Rankings of Universities and Research Centers

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro.aguillo at CCHS.CSIC.ES
Wed Aug 27 07:16:04 EDT 2014

The new editions of the Rankings Web of Universities (now in its 11th 
year) and Research Centers have been published with data collected 
during July 2014. The rankings consist now of close to 22000 Higher 
Education Institutions and 8000 Research Centers with their own 
independent web presence.


Ranking is built combining the following variables: Web presence, 
including general information, structure and organization, governance 
and transparency related documents, learning supporting items, 
technology transfer or community engagement among other webpages; 
Visibility, a virtual referendum about the global impact of such web 
contents; Openness, the commitment of the University to the open access 
initiatives through its institutional repository, portal of academic 
journals and availability of the full texts papers in the personal pages 
of their authors and Excellence, the number of highly cited papers (top 
10% most cited) in 21 disciplines by is faculty members.

In the current edition the top ranked universities are:

1.    Harvard University
2.    MIT
3.    Stanford University
4.    Cornell University
5.    University of Michigan
6.    University of California Berkeley
7=   Columbia University
8=   University of Washington
9.    University of Minnesota
10.  University of Pennsylvania

Countries with Universities in the Top Hundred

USA                    66
Canada                 7
UK                         4
Germany              3
China                    3
Japan                    2
Switzerland         2
Netherlands        1
Australia              1
Italy                      1
South Korea        1
Taiwan                 1
Belgium               1
Hong Kong          1
Brazil                    1
Austria                 1
Czech Republic    1
Singapore            1
Mexico                 1

The Top Ranked in Region are:

USA                            Harvard
Canada                       Toronto
Latin America            Sao Paulo
Caribbean                  University of the West Indies
Europe                        Oxford
Russia                         Lomonosov MSU
Africa                          University of Cape Town
Asia                            Seoul National University
China                          Peking
Japan                          Tokyo
South Asia                 IIT Bombay
Southeast Asia          National University of Singapore
Middle East               Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Arab World                King Saud University
Oceania                      Melbourne
BRICS                          Sao Paulo


Isidro F. Aguillo, HonDr.
The Cybermetrics Lab, IPP-CSIC
Grupo Scimago
Madrid. SPAIN

isidro.aguillo at csic.es
ORCID 0000-0001-8927-4873
ResearcherID: A-7280-2008
Scholar Citations SaCSbeoAAAAJ
Twitter @isidroaguillo
Rankings Web webometrics.info

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