August 2006 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Aug 1 10:38:23 EDT 2006
Ending: Thu Aug 31 23:01:16 EDT 2006
Messages: 243
- [Sigia-l] - Job Posting - Senior UI Designer - Motorola
Mandy Lowey
- [Sigia-l] [CORRECTION] Informal Cocktail Hour: Wash. DC 8/16/06
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] [Job Posting] User Experience Architect, EDS
- [Sigia-l] [Job Posting] User Experience Specialist, EDS
- [Sigia-l] [JOB] User Experience Designer, Herndon, VA | 60-95k
- [Sigia-l] [JOB] User Experience Designer, Herndon, VA | 60-95k
Ursula Gould
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Kenneth Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Kenneth Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Gino Zahnd
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Gino Zahnd
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Kenneth Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Todd Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Ajax vs. $$$
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Alphabetical vs. high use menu
Barford, Patricia
- [Sigia-l] Alphabetical vs. high use menu
maish nichani
- [Sigia-l] Announcing CanUX, Sept 14-16, 2006 in Banff, AB
David Crow
- [Sigia-l] August 30th Taxonomy Governance Conference Call
stephanie at
- [Sigia-l] Axure
Frank Siraguso
- [Sigia-l] Axure
Peter Van Dijck
- [Sigia-l] Axure
David Carruthers
- [Sigia-l] Axure
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Axure
David Carruthers
- [Sigia-l] Axure
Jonathan Baker-Bates
- [Sigia-l] Axure
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Axure
- [Sigia-l] BarCamp NYC, Sep. 30/Oct. 1st
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] Bulletin Issue on IA
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Canberra IA Cocktail Hour 07 September 2006: Topic Maps
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
Bertrand, Jeremy
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
Alexander Johannesen
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
Everett, Andy
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
Dmitry Nekrasovski
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
Gary Carlson
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
- [Sigia-l] Categorization question...
- [Sigia-l] Cena Crane in training off-site this week
Cena_Crane at
- [Sigia-l] CfP: CHI2007 Courses and Workshops, Deadline September 1
Jon Kolko [SCAD]
- [Sigia-l] Dawn of the Embedded Library (NEASIS&T) - Oct. 3, Medford, MA
Caryn Anderson
- [Sigia-l] Discount vs. High End testing
Kenneth Bryson
- [Sigia-l] Discount vs. High End testing
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Discount vs. High End testing
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Discount vs. High End testing
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
Livia Labate
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
Leonard Will
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] Dui or PMS?
- [Sigia-l] Early registration for EuroIA ends on Friday
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet
Alexander Johannesen
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet (prady)
tputkey at
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet (prady)
Surla, Stacy M.
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet (prady)
Shiv Singh
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet (prady)
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet (prady)
- [Sigia-l] Employee page on your intranet (prady)
Dmitry Nekrasovski
- [Sigia-l] Euro IA wireframe panel
Jacco Nieuwland
- [Sigia-l] Extended Early Registration Pricing! - PHICHI Workshop: Hot Topics In Interaction Design -- Taught by William Hudson
Kyle Pero
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
Leonard Will
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
John Benjamin
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
Leonard Will
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
Leonard Will
- [Sigia-l] Forcing use of Web pages instead of email
- [Sigia-l] Free Symposium on the State of Interactive Media UK 8th September
Stephen Boyd Davis
- [Sigia-l] Growing Up IA - a Friday-ish question
Laurie Gray
- [Sigia-l] Growing Up IA - a Friday-ish question
tOM Trottier
- [Sigia-l] Growing Up IA - a Friday-ish question
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] IA Education Survey
Beth Koloski
- [Sigia-l] IA for Digital Libraries
Surla, Stacy M.
- [Sigia-l] IA for Digital Libraries
Surla, Stacy M.
- [Sigia-l] IA opportunity for Proxicom in Los Angeles or Irvine, CA
Ralph Zenger
- [Sigia-l] IA Summit - Call for proposals
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Harry G. Osoff
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Alexander Johannesen
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Challis Hodge
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Anne Hjortshoj
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Jacob Mattison
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Brett Taylor
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] IA's Responsibility
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Informal Cocktail Hour: Wash. DC 8/15/06
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Information Architecture 2006 Progress Grants
Lori Baker
- [Sigia-l] Information Architecture and Usability Professions
Stanley, Niki
- [Sigia-l] Information Architecture and Usability Professions
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Information Architecture and Usability Professions
Mark Bardsley
- [Sigia-l] Information Architecture and Usability Professions
- [Sigia-l] Interesting movie promotional site
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Interesting movie promotional site
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Interesting movie promotional site
Groot, Boyd de
- [Sigia-l] Interesting movie promotional site
- [Sigia-l] Interesting movie promotional site
A.F. Cossham
- [Sigia-l] Job opening: Senior UI Designer at Hotwire (SF, CA)
Dave Lafon
- [Sigia-l] Job posting Senior Information Architect San Francisco
Laura Hunter
- [Sigia-l] Job Posting: Seattle, WA
Amy Silvers
- [Sigia-l] JOB: IA at Blurb (San Francisco)
Chad Jennings
- [Sigia-l] JOB: Information Architect, Staples, Framingham, MA, USA - Contract
adamya ashk
- [Sigia-l] Joint PHICHI & AIGA Meeting, 9/14, 6pm, the Visual vs. the Usable - How do they cross paths?
