Zitt, M; Ramanana-Rahary, S; Bassecoulard, E; Laville, F "Potential science-technology spillovers in regions: An insight on geographic co-location of knowledge activities in the EU" SCIENTOMETRICS 57 (2). 2003. p.295-320
Eugene Garfield
Mon Jul 21 16:12:35 EDT 2003
M. Zitt : zitt at nantes.inra.fr
TITLE: Potential science-technology spillovers in regions: An
insight on geographic co-location of knowledge activities in
the EU
(Article, English)
AUTHOR: Zitt, M; Ramanana-Rahary, S; Bassecoulard, E; Laville, F
ABSTRACT: This article depicts some features of the geography of
science and technology outputs in the EU, with a particular attention to
regional "co-location" of these two pillars of the "knowledge-based
society". Economists have, for a decade, paid great attention to local
"spillovers" stating that industrial firms often draw advantages from the
presence of nearby academic centres. The presence in the same areas of
strong academic and technological resources is both a condition and a
result of science-technology interactions. Concentrating on publications
and patents as proxies of the science and technology level in regions, we
built a typology of regions according to their commitment to the two
knowledge-base activities and then analysed the co-locations of science
and technology from several points of view. A fine-grain lattice, mainly
based on standard Nuts3 level, was used. Co-location, at the EU level, is
not a general rule. A strong potential for spillover/interaction does
exist in the top-class regions which concentrate a high proportion of
European S and T output. But for regions with a small/medium level of S&T
activity, a divergence of orientations appears between a science-oriented
family and a technology-oriented family, indicating an imbalance between
local S and T resources. If we look at the S-oriented regions, whilst
controlling for underlying factors, such as population and regional
economic product, a significant geographic linkage between T and S
appears. This suggests a trajectory of science-based technological
development. A careful examination of S&T thematic alignments and
specialisation is necessary to develop the hypothesis that fostering
academic resources could increase the technological power along a growth
AUTHOR ADDRESS: M Zitt, Observ Sci & Tech, Paris, France
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