1st Call for Papers: ISI 2015 (14th International Symposium of Information Science), May 19 - 21, 2015, Zadar, Croatia

Schloegl, Christian (christian.schloegl@uni-graz.at) christian.schloegl at UNI-GRAZ.AT
Sat Aug 23 02:46:28 EDT 2014

Dear colleague,

With this email we would like to invite you to contribute to the 14th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2015). 

ISI 2015 is a biannual gathering of scholars, researchers and students from information science from Europe and beyond who share a common interest in critical information issues in contemporary society. The conference series originated in the German-language information science community but has become more and more international in recent years. This time, ISI 2015 will take place in Zadar, Croatia, from May 19 - 21, 2015 and will be co-organized by the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Zadar and the German Academic Association for Information Science (Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft e. V.), in association with the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Below and at www.isi2015.eu please find more detailed information about the conference. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward your contribution.

With kind regards,
Franjo Pehar (head of organisation committee) & Christian Schloegl (head of programme committee)

--------------------- ISI 2015: CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS ---------------------


DATE AND LOCATION: May 19 - 21, 2015 at the University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia

German Academic Association for Information Science (Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft e. V.) and
Department of Information Sciences at the University of Zadar 
in association with the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)

“Re:inventing Information Science in the Networked Society”

ISI 2015 takes place at a time of ongoing changes in today's networked society. Recent Internet developments have made it possible to access ever rising amounts of data and efficient analysis tools empower users to identify patterns which extend their human mind. Easy-to-use web services also allow users to be producers of information, a development which is subsumed under the term social web. Social tagging systems, for instance, provide users with the opportunity to perform activities which were primarily associated with librarians and information specialists before. Furthermore, science makes extensive use of collaboration, information sharing and information distribution which are available through network technologies (big data). Finally, Digital Humanities has emerged as a new research domain in recent years. These changes have a strong effect on both information science and prac¬tice which are to be discussed at ISI 2015.
Particularly desirable are papers that deal with the following topics, although contributions covering other subjects in the wider field of information science and neighbouring disciplines are welcome as well:

1. Information Science - Interdisciplinary Aspects and Cross-disciplinary Fertilization
    - Information Science: so broad - so small!
    - Information science vs. Web science
    - Digital humanities research across disciplines and cultures
    - LIS schools and digital humanities syllabi - convergence issues in information science education

2. Information Science in Today's Networked Society
    - Changing face of information science professions
    - Digital Collections and Connections
    - Changing Users

3. Information Science and “Big Society”
    - Information science vs. data science
    - Semantic data meets big data
    - Information retrieval, information discovery, visualizing and mapping tools and approaches
    - Privacy concerns - the “vitreous user”
    - Danger of “information monopolies” - the winner takes it all?
    - New required competencies of information specialists

4. Changes in Scholarly Communication
    - Everything open: access, data, reviewing
    - New forms of scholarly publishing: blogs, tweets, wikis, crowdsourcing
    - Use of social media in scholarly communication: social reference management systems, social networking cites, etc.
    - Altmetrics (readership/bookmarks, mentions, likes, etc.) as alternatives to citations in research evaluation?

5. Decolonizing description: critical approaches and innovations 
    - Description in liminal spaces: subverting systems to liberate description
    - Moving across diverse standards
    - Archives, libraries, museums integration through metadata
    - Decolonising international/national standards 
    - Social tagging and participative metadata practices: alternative and/or welcomed practices and their impact on catalogue/finding aids (authority, trust, authenticity)

Submissions can be made in the following forms: 
  (1) Long papers (max. 12 pages) 
  (2) Short papers (max. 5 pages) 
  (3) Posters (max. 2 pages) 
  (4) Panel suggestions (max. 2 pages, incl. naming of a panel chair, participants and a topic plan) 
  (5) Student presentations
  (6) Doctoral thesis presentations
Besides these submission options, there is a special call for the Gerhard Lustig Master Thesis Award.

Contributions must be submitted in English and be original work. Proposed submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the programme committee. 
Format guidelines for all types of submissions are available at www.isi2015.eu  
Deadline for submissions: January 10, 2015 
Notification of acceptance: beginning of February 2015
Deadline for the submission of revised manuscripts: February 28, 2015
All submissions must be made online at www.isi2015.eu
All accepted contributions will be published in a proceedings in print and made available online in digital repositories.

On May 18, 2015, there will be two pre-conference workshops on:
(1) Digital Humanities and the technologies of the semantic web organized by Gordon Dunsire (consultant, Edinburgh, UK), Mirna Willer and Marijana Tomic (University of Zadar, Croatia), and  Manuel Burghardt (University of Regensburg, Germany)
(2) Decolonizing description: critical approaches and innovations organized by Anne J. Gilliland (University of California at Los Angeles), Mirna Willer and Marijana Tomic (University of Zadar, Croatia)
After ISI 2015, a workshop will be held by ASIS&T European Chapter in Osijek on May 22nd - 23rd, Bus transfer from Zadar to Osijek will be organised after the end of the conference.

For further information concerning the different submission types, please have a look at the conference homepage at www.isi2015.eu 

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