Kyle Pero
- [Sigia-l] Kathleen E Ruggeri/Cleveland/RA/Rockwell is out of the office
Kathleen E Ruggeri
- [Sigia-l] Keyword Generation Tools
charlene mcbride
- [Sigia-l] Keyword Generation Tools
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Keyword Generation Tools
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Keyword Generation Tools
- [Sigia-l] Looking for IA Opportunities
Tonia M. Bartz
- [Sigia-l] Metadata & search workshop
Jean Graef
- [Sigia-l] Nathan Hall is out of the office.
nathan.hall at
- [Sigia-l] need to some IA pictures
ehsan mohammadi
- [Sigia-l] New personas book
Steve Mulder
- [Sigia-l] NYC IA Meetup, this Wed., 8/16
Anders Ramsay
- [Sigia-l] Opportunity (MA): Metadata Quality Coordinator
Paula Maloney
- [Sigia-l] Oz-IA/2006 -- programme update & registrations open
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Programmer Meet Designer
David (Heller) Malouf
- [Sigia-l] Recommended tool for documenting requirements?
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Recommended tool for documenting requirements?
tputkey at
- [Sigia-l] Registration open for EuroIA 2006
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Reminder and Parking Information: Canberra IA Cocktail Hour 03 August 2006
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] Reminder: Designing for Interaction Book Party TONIGHT in DC
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] REMINDER: PHICHI Meeting, 8/18, 6pm, Remote UX Tools - Ethnio & MindCanvas!
Kyle Pero
- [Sigia-l] Request for anecdotes: using UCD + Agile process
Brian O'Neill
- [Sigia-l] Request for anecdotes: using UCD + Agile process
Adrian Howard
- [Sigia-l] Right align labels
- [Sigia-l] Rosenfeld/Krug seminars in DC, Chicago, Seattle
Lorelei Brown
- [Sigia-l] Seeking examples: multiple select/search widgets
Brian Ghidinelli
- [Sigia-l] Senior Information Architect position -, San Francisco
Subir Kumedan
- [Sigia-l] Shmooze with Lou and Steve in Chicago [Kaz Bar, Sept. 14th @ 5:30pm]
Todd Levy
- [Sigia-l] should I violate a usability principle?
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] should I violate a usability principle?
tOM Trottier
- [Sigia-l] should I violate a usability principle?
Charles Zicari
- [Sigia-l] should I violate a usability principle?
Maynard, Robert
- [Sigia-l] should I violate a usability principle?
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Spanish Usability Moderator
Mike Towber
- [Sigia-l] summary responses to violating a usability principle issue
Christopher Hadden
- [Sigia-l] summary responses to violating a usability principle issue
- [Sigia-l] summary responses to violating a usability principle issue
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
Katie Ware
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
tOM Trottier
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
John Benjamin
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
Christopher Fahey
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Summer Reading - User Behavior Drove Phone Design
John Benjamin
- [Sigia-l] The Blessing of Stupidity (was Re: Ajax vs. $$$
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
andrew at
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mentalmodelsoutside of the Web
Gent, Andrew
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mentalmodelsoutside of the Web
tOM Trottier
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mentalmodelsoutside of the Web
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Gent, Andrew
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Alexander Johannesen
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental models outside of the Web
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] The planetary classification conundrum... mental modelsoutside of the Web
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Twin Cities IA Meetup this Saturday Aug 12
Samantha Bailey
- [Sigia-l] User Experience positions available at Avenue A | Razorfish!
Jennifer Boral
- [Sigia-l] User Experience postions available at Avenue A | Razorfish!
Jennifer Boral
- [Sigia-l] Web architect position at CloudRaker, Montreal (QC, Canada)
Sylvie Lachize
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools
Clifton Kussmaul
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (wasRE:IntelligentsignsatMicrosof t)
Jonathan Baker-Bates
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (wasRE:IntelligentsignsatMicrosof t)
Jonathan Baker-Bates
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:IntelligentsignsatMicrosof t)
Jonathan Baker-Bates
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:IntelligentsignsatMicrosof t)
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:IntelligentsignsatMicrosof t)
Scott McDowell
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:Intelligentsigns atMicrosof t)
David Carruthers
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:Intelligentsigns atMicrosof t)
Laurie Gray
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:Intelligentsigns atMicrosof t)
Fred Beecher
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (was RE:Intelligentsigns atMicrosof t)
- [Sigia-l] Wireframe/Prototyping tools (wasRE:IntelligentsignsatMicrosof t)
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Workshop plug: Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices (Sydney)
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Workshop plug: Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices (Sydney)
Donna Maurer
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Lee Hsieh
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Jared M. Spool
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Jay Linden
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Dan Saffer
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Brad Lauster
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Skot Nelson
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Eric Reiss
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Jay Linden
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
John Benjamin
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Muntone, Jim
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] Your take on MySpace
Jay Linden
Last message date:
Thu Aug 31 23:01:16 EDT 2006
Archived on: Tue Dec 6 21:16:28 EST 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).