):817-819, November 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Web citation (fwd)
Garfield, Eugene
- Web citation (fwd)
Quentin L. Burrell
- Web citation (fwd)
Garfield, Eugene
- Winkmann G, Schlutius S, Schweim HG "Citation rates of medical German-language journals in English-language papers - do they correlate with the Impact Factor, and who cites?" DEUTSCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 127 (4): 138-143 JAN 25 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Winkmann G, Schlutius S, Schweim HG "Publication languages of Impact Factor Journals and of medical bibliographic databanks" DEUTSCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 127 (4): 131-137 JAN 25 2002
Eugene Garfield
Last message date:
Wed Jun 26 16:45:53 EDT 2002
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:58:50 EDT 2015
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