July 2003 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jul 9 08:57:44 EDT 2003
Ending: Mon Jul 21 16:12:35 EDT 2003
Messages: 26
- [ISSI] ISSI Election results (fwd)
Gretchen Whitney
- Kate McCain/Drexel_IST is out of the office.
Kate McCain
- Walter G, Bloch S, Hunt G, Fisher K. "Counting on citations: a flawed way to measure quality" MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA 178 (6): 280-+ MAR 17 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Astrom F. "Visualizing library and information science concept spaces through keyword and citation based maps and clusters." COLIS4 : Emerging frameworks and methods. 2002. p.185-197 Libraries Unlimited Inc. Englewood.
Eugene Garfield
- Surinach J, Duque JC, Ramos R, Royuela V "Publication patterns in regional and urban analysis: Have topics, techniques and applications changed during the 1990s?" REGIONAL STUDIES 37 (4): 351-363 JUN 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Surinach J, Duque JC, Ramos R, Royuela V "Publication patterns in regional and urban analysis: Have topics, techniques and applications changed during the 1990s?" REGIONAL STUDIES 37 (4): 351-363 JUN 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Miller PA, McKibbon KA, Haynes RB "A quantitative analysis of research publications in physical therapy journals" PHYSICAL THERAPY 83 (2): 123-131 FEB 2003 and two other papers from Physical Therapy 83 (2): 123-131 FEB 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Ioannides YM, Overman HG "Zipf's law for cities: an empirical examination" REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 33 (2): 127-137 MAR 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Mojon-Azzil SM, Jiang XY, Wagner U, St Mojon D "Ophthalmology ,,Made in Switzerland" - Swiss papers listed in Medline" KLINISCHE MONATSBLATTER FUR AUGENHEILKUNDE 219 (12): 866-871 DEC 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Toutkoushian RK, Porter SR, Danielson C, Hollis PR "Using publications counts to measure an institution's research productivity" RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION 44 (2): 121-148 APR 2003
Eugene Garfield
- Ehikhamenor FA "Internet facilities: use and non-use by Nigerian University scientists" Journal of Information Science 29(1):35-48 2003
Eugene Garfield
- McKiernan, G. "E is for Everything: The Extra-Ordinary, Evolutionary [E-] Journal. 2001. Technical Report" Serials Librarian 41(3-4):293-321, 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Fusaroli P, Vallar R, Togliani T, Khodadadian E, Caletti G "Scientific publications in endoscopic ultrasonography: A 20-year global survey of the literature" Endoscopy 34 (6): 451-456 JUN 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Thelwall M. " A comparison of sources of links for academic Web impact factor calculations" Journal of Documentation 58(1):66-78 2002
Eugene Garfield
- "Low-complexity fuzzy relational clustering algorithms for Web mining"
Eugene Garfield
- Gebler J. "Impact Factor and the journal Listy cukrovarnicke a reparske" LISTY CUKROVARNICKE A REPARSKE 118 (9-10): 233-236 SEP-OCT 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Rauber A, Merkl D "Mining text archives: Creating readable maps to structure and describe document collections" PRINCIPLES OF DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 1704: 524-529 1999
Eugene Garfield
- Marek K, Valauskas EJ "Web logs as indices of electronic journal use:Tools for identifying a "classic" article" LIBRI 52 (4): 220-230 DEC 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Olds JL "Are there really too, many biomedical trainees?" ANATOMICAL RECORD 265 (4): 157-158 AUG 15 2001
Eugene Garfield
- Bordons, M; Morillo, F; Fernandez, MT; Gomez, I "One step further in the production of bibliometric indicators at the micro level: Differences by gender and professional" SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.159-173
Eugene Garfield
- Lacasa, ID; Grupp, H; Schmoch, U "Tracing technological change over long periods in Germany in chemicals using patent statistics " SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.175-195
Eugene Garfield
- Glanzel, W; Danell, R; Persson, O "The decline of Swedish neuroscience: Decomposing a bibliometric national science indicator (Article, English)" SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.197-213
Eugene Garfield
- Laudel, G "Study the brain drain: Can bibliometric methods help?" SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.215-237
Eugene Garfield
- Li, XM; Thelwall, M; Musgrove, P; Wilkinson, D "The relationship between the WIFs or inlinks of Computer Science Departments in UK and their RAE ratings or research productivities in 2001" SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.239-255
Eugene Garfield
- van Leeuwen, TN; Visser, MS; Moed, HF; Nederhof, TJ; van Raan, AFJ "Holy Grail of science policy: Exploring and combining bibliometric tools in search of scientific excellence " SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.257-280
Eugene Garfield
- Zitt, M; Ramanana-Rahary, S; Bassecoulard, E; Laville, F "Potential science-technology spillovers in regions: An insight on geographic co-location of knowledge activities in the EU" SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.295-320
Eugene Garfield
Last message date:
Mon Jul 21 16:12:35 EDT 2003
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:58:53 EDT 2015
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