July 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jul 1 19:51:37 EDT 2003
Ending: Thu Jul 31 23:54:51 EDT 2003
Messages: 316
- [Sigia-l] Meandra - San Francisco Design Museum
Hooman Anvar
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
David R. Austen
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
David R. Austen
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
David R. Austen
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #600 - 17 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #601 - 19 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #602 - 12 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #603 - 1 msg
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #604 - 2 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #605 - 20 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #606 - 9 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #607 - 16 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #608 - 17 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #609 - 14 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #610 - 27 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #611 - 9 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #612 - 12 msgs
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Scott Berkun
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes
Peter Boersma
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
Bill Brown
- [Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag - STOP THE MADNESS
Lorelei Brown
- [Sigia-l] AusSI NSW indexing conference
Webindexing - Jon Jermey and Glenda Browne
- [Sigia-l] Content Management Tools -- Good Examples?
Tom Burke
- [Sigia-l] Content Management Tools -- Good Examples?
Tom Burke
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
- [Sigia-l] statistics on ecommerce search results
Chung, Hedahne
- [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #612 - 12 msgs
Mike Combs
- [Sigia-l] Remote Cardsorting
Christine Connors
- [Sigia-l] List order
Stewart Dean
- [Sigia-l] touchscreens: uid standards
Holger Deist
- [Sigia-l] Craig Duncan is out of the office.
Craig Duncan
- [Sigia-l] Craig Duncan is out of the office.
Craig Duncan
- [Sigia-l] Re: PDF: 99% bad
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Karl Fast
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Paul Ford
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Donna M. Fritzsche
- [Sigia-l] New England: Free Accessibility Breakfast at Northeastern University
P.J. Gardner
- [Sigia-l] Technical Architect Needed
Gill, Harold B. CONT (NALC SSG)
- [Sigia-l] IA Role Available in PA
Handler, Glenn
- [Sigia-l] IA Role Available in PA
Handler, Glenn
- [Sigia-l] Another Role Available
Handler, Glenn
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
Hankinson, Jody
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Holly Hanna
- [Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
Jon Hanna
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
David Heller
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Anthony Hempell
- [Sigia-l] ASIST Classification Research Workshop
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Contract Position: IA, New York City
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] DATES for IA Summit, 2004
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] ASIST Classification Research Workshop
Richard Hill
- [Admin] RE: [Sigia-l] Re: Sigia-l digest, Vol 1 #612 - 12 msgs
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] clear signals
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] Test - please discard
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] [ADMIN] Mail Problems
Richard Hill
- [Sigia-l] The new JJG diagram
Cindy Hoffa
- [Sigia-l] The new JJG diagram
Cynthia Hoffa
- [Sigia-l] remote card sort studies
Janice James
- [Sigia-l] Contract Interaction Design Position with Bank of America
Jenkin, Graham A
- [Sigia-l] [summary] Questions to ask an IA job candidate
Francois Jordaan
- [Sigia-l] a little Jakob Nielsen humor for the 4th
Amy Kahn
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
Andrew Knott
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Martin Langhoff
- [Sigia-l] Package question
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;BB38E011.16ABE%listera at rcn.com>
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Sean Lawrence
- [Sigia-l] contract position: user researcher
Kathy LeMunyon
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
Beau Lebens
- [Sigia-l] handling transitions to new site architectures?
Beau Lebens
- [Sigia-l] IA Meetup
Beau Lebens
- [Sigia-l] NYC-CHI presents Steve Krug, 08/27/03
Fleur Levitz
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Re: notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Help with Large Result Set as a Tree View
- [Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
- [Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
- [Sigia-l] Help with Large Result Set as a Tree View
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
- [Sigia-l] Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
- [Sigia-l] Findability
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes
- [Sigia-l] Profiling
- [Sigia-l] Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!
- [Sigia-l] List order
- [Sigia-l] Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!
- [Sigia-l] Beyond Chargeback: Accountable Consulting
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
Victor Lombardi
- [Sigia-l] RE: Beyond Chargeback: Accountable Consulting
Victor Lombardi
- [Sigia-l] Rumsfeld speaks out for UCD!?
Lord, Ralph
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
Bill Lovett
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
Katherine Marshak
- [Sigia-l] Last CFP: STC, May 9-12, Baltimore, MD
Beth Mazur
- [Sigia-l] ISO volunteers for a new information design initiative
Beth Mazur
- [Sigia-l] regarding mental model diagramming and gap analysis
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Beyond Chargeback: Accountable Consulting
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Beyond Chargeback: Accountable Consulting
Peter Merholz
- [Sigia-l] Dreaming of a career in IA: Any advice welcome!
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] International IA
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was:VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Peter Morville
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;BB38E011.16ABE%listera at rcn.com>
Patrick Neeman
- [Sigia-l] Remote Cardsorting
Mabel Ney
- [Sigia-l] handling transitions to new site architectures?
M.G. Noriega
- [Sigia-l] Going from GUI to Browser-Based
Deb.Reiser at NuEdgeSystems.com
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
Deb.Reiser at NuEdgeSystems.com
- [Sigia-l] Help with Large Result Set as a Tree View
O'Brien, Corey (US - Austin)
- [Sigia-l] Help with Large Result Set as a Tree View
O'Brien, Corey (US - Austin)
- [Sigia-l] Help with Large Result Set as a Tree View
O'Brien, Corey (US - Austin)
- [Sigia-l] List order
Andrew Otwell
- [Sigia-l] How the Perception of Variety Influences Consumption
Ziya Oz
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
Silverio Petruzzellis
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was:VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] List order
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] List order
Dr. Marios Pittas
- [Sigia-l] Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
Whitney Quesenbery
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] regarding mental model diagramming and gap analysis
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] JJG + A Brand New Bag
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Re: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was:VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web SystemsPrototypes
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] clear signals
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] List order
Derek R
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
Todd R.Warfel
- [Sigia-l] Remote Cardsorting
Matthew Rehkopf
- [Sigia-l] Objectivity of Design Decisions
Matthew Rehkopf
- [Sigia-l] Contract IA Position: Calgary, Alberta
Dave Robertson
- [Sigia-l] Facets to describe IA
Luca Rosati
- [Sigia-l] An Italian word for Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
Luca Rosati
- [Sigia-l] Polish IA
Marcin Roszkowski
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] handling transitions to new site architectures?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] metadata redux
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] handling transitions to new site architectures?
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
Eric Scheid
- [Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
Josephine Scott
- [Sigia-l] Nielsen Chides White House: Email Muddled
Scott, Josephine
- [Sigia-l] Full Time Employment -- NYC -- Senior Information Architect --Fry , Inc.
Carl Smith
- [Sigia-l] The new JJG diagram
Gene Smith
- [Sigia-l] The new JJG diagram
Gene Smith
- [Sigia-l] List order
Joe Sokohl
- [Sigia-l] Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!
Benjamin Speaks
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Steven L. MacCall, Ph.D.
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Steven L. MacCall, Ph.D.
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
Joe Tennis
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;BB38E011.16ABE%listera at rcn.com>
Christopher Tubb
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
Christopher Tubb
- [Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag
Cynthia_Hoffa at VANGUARD.COM
- [Sigia-l] using intranet to sell personal items
Peter VanDijck
- [Sigia-l] Not quite non-Anglo...
Stéphane Volet
- [Sigia-l] NYC: .NET & UI 13 Aug 03
Scott Weiss
- [Sigia-l] Projects that fail because of politics
Dan Wendling
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
Ben Whalley
- [Sigia-l] Dreaming of a career in IA: Any advice welcome!
Noreen Whysel
- [Sigia-l] GIS and IA (was Dreaming of a career in IA)
Noreen Whysel
- [Sigia-l] using intranet to sell personal items
Noreen Whysel
- [Sigia-l] International IA
Noreen Whysel
- [Sigia-l] Not quite non-Anglo...
Richard Wiggins
- [Sigia-l] handling transitions to new site architectures?
Richard Wiggins
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Simon Wistow
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Super Busy IAs?
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Going from Windows GUI to Browser-Based GUI
Christopher Fahey [askrom]
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] Applying Information Foraging Models
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] JJG + A Brand New Bag
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] Useful tools
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
SCoon at ameritrade.com
- [Sigia-l] Findability
frank.shepard at att.net
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
- [Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag
Lyle_Kantrovich at cargill.com
- [Sigia-l] Re: PDF: 99% bad
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
Thomas.Donehower at eurorscg.com
- [Sigia-l] Findability
chick foxgrover
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Re: notification schema?
- [Sigia-l] Re: Redundant information and content
- [Sigia-l] List Usability?
- [Sigia-l] List order
- [Sigia-l] IA Position in Detroit, Michigan
Amy.Barnes at jwt.com
- [Sigia-l] Survey for Webmasters: Please respond!
- [Sigia-l] site maps and site indexes
abe lincoln
- [Sigia-l] Remote Cardsorting
donna at maadmob.net
- [Sigia-l] Redundant information and content
donna at maadmob.net
- [Sigia-l] handling transitions to new site architectures?
donna at maadmob.net
- [Sigia-l] FW: Understanding Business Impacts of Web Systems Prototypes
donna at maadmob.net
- [Sigia-l] corp product page vs news site
lchan at mywhine.com
- [Sigia-l] a little Jakob Nielsen humor for the 4th
infoarchitect at ourbrisbane.com
- [Sigia-l] Action figures for IAs
infoarchitect at ourbrisbane.com
- [Sigia-l] Job Posting: Business Analyst/Usability Consultant - St. Louis, MO
Charlotte.Schwendeman at perficient.com
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
prai at prady.com
- [Sigia-l] JJG + A Brand New Bag
prai at prady.com
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
prai at prady.com
- [Sigia-l] Re: 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing
prai at prady.com
- [Sigia-l] 'Process+Tools+Guidelines' to do the right thing!
prai at prady.com
- [Sigia-l] regarding mental model diagramming and gap analysis
Shaambavi shiva
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive la France! Vive Napoleon!!)
fabrizio ulisse
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was:VivelaFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
fabrizio ulisse
- [Sigia-l] Notification schema?
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] PDF: 99% bad
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)
fabrizio (biccio) ulisse
- [Sigia-l] using intranet to sell personal items
MJJAIXEN at up.com
- [Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant
David_Fiorito at vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] Findability
Richard_Dalton at vanguard.com
- [Sigia-l] Job posting
Susan.E.Hensley at wellsfargo.com
- [Sigia-l] Job posting
Susan.E.Hensley at wellsfargo.com
- [Sigia-l] job posting addenda - SF
Susan.E.Hensley at wellsfargo.com
- [Sigia-l] RE: Beyond Chargeback: Accountable Consulting
alex wright
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 23:54:51 EDT 2003
Archived on: Tue Dec 6 21:15:38 EST 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